In Accounting for Managers, students learn the basic accounting principles needed to effectively make business decisions as a manager. The course begins with a review of basic math and accounting prin...
Learn how to communicate with the sounds and music of American English. Improve your pronunciation in Standard American English by dealing with the sounds of the words that you speak. NOTE: This is a ...
This course provides insight on how all of the intricate functions and systems of the human body work together to keep you healthy. By approaching the study of the body in an organized way, students w...
This is a mini-course for individuals with no or extremely limited knowledge of Arabic language and culture who are about to begin study or work in an Arabic-speaking context. It will introduce basic ...
Argument Diagramming provides an introduction to exploring and understanding arguments by explaining what the parts of an argument are, and how to break arguments into their parts and create diagrams ...
This course is a review of arithmetic including whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, rates, proportions, geometry, measurement, basic statistics, and signed numbers. This course devel...
This course covers topics including linear equations and inequalities, systems, polynomials, and factoring, as well as an introduction to functions and modeling. Based on a remix of text materials fro...
Beginning Algebra builds concepts and skills needed for student success in subsequent college math courses. Course content includes a review of basic mathematical concepts and operations; solving equa...
This course covers topics from both beginning and intermediate algebra including solving linear equations, solving inequalities, solving systems, polynomials, factoring, rational expressions, radicals...
A molecular simulation environment lets students explore the effect of molecular interactions on the biochemical properties of systems. Biochemistry is an introductory course, designed for both biolog...
The first of a two-course sequence, this course provides a strong foundation of the principles of biology for students majoring in the life sciences, medical, and healthcare fields. Primary topics inc...
The second in a two-course sequence, this gateway biology course provides a strong foundation in principles of biology for students majoring in life science, medical, and healthcare fields. Primary to...
Biology for Non-Majors I introduces students to the basics of the scientific process, the chemical foundations of life, cell structure and function, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, genetics and ...
Biology for Non-Majors II introduces students to the basics of the scientific process and covers some of biology’s most compelling topics surrounding the history and diversity of life, including discu...
Based on the open textbook, Calculus by Dale Hoffman, this expansive course covers topics including limits, derivatives, integration, applications, introduction to differential equations, inverse trig...
This recently updated course is designed with a focus on equity. Specifically, the content was reviewed and updated with an eye on relevance, meaning, and representation of today’s diverse students.
Calculus III covers parametric equations and polar coordinates, vectors, functions of several variables, multiple integration, and second-order differential equations.
This course provides an opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of chemistry and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them, meeting the scope and sequenc...
This highly interactive course covers the complete first semester of General Chemistry. It includes extensive and engaging practice for students including: problems with detailed feedback, adaptive ex...
This lab manual accompanies the college chemistry courses and is used to support and assess knowledge acquired in the classroom setting to be applied in the real world. Labs include activities such as...
This highly interactive and engaging course that covers all topics typical of second semester General Chemistry II. The course includes a multitude of formative practice problems that are scaffolded a...
A corequisite solution offering additional support for students struggling with prerequisite skills—including just-in-time review, embedded algorithmically generated practice questions, worked-example...
This course provides an interactive exploration of College Algebra topics, laying a firm groundwork for success in subsequent math courses. With Desmos interactives as well as embedded algorithmically...
Based on the open textbook, College Algebra, by Carl Stitz and Jeff Zeager, this College Algebra course includes complete text, videos, practice problems, powerpoint slides, paper quizzes, and online ...
Learn about composites fabrication, assembly, repair; CNC machining; and composite manufacturing. Composites students are prepared for entry-level positions in industries including aviation, marine, r...
Using highly interactive learning design, this Concepts in Statistics course provides students with a strong understanding of fundamental principles that guide the study of statistical inference. Draw...
Build statistical reasoning and conceptual understanding of basic statistical concepts, while developing the students’ procedural (and technological) competence with basic statistical processes.
Helps students (primarily incoming college freshmen) develop the foundational computing and information literacy skills that they will need to succeed in other courses.
Designed to embed in courses with a significant team project component, assigned when student teams are formed. Students will learn the importance of finding out everyone’s views and feelings, and how...
Learn about PC hardware, software, and networking, as well as core skills for computing professionals. Cyber students are prepared for entry-level positions across the computing industry and in govern...
Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning (FMR) course is a semester-long quantitative literacy-based course that surveys a variety of mathematical topics needed to prepare students for college-level stat...
Dana Center : Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning
A college-level introductory statistics course organized around broad statistical concepts and intended to serve students pursuing careers in business, allied health, nursing, and the social and behav...
Dana Center : Introductory Statistics - Analyzing Data with...
Quantitative Reasoning is a college-level course designed for students who are focused on developing quantitative reasoning skills meaningful to their professional, civic, and personal lives. Optional...
Reasoning with Functions 1 provides students the algebraic tools necessary to analyze a variety of function types including linear, quadratic, polynomial, power, exponential, and logarithmic functions...
In Reasoning with Functions II, students model and solve problems involving algebraic and transcendental functions, and develop the algebraic tools necessary to model and solve problems using dynamic ...
An emporium solution for the developmental math series that can be used in a variety of ways, complete with embedded algorithmically generated practice questions, worked-example videos, and outcome al...
