Archivo: DNA chemical structure es-2008-08-01
Descripción: Chemical structure of DNA, with colored label identifying the four bases as well as the phosphate and deoxyribose components of the backbone. Structure created with Chemtool, exported to SVG, then further edited with Inkscape. Originally uploaded by Madprime here. Translated into Spanish by Miguelsierra. Descriptions of the backbone colors corrected by User:jfreyreg
Título: DNA chemical structure es-2008-08-01
Créditos: DNA_chemical_structure_es.svg
Autor(a): derivative work: Jfreyreg (talk) DNA_chemical_structure_es.svg: Miguelsierra
Términos de Uso: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Licencia: CC BY-SA 3.0
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