binge drinking

Gen Z is ditching booze for sober-centric hubs in NYC: 'Shocked people are in here having fun without alcohol'

Zoomers want a wild night on the town they won't wake up regretting.

Why Dry January could actually be bad for you: Addiction expert

This is sobering news.

New Yorkers say Dry January is all wet: 'It's stupid'

"It’s very popular now, which makes me want to do it less," said Nick Canfield, 39, a documentary filmmaker, from inside Cerveceria Havemeyer in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

The 4 best foods to eat to get over a hangover — and 4 to avoid

New Year's Eve is one of the booziest holidays — it's common to usher in a hangover along with the new year.

The best alcohol to drink to avoid 'hangxiety' — and 2 'complex' spirits that are among the worst

Getting tipsy on the right tipples can mean a lower risk of anxiety during your hangover the next day.

Love of booze begins before birth, study claims — here's how to know you're predisposed to heavy drinking

Scientists have developed a hand-y way to spot a lush.

How your high school IQ can foreshadow your adult alcohol habits

Most likely to be overserved?

Boozy primate chugs from beer bottle found in trash can

Monkey see, monkey brew.

I'm a doctor — here's when you should be concerned about heart palpitations

We're heading into holiday heart syndrome season, the time of year when binging and boozing at boisterous bashes can leave your heart racing.

These 4 questions may reveal if you have an alcohol problem: 'Time to seek professional help'

The CAGE assessment was developed in 1968 by Dr. John Ewing, a psychiatry professor and addiction therapy clinician.

Passengers slam airline CEO's proposal to ban fliers from boarding if they've had more than 2 drinks: 'Don't you dare'

One airline CEO's anti-alcohol request might be a tall order for boozing travelers.

Can a month off drinking alcohol improve your health? A doctor shares 5 positive changes you may see

Taking a month off of drinking alcohol can lead to a number of health benefits, according to a physician.

Common, dangerous side effect of binge drinking may be prevented with experimental treatment

Binge drinking is defined as five drinks within two hours for men and four drinks within two hours for women.

I went out drinking with friends — and woke up locked in club's bathroom the next day

Popping bottles at the club left this partygoer flushed with embarrassment. 

Party too hard in your 20s? How it can affect your brain in the long term

Though alcohol affects everyone differently, blackouts often start when a person's blood alcohol concentration reaches about 0.16% — twice the legal driving limit.

I'm a flight attendant — here's why you should never get drunk before a flight

“It’s not me just like being a buzzkill.” 

Think you've just got a hangover? These symptoms after drinking alcohol mean you may have something worse

A pounding headache and stomach-churning nausea are hallmark signs you had a few too many — but experts say it could be a symptom of another condition.

How to stay safe this summer when drinking alcohol at the beach

As the weather warms and the days lengthen, many among us head to the nearest body of water — and reach for the booze when we get there.

Breakthrough gel could stop the harms of alcohol

Raise a glass to science.

Runner gulps down 25 glasses of wine during the London marathon: 'I was totally exhausted'

Som-mile-ier. Wine merchant Tom Gilbey raised the wine bar after blind tasting 25 glasses of vino during the London marathon — nearly one for each mile. He managed to cross...