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Attention :

We need your help! Join a priority-based budget team today. Like many other districts, we are making substantial budget reductions for the 2025-26 school year. We are committed to a transparent process. Click here to volunteer for one of the priority-based budget teams that will meet on Feb. 11, 18, and 25.

District Committees

  • Activities

    Purpose: This advisory committee is made up of parents, teachers, students, and coaches as established by the Northfield School Board. This group may meet additional times each school year to discuss issues relating to the activities programs and to act as an advisory group to the Activities Director.

    2024-25 Meeting Dates | Time:
    Dec. 2, March 3 | 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

    Location: Northfield District Office

  • Communications

    Purpose: The purpose of the Communications Advisory Committee is to prioritize the district’s message, engaging stakeholder groups to inspire community action in support of our vision, and advancing the district’s local, statewide, and national image.

    2024-25 Meeting Dates | Time:
    Dec. 2, March 3 | 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

    Location: Northfield District Office

  • Community Education

    Purpose: The Community Education Advisory Council plays an important role in shaping the lifelong educational offering available through the Community Education Department, routinely advising staff in programming, budgeting and department development.

    2024-25 Meeting Dates | Time: 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
    Fourth (4th) Tuesday of the month (no meeting in July and December)

    Location:  Northfield Community Education Center, Room 116

  • District Youth Council (DYC)

    Purpose:The District Youth Council (DYC) works to translate youth voice into action by providing connections between the school board, school, administration, and the student body. They gather and provide youth input on school district-related issues to the Northfield School Board, district administration, and other school-related entities. DYC members also serve on various committees throughout the district.

    Meeting Time: 7:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. (2nd Wednesday of the month)
    11:10 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. (4th Thursday of the month)

    2023-24 Meeting Dates: 
    August 24 (11:00am-12:30pm), September 13 & 28, October 11 & 26, November 8 & 30, December 13 & 21, January 10 & 25, February 14 & 29, March 13 & 21, April 10 & 25, May 8 & 23

    Location: Northfield High School D-107

  • Equity Advocacy

    Purpose: The purpose of the Equity Advocacy and Advisory Committee is to continuously promote equitable, inclusive, and welcoming experiences for everyone who accesses a Northfield Public Schools program.

    2024-25 Meeting Dates | Time:
    Dec. 2, March 3 | 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

    Location: Northfield District Office

  • Facilities

    Purpose: The purpose of the Northfield Public Schools Facilities Advisory Committee is to engage in dialogue about the district’s facilities and provide feedback on strategies designed to maintain positive and sustainable learning environments.

    2024-25 Meeting Dates | Time:
    Dec. 2, March 3 | 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

    Location: Northfield District Office

  • Finance

    Purpose: The purpose of the Northfield Public Schools Finance Advisory Committee is to engage in dialogue about the district’s financial health and provide feedback on strategies designed to maintain it.

    2024-25 Meeting Dates | Time:
    Oct. 7, Dec. 2, March 3, June 2 | 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

    Location: Northfield District Office

  • Instructional Review

    Purpose: The purpose of the Instructional Review Committee is the review of instructional material questioned by a district resident or employee of the Northfield School District. Every effort will be made to consider the objections, keeping in mind the best interest of the students, the school, the curriculum and the community.

    2024-25 Meeting Dates | Time: This committee will meet as needed.

    Location: tbd

    Members: Matt Hillmann, Hope Langston, Amy Goerwitz
    One building principal or assistant principal appointed by the Northfield Principal’s Association
    One elementary teacher appointed by the Northfield Education Association (NEA)
    One secondary teacher appointed by the NEA
    One special education teacher appointed by the NEA
    One professional media person appointed by the superintendent
    One student from the high school appointed by the District Youth Council
    Three parents/caregivers: one elementary parent/caregiver; one secondary appointed by the district’s curriculum advisory committee; and one special education parent appointed by the special education advisory committee.

  • Legislative Action

    Purpose: The purpose of the Legislative Action Committee is to inform community members how the legislature works, provide updates on the progress of education-related bills, and to advocate for the needs of Northfield students. This committee meets during the legislative session. Contact Matt Hillmann if you would like to be a part of this committee.

    2025 Meeting Dates | Time: pending

    Location: Via Zoom

  • Northfield Forward

    Purpose: Northfield Forward serves as the district’s “Critical Friend” and provides feedback on the strategic plan, building goals/results, and Professional Learning Communities’ goals/results.

    2024-25 Meeting Dates | Times:
    Oct. 21, Nov. 18, Feb. 17, April 21 | 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

    Location: Northfield Middle School Flex Lab

  • Policy

    Purpose: The purpose of the Policy Committee is to insure the district has policies in place to guide the operation of the district in a legal and ethical manner. A number of school board policies are mandatory and are necessary to meet the requirements of state or federal law.

    2024-25 Meeting Dates | Times: 3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
    Fourth (4th) Thursday of the month (no meeting in June, July and August).

    Location: via Zoom


  • Safety

    Purpose: The purpose of the Safety Committee is to establish a system to obtain safety related suggestions, reports of hazards and other information from all persons involved in the operations of their workplace, to review accident trends, investigate causes and recommend preventative measures when appropriate, and to assist and advise management and employees on matters of safety and health pertaining to school operations.

    2024-25 Meeting Dates | Time:
    Oct. 7, Dec. 2, March 3, May 5 | 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

    Location: District Office Conference Room 105

  • Wellness

    Purpose: The purpose of the Step Up (Staff) Wellness Advisory Committee is to create, promote and protect the health, well-being and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating choices, physical activity and mental health for district families, students, teachers and staff.

    2024-25 Meeting Dates | Time:
    Oct. 8, Jan. 7, March 11, May 13 | 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

    Location: via Zoom