NRHS Suncoast Florida Chapter


About Our Chapter

The SunCoast Chapter is involved with rail history preservation for the City and County of Sarasota, Fl. It is an active member of the History Preservation Coalition of Sarasota County. The Chapter has a working partnership with other history preservation groups for preserving rail history and providing education and materials about the impact of railroads on the development of Sarasota County. This includes the gathering, organizing, and updating of information and material for the Sarasota County Archives. Members are actively involved with the exchange and sharing of information about past, present, and future rail transportation with the community.

Chapter Number: C201
District: D4
Mailing Address:

Suncoast Chapter, NRHS
3759 Kingston Blvd
Sarasota, FL 34238


President: Roderick D. Smith
Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: Robert J. Mazur