Channel Islands Maps

This page currently offers 10 free Channel Islands National Park maps for you to view or download: NPS brochure maps, island-specific maps, and more. In addition to the free Channel Islands maps, I include external affiliate links that help cover my costs and allow me to keep this site ad-free. These links have shaded backgrounds (like this example) so you can easily recognize or skip past them: Browse the best-selling Channel Islands maps and books on Amazon.

Channel Islands map from the park brochures

Channel Islands mapThis is the complete Channel Islands map from the official brochure, showing all the islands, campgrounds, and points of interest. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Channel Islands regional mapThis is a regional map of the Channel Islands that shows the islands in relation to Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Channel Islands trail map

Buy Channel Islands map from AmazonThe island-specific maps below show the locations in greater detail, but if you want a map to show all the trails throughout the Channel Islands that includes trail mileages and topographic lines, you should probably grab a National Geographic Trails Illustrated map of Channel Islands. This way you’ve got everything you need in one map that’ll be perfect for your visit, no matter how long you’re staying.

Channel Islands maps (island-specific)

Santa Cruz Island mapHere’s a Santa Cruz Island map, showing both the eastern National Park Service side as well as the western Nature Conservancy side. Also labeled are a few marine reserves that do not allow fishing.

Santa Cruz Island trail mapThis Santa Cruz Island trail map shows the points of interest on the eastern side of Santa Cruz Island. You’ll also find an inset near Potato Harbor and Cavern Point, showing the dock at Scorpion Anchorage.

Santa Rosa Island mapThis is a Santa Rosa Island map, including an inset of the area around Bechers Bay showing campsites, trails, roads, and ranger station. Shipwrecks are shown around the island’s perimeter.

San Miguel Island mapHere’s a San Miguel Island map, showing Cabrillo Monument, the Lester Ranch site, and trails leading from Cuyler Harbor. Marine reserves and the western island closures are also labeled.

Anacapa Island mapHere’s an Anacapa Island map, showing trails, points of interest, topography, shipwrecks, and the Anacapa Island Marine Reserve. There’s also a closure shown for most of the year due to brown pelican nesting.

Santa Barbara Island mapThis is a Santa Barbara Island map, labeling campsites, points of interest, topography, and trails with trail descriptions, distances, and difficulty estimates.

Channel Islands Marine Reserve map

Channel Islands marine reserve mapThis map shows all the Marine Reserve areas around Channel Islands, where fishing is not permitted. Also labeled are Marine Conservation areas and visitor centers on the mainland.

…and more!

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Need more help? Browse Amazon’s best-selling Channel Islands maps and guidebooks.