A tool that uses self-paced interactive modules to provide students a baseline of math competency necessary for their future classwork. Targets prerequisite skills that struggling students sometimes l...
Learn about electric vehicle development and maintenance. Electric Vehicle students are prepared for product development positions in the automotive, communications, solar, wind turbine, and smart gri...
Electric Vehicle Technology — NSC STEM Pathways - OLI
Elementary Chinese 1 is the first half of a two-semester Mandarin Chinese course that aims to help beginners develop communicative competence in the basic four skills (listening, speaking, reading and...
Elementary Chinese 2 picks up where Elementary Chinese 1 finished, and aims to help beginners develop communicative competence in the basic four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and c...
A highly interactive and highly effective approach to learning Engineering Statics. Contains many interactive elements, spread throughout, to promote conceptual understanding and problem solving skill...
English Composition I Corequisite covers the essentials of the writing process and provides scaffolded practice (through Writing Workshops) that enables student success in critical reading, writing, a...
English Composition II offers comprehensive support for college research writing, from planning and research to drafting and revising. Eight core modules cover the complete research, writing, and edit...
Learn about environmental technology in the contexts of HazMat, Safety, and Water Quality. Environmental students have the opportunity to earn nationally recognized federal certificates from the Envi...
In Financial Accounting, students learn the basic accounting principles, preparing them for a career in business or as the first course in their preparation to become an accountant. This course starts...
This course covers precalculus topics including linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions and also finite math topics including linear programming, finance, sets, and probab...
The course offers an overview of healthcare, health information technology, and health information management systems. The focus is on the role and responsibilities of entry-level health IT specialist...
In this course, students learn strategies to plan, recruit, compensate, develop, and engage a company’s workforce. The course covers additional HR topics, such as unions and employee safety.
This intermediate algebra course covers polynomials, radicals, quadratics, rationals, exponentials, and logs. Based on a remix of materials from CK-12, this course includes text, videos, and online as...
This Intermediate Algebra course provides a friendly yet in-depth review of algebra skills and concepts in preparation for college-level math courses. Content coverage includes: real numbers and algeb...
This introductory course defines biology and its relationship to other sciences. Examines the overarching theories of life from biological research and explores the fundamental concepts and principles...
The Cognitive Tutor for Analysis in Genetics (CTAG) explores new, effective ways to provide instruction in the area of genetics. A rich supplemental tool to enhance students’ engagement and learning i...
Introduction to Psychology offers students an engaging introduction to the essential topics in psychology. Throughout this study of human behavior and the mind, you will gain insight into the history ...
This course introduces students to foundational concepts and research in sociology, with a sociological exploration of culture, social interaction, stratification, groups, deviance, race, ethnicity, s...
Introductory Spanish I is the first half of a comprehensive introductory Spanish sequence, providing guidance and practice in reading, writing, listening to, and speaking Spanish. Each module includes...
Introductory Spanish II is the second half of a comprehensive introductory Spanish sequence, providing guidance and practice in reading, writing, listening to, and speaking Spanish. Each module includ...
Learning to Learn Online helps students prepare for online learning success by introducing them to the online learning environment and their role as a learner within it.
Introductory logic course designed for students from a broad range of disciplines, from mathematics and computer science to drama and creative writing.
This macroeconomics course prepares students to think like economists and analyze decisions made by individuals, businesses, and governments. Students will learn about the key macroeconomic indicators...
This modular survey course focuses on developing math literacy and problem solving skills, exploring topics such as counting systems, problem solving, measurement, graph theory, fractals, set theory a...
Also based on Math in Society, by Lippman, this course highlights a variety of topics in contemporary math. Designed for online delivery, the assignments can easily be used with face-to-face classes w...
This modular survey course focuses on developing math literacy and problem solving skills, exploring topics such as counting systems, problem solving, measurement, graph theory, fractals, set theory a...
Learn skills in electrical, mechanical, and computer technologies in a course mapped to the Siemens Mechatronic Systems Level 1 certification. Students are prepared for entry-level Mechatronics posit...
This course provides a strong foundation in microeconomic theory, whether preparing for further study in economics, the social sciences, business, or other disciplines. Designed to help students think...
Covers specialized and somewhat advanced topics in the fields of cellular biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics. Provides the background that biology students will need for advanced b...
In this course, students are introduced to the field of organizational behavior and learn how to analyze the impact human behaviors have on an organization. Students will also learn strategies to infl...
PartyScience helps students navigate the college social scene by covering some science related to alcohol and other drugs. It also includes important information that people might need to make good de...
PC Hardware is a study of the basic assembly, maintenance, and repair of microcomputer systems. Helps students prepare for CompTIA A+ Hardware Exam 220-901.
PC Software is a study of Windows operating systems, security and mobile devices, and troubleshooting theory and application. This course provides 26 content modules and simulated exercises aligned wi...
Based on Prealgebra by the College of the Redwoods, this course provides an excellent foundation for subsequent math courses. Content coverage includes whole numbers, integers, fundamentals of algebra...
This course provides an interactive exploration of Prealgebra topics, laying a firm groundwork for success in subsequent math courses. With embedded algorithmically generated practice and videos, the ...
This course covers topics including linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, periodic, and trigