07 August 2012

thank you

when we used to be so close. we trust so much and we shared everything. and it goooooonnnnnnnnneeeeee. thanx for the awkwardness. never thought it will happen to us.

sorry for being a shitty-friend.

*crawling back to the cave*

11 June 2012

my first time

dari kecik.. aku tau aku duk di dalam negara yg berbilang kaum.. bagi aku kaum di Malaysia buka hanya terbahagi kepada 3 shj (Melayu, Cina, India) tp ade Punjab, ade Chindian, ade Iban, Bidayuh, Kadazan, ade Serani etc etc. Sebab mase kecik lagi aku dah terdedah ngan kaum2 yg lain ni. mase in primary school ade sorg Indian girl yg sgt pandai. Dah la pandai kira-kira, muzik pun pandai, English lagi la kan. Bahasa Malaysia (time tu pnggil BM-Bahasa Malaysia) pun pandai. kire tip top la die ni. Sampai darjah 6 die nye UPSR mmg straight As. Of course la kan.

Mase tu semua berebut nk masuk MRSM. Kawan aku yg dpt 3As pon dpt masuk. Ade sorg Punjab girl ni pun dpt masuk eventho result biase2 je. Tapi this brilliant Indian girl xdpt. sedih kan? aku jgn tanye la mmg xkn dpt. eventho aku dpt 4As jugak. sbbnye? sbbnye aku bukan anak polis. And that Indian girl bukan Melayu. tp Punjab girl tu dpt? sbb bapak die polis. See? kami yg baru berumur 12 thn dh terasa discrimination yg diatur pihak2 kerajaan time tu. Race discrimination pastu diskriminasi pekerjaan ibubapa. xbaik kot.

And from that moment, aku terasa mcm satu ketidakadilan tp mase tu budak2 lagi. Nak masuk secondary school kan.. byk lagi bende yg nk dipikirkan drpd pikir yg terlalu jauh bg budak berumur 12 thn. for e.g. nk pakai beg ape, nk gi sekolah cemane, nk kawan ngan sape bla bla bla shit.

Bile dah masuk TIKL pon same gak. Non-malay boleh kire gune jari. PMR dorg gempak2 dr aku tp xdpt masuk sekolah2 top. TIKL time tu biase2 je ngetop die. skrg dgr cite top la.. tapi mcm sabun basuh Top.. keh keh keh.. dorg ckp ade quota.. hahah.. mak oi! yelah.. kot xde quota kang mmg penuh ngan non-malay je lak kan? tu yg pelik tu.. kalau xde quota gak nnt penuh ngan perempuan je kan? or lelaki? or mane2 je lah..

quota ape ni? discrimination? of what? gender? race? ni kan educational institute.. so sape yg pandai die la dpt masuk.. kalau aku xdpt masuk SBP sbb aku ni bodoh piang aku leh terima k.. sbb ko bodoh xmo usaha keras belajar sampai dpt straight As.. PMR pon dpt 6As je.. so ptt ko lepak sekolah biasa je la kan? tp kalau xdpt masuk sebab ko Cina? sebab ko India? wahhhhhhh! marahnye saye!!

so nak dijadikan cite.. that Indian girl yg genius tu stay kat sekolah lame aku (we went to same school after UPSR).. die stay sampai SPM.. pas SPM same2 dpt UTM.. walaupun aku nye result cam cukup2 napas je.. die straight As la as usual.. sebab pe aku dpt? sebab aku Melayu.. n die pon dpt sebab die over genius non-malay.. the cream of the milk.. so kalau ko non-malay n dpt result sama cam aku? sorry la nk dpt masuk IPTA top2 ni.. hahaha! member aku sorg ni.. non-malay (indian girl.. asal aku suke kawan ngan dorg? tu esok2 aku cita la..) result spm same mcm aku.. tp kene amik diploma dulu.. sebab xlayak nk terus amik ijazah.. rase2nye die kutuk aku x? hahaha.. aku rase even kitorg kawan baik.. die tetap kutuk sebab asal lak aku same result ngan die tp aku leh masuk UTM die xleh? kan? n btw.. aku xgune ape2 kabel pon masuk UTM k.. aku isi borang sendiri.. pi matikan setem sendiri.. pos sendiri k.. (er.. mak aku tolong poskan..) ahhaha..

so bagi aku la.. nak nak issue race ni skrg dok hangat la diperkatakan kann.. mane tak non-malay bengang weh ngan malay? dok kate malay pemalas ape seme.. sebab kite ni asik dibantu.. asik benor la.. nak study dibantu.. nk keje dibantu.. nak sambung study balik dibantu.. nak beli rumah dibantu.. elok sebenarnye bantu membantu ni.. cume kalau dipeluaskan lagi kepada semua kaum di Malaysia ni.. aku rase LAGI elok.. n semangat perkauman xkan wujud.. sebab seme samarata.. kan? haha.. itu pendapat aku la..

tapi yg kelakar skrg ni.. politik yg nk memartabatkan Melayu.. yg duk sebuk HIDUP MELAYU! tetibe terjerit2 HIDUP 1Malaysia! why? why now? nape mase dorg nk study.. nk sambung belajar kt tempat yg bagus ko menidakkan hak dorg? apekah dorg xde hak? even dorg lahir di Malaysia.. mak bapak org Malaysia? xde hak? kesian dowh buat org camni.. pada pendapat aku la.. ni seme propaganda politik.. mmg  MCA and MIC tu dah lame.. tp still.. nape education tu xfair? asal ade quota?

skrg ni tgh musim2 propaganda komfem2 la issue quota ni dah xde.. kot? i dunt know.. heheheh.. tp kalau lah dr zaman dulu lagi dah xde.. aku rase Malaysia can be one happy country kan? kite xkn maki kaum lain.. 'Ala Cina kan.. biase la dorg' or 'itu Melayu makan suap je.. suh keje malas' kan? kite maki kalau manusia tu buat pangai yg teruk je.. kan? xkesah ko melayu ka, cina ka, india ka, kadazan ka, bidayuh ka, serani ka, baba nyonya kan, kalau salah tetap kene maki.. ni skrg kalau melayu salah, komfem melayu backing baik punye.. some of them la.. sbb nowadays aku tau.. ramai yg open-minded.. n have more humanity sense..

ade sorg kawan aku balas ckp aku bile aku shoot issue Bersih kat die.. die ckp 'nk ke kalau PM kite non-malay, non-muslim?' hah.. bab agama plak.. bagi aku la.. pemimpin yg bagus diangkat.. pemimpin yg teruk direjam.. hehehe.. kalau die non-malay or non-muslim.. tp die jaga kebajikan rakyat die mcm die jaga kebajikan family die.. die respect rakyat die.. fahami kehendak rakyat yg berbilang kaum, berbilang budaya dan berbilang agama.. insya-Allah.. die pemimpin yg diangkat.. manakala kalau dia adalah pemimpin Melayu dan muslim tp selfish dan memperbodohkan rakyat? racist lagi.. itu pemimpin yg ptt la di.. ops.. tau2 je la.. (kot la kang kene dakwa atas akta yg sewel tu kan..) huhuhu.. skrg ni People's Power la.. PM tu ptt bekerja utk kebajikan kite.. die ptt plan.. ptt organize.. semua utk kebaikan negara.. bukan kebaikan perut die or anak bini die je.. tu dh salah.. so kalau die xleh nk menunaikan tanggungjawab as good leader.. maybe kite ptt pilih org lain yg boleh.. kan?

haha.. mcm2 dah skrg ni.. aku dr 2004 dah register mengundi tp xde kesempatan mengundi lagi.. sebab  xlayak lagi katenye.. lmbt sgt daftar.. huhuhu.. tp yg ke 13 ni.. mmg aku akan jalankan tanggungjawab aku la.. no worry.. watpe pung pang tp ko xmengundi? jgn buang air liur byk2 k.. lgpun dh penat dgn pung pang pung pang yg penuh keji dan racist.. ohh.. meluat dah.. ni pon first time aku pung pang pasal my opinion on politic dlm blog ni.. selalu pung pang kat Yahoo Malaysia, FB n blog2 org lain je.. keh keh.. tp my first time will be the best time la.. heheh.. btw.. aku faham resmi manusia.. dilahirkan berbeza2.. pemahaman.. peranan.. pendidikan.. akal dan kebolehan.. so aku faham sgt if ade org yg tak setuju ngan ape yg aku tulis.. aku tade hal.. hehehe.. wekk!

xsabar nk mengundi buat pertama kali.. :)

31 May 2012

saden TLC

yep yep.. blog ni mmg tempat aku untuk lepaskan rase geram n sakit hati.. kalau happy2 haram la nk tulis kt sini kan.. eh jap.. ade ke happy2 lately? hurm.. jappp.. jappp.. ehh.. xde kot.. kah kah kah!

so mmg aku tgh geram.. n sakit hati.. tp normal la.. hidup kalau sorg2 pon ko leh sakit hati tetibe.. ni kan plakk.. ohokk.. terbatuk jap.. mmg diakui mcm2 jadi lately.. jap naik jap turun.. bile naik tu mmg mencanak je.. same impak bile ia turun.. keh keh.. whadehel.. life is like this yall..

tp xpe geram2 ni moga2 kejap je la.. kang lelame kang ade yg meroyan plak.. aku le tu.. sbb pihak lagi satu jenis xde perasaan.. so bile org yg penuh emosi dan perasaan konfrontasi sama org yg buat muke ikan saden mmg mencabar iman dan akal.. huhuhu..

xpe la.. sesaden2 pon tetap menjadi pojaan hati ku ini.. nak nak kalu saden TLC.. nyumm.. huhuhu.. beli kat speedmart 99 hanya rm2.20 utk tin besar.. eh tetibe iklan plak.. hehehe.. so plg kuat pon tanye n tanye.. tp tanye byk2 mmg menambahkan saket jiwa.. so last2 on laptop main game.. selesai.. encik saden pon dh tido dh ni.. huhu..

so tinggal la i si emo-girl bermain ngan perasaan.. ha ni la masalah kalau imagination level 9000.. seme pon ko imagine.. seme pon nk sendu sendu.. i mensampah betul jd org emo ni.. abg saden rilek je tido i plak nk sendu.. eh boring.. drpd aku sendu baik aku buat bende lain.. seperti menidurkan diri ngan costume paling hawt ke.. or ape2 lah.. kah kah!

tp abg saden i kalau dh tido mintak maap la nk terjaga2.. okla.. drpd aku continue menaip nama saden byk2 kali n di kala in future nnt die baca plak blog ni (which is impossibru.. n anganan ku yg begitu kuat..) kang dah nk kene minta maap tiap kali nk makan saden TLC.. huhu.. so ade baiknye aku stop..

okla.. dah la.. nk emo2 pon buat pe.. chawdious!

15 May 2012

kecil impak besar

i've decided to hit the bed like 15 mins ago.. but i just cant sleep.. so i took my phone.. view some pictures.. dolly.. mooks.. fauzaan tgh tido.. aiddil main keta.. safiyyah br bgn tido n aeen kembungkan pipi.. tetibe mata berair.. hati sebak je.. rindu kot.. hehehe..

malam tadi mimpi.. aiddil duk kat riba baca ABC.. tanye die dh mkn ke belum.. asik ABC ABC.. bagus la.. nnt kt sekolah tu best student la die.. heheh.. then terus terjaga.. terus sebak.. haha.. penangan budak kecik.. besar..

almost 3 weeks xjumpe anak2 buah.. rindu lain mcm.. maybe sebab jiwa tgh kacau bilau.. selalu pi rumah sane.. tp depa xde.. lepak tgk tv je la.. tp pasni dh xmcm dulu kot..

hati ni pendam beribu2 perasaan.. sabar adalah perasaan yg kaver all the other feelings i have now.. sabar3.. kdg2 terlepas jugak.. tp masih waras.. sabar3.. time2 camni.. mcm2 terlintas dlm kepala.. sampai bile? ujian ke ni? ke petunjuk? boleh ke? betul ke? ape2 pon soklan.. jawapan buat mase ni.. sabarkan dulu..

so drpd pk mcm2.. layan pics cinonet2 tu.. hmm.. kalau lah ade sendiri.. hehehe.. xtau la sampai bile baru nk terlelap.. hmm.. xpe.. layan jer..

12 May 2012

got problem?

problems are everywhere.. right? or anyone can tell me 1 place where there is no single problem ever occur.. tell me kalau ade lah.. takde kan? hehe.. so entry ni bukan nk cite pasal problem aku.. tp cite on how nk handle problem..

pada mule.. the way i face problem is simply go berserk about it.. tapi lame2 cam x solve pon problem tu.. in fact create more problem ade la.. huhu.. mmg tgh serabut.. tp last2 aku wat bodoh je problem ni.. bukan nk lari.. cume nk get-away kejap before aku jadi betul2 gile.. hoho..

problem problem.. asal la menyusahkan sgt? huhu..

04 May 2012

life touched this heart again..

as a married woman.. the feeling to carry a life in my womb is the most expected feeling ever.. no doubt that i want to have a child of my own.. after 2 years of marriage.. no sign of im getting pregnant.. its ok.. i never had the feeling that i am a failure.. a loser of what-so-ever as i am a very positive human being about this matter.. im ok with it.. as some might crying all night.. stress out their life.. but im ok..

as i always plastered in my mind that its not in my power to make sure i got pregnant.. its God's power.. all i can do is try and try.. but at some point.. i just stop trying and just enjoy the life.. i dont want to push myself so hard and at the end my heart breaks whenever i saw spot of blood stained my undergarment..

so i live the life.. i enjoy living.. (not so enjoyable 2-3 months ago) but anyway.. out of sudden.. tonight.. my mind wandering.. what if i die tomorrow.. i have no son or daughter to continue this blood.. i will never have the experience giving birth.. no one will call me mummy.. this tits will never be full of milk.. n the sad part.. no one will pray for me.. or misses me.. (except my husband) but this is in the perspective of mother-children relationships.. i know very well that my husband is gonna be crazy for 4-5 months if i die.. or less? haha.. i dont know.. how should i know?

the thought of all my sisters-in law have the experience 'berpantang' with my mom.. but.. i never did? all my brothers gave my mom and dad grandchildren and i never did..

my mind went a bit over the edge tonite.. i memorized the way Aiddil (my nephew) hugged me.. he was running toward me and scream 'Cik Yong'.. it can be my kid u know.. screaming 'Mummy!'.. i only play with him whenever im around at my mom's house.. i can do better if i had kid.. 24-7.. i can play with them.. teach them ABC and 123..  bathe them.. feed them.. put them to bed.. bed time stories.. my Opah chu style.. buy them good toys.. good clothes.. i just wish..

but hey.. i said if only i die tomorrow.. no one know when they will die.. i hope im not dying soon.. for those who wanted kid but still no luck.. hey.. dont stress urself up.. work on it.. and at the same time.. enjoy life.. for those who already has kids and u felt very tired to deal with ur kids.. read this entry again..

well thought im the most positive human being ya? guess what.. i thought wrong.. im only human.. hmm.. i better off now.. or else laptop will get short-circuited..

20 April 2012

Spirit of The Coin

tadi baca blog Kak Di.. cite pasal spirit of the coins.. dulu mase kat TI kitorg penah gak la wak keje bongok ni.. mase tu aku ingat lagi.. time tunggu Cikgu Mokhtar masuk.. lepas recess kot.. member meja sebelah aku tetibe tunjuk kertas ade tulis huruf and nombor.. aku tanye ape bende.. die ckp spirit of the coin..

aku yg innocent ni mmg xpernah dgr.. lepas die explain rase cam.. biar betol.. komfem ke bergerak coin tu? so ape kate kite cube? hahaha! mase tu aku yg aku ingat aku.. ija (tokei coin) n mail (bukan nama sebenar) n lupe lah sape lagi yg join.. tp ade la 5 org main.. hmm.. grunge pon main.. irma pon..

masing2 sebuk nk letak jari kat coin.. ija pesan jgn lepas jari tu walau ape yg terjadi..  pastu mule la ija ni panggil2 spirit.. pastu tunggu 1-2 minit.. xde plak.. ija panggil lagi.. tetibe.. syiling bergerak ke 'YES' and semua yg main ni cam ternganga.. masing2 tuduh masing2 yg gerakkan.. mmg mase tu cam muke seme cam kelaka ok.. pastu ija tanye nama die.. terus die eja.. tak ingat la sarah ke farah.. tp pompan la.. pastu tanye cemane mati.. macam2 lagi la.. tp yg plg aku ingat.. ade sorg tanye sape boifren die.. spirit tu eja nama penuh mail.. lepas abes eja.. si mail ni terus tergamam n tekup mulut sebab shocked sgt.. pastu semua org pon jerit2 sebab die lepas jari die dr coin.. muke mamat ni dah cuak la.. die tanye ija ape jadi kalau terlepas dr pgg coin.. ija ckp nnt bende tu ikot ko balik dorm.. mamat ni lepas lagi jari n tekup mulut buat kali kedua.. mmg kelakar syial! muke mamat ni dh pucat..

pastu sebab mamat ni dah cuak n xmo main.. kitorg pon malas dh nk main.. ija ckp please go Home.. spirit tu gerak ke NO.. mapuh.. xmo blah plak.. muke mail ni mmg dh pucat.. hahaha! pastu tetibe cikgu Mokhtar masuk plakkk.. ape lagi.. masing2 cuak nk lepas..so aku cakap.. weh spirit.. GO HOME!!! terus gerak ke HOME.. terus seme lepas jari n continue class cam biase.. abes class mail dtg kat tmpt ija.. ckp cemane ni cemane ni.. kitorg pe lagi.. BACA YASSSIN LA weh!! hahaah!

sok pagi mase kelas tanye mail.. ade x awek dtg katil ko mlm td.. die sengih je.. aku tatau la kan ape yg jadi.. tp after that.. ija dah buang pon kertas huruf2 tu.. tp ade sorg awek kat kelas kitorang ni (less feveret) kitorg xajak main.. so die buat sendiri.. pastu die gi main kat dorm ngan junior2 mase tgh period.. siap guna darah la.. xpaham motif.. maybe tension sbb kene pulau kot.. pastu terus asrama perempuan kene kacau ngan bende2 pelik.. org minyak la.. pukau la.. haih.. main xyah serious sgt.. kitorg main buat bahan gelak tawa jer..

tu la alkisah cite spirit of the coin mase kitorg kat TI 1999-2000 sape dak TIKL tau la ape kes ni.. based on true story okeh! hehe.. lawak pon ade.. nanti bile ade mase aku cite part org minyak.. as ketua dorm M.. wa mmg penat kejar org minyak ni.. huhuhu.. ok.. cheerios!

08 April 2012


helluu.. yesterday was my Mom's 56th birthday.. i made marble bread pudding with vanilla sauce.. she likes it.. but she do asked for chicken pie.. hoho.. she like savoury more than sweet delicacies.. hoho.. now im at my mom's house.. im thinking about making the savoury pastries.. hmm.. anyway.. i love her so much.. more than i love myself i guess.. :)

yesterday was also Asfa's mom's birthday.. and today.. is Sue's mom's birthday :) Happy birthday Aunty Faridah and Aunty Mah!

may Allah bless us and everybody!

15 March 2012

kucin O kucin

ape kes pepagi buta time subuh pasang radio kuat2? nk solat xleh concentrate ok.. tak paham tol kalu neighbour xde civic cenggini.. huhu.. cemane nk buat eh? rimas.. nk kate non-muslim xjugak sbb kadang2 die bukak nasyid/ceramah agama all.. tp kuat2.. adakah anda pekak?

dolly (cat) aritu terjatuh dr tingkat 4.. nasib xde patah2.. tp muke die injured.. gelabah betol bile jadi camni.. ni dah 3 hari die kuar dr wad.. memule nk makan.. la ni die gigit2 food die pastu xmo dah.. risau2.. hmm.. bagi ubat pon susah.. sebab lelangit die pecah and doc dh jahit.. tu yg die xselesa.. khamis depan appointment lagi.. nk bukak benang.. hopefully pas bukak benang selera die naik la.. huhu.. doc ckp if die muntah2 br rush to vet blk.. mmg die susah nk makan at first.. tp lame2 ok.. ni dh terbalik.. memule ok je makan.. pastu xmo dh.. ubat lagi la susah nk bg.. siap hancurkan pil n bg pakai syringe.. tu pon payah sebab nk kene nganga kan die.. pastu die mengelupur la.. hubby mmg dh berbirat2 kene cakor.. huhu.. ape2 pon hope dolly akan ok n sihat2 selalu.. main nk pulak.. dasar..

tingkap kt mane die jatuh tu dah seal.. no more no more no more.. wooks ade gak panjat n ngiaw2 suh bukak tingkap.. sorry ye.. lesson learned.. and the damage mmg teruk k.. especially wallet damage.. huhuhu.. dolly so far trauma kot.. xde nk panjat2 dah.. hamek ko.. terjun lagi dr tingkat 4.. huhuhu.. tp ku rase die lost balance.. pastu gedebuk.. 3.5kg nye jatuh.. huhu.. dolly dolly.. nasib ko baik.. lives ko dah minus 1 dah.. huhu.. gigi die patah so skrg ni dok terjelir2.. sebab xselesa kot xde gigi.. huhuhu.. cian die..

okla.. nk bfast.. lapor lak..

14 March 2012


perbandingan mmg akan dilakukan.. everyone suke banding2 kan? antara drama melayu n drama english.. so far.. aku lagi suke drama english.. sebab drama melayu cam.. err.. tahapehape.. la ni tgh tgk cite GHAZ ni.. bored..

seksi nye minah ni? gi hospital pon lipstik merah2? skirt singkat2? sesuai sgt la tuuu.. omg.. pastu main violin xde gaya langsung.. actor n actress x wat research n study kot.. bored.. pastu manja2 ngan bapak die cam escort ngan pelanggan je.. eww..

haih.. belum cite pasal movie lagi.. tp so far aku kagum ngan cite kartun2 3D malaysia.. boleh tahan.. ade prospek! haha! drama? sorry lahh.. baik ku tgk cite cina.. huhuhu..

dah la.. dah azan.. jom solat maghrib dulu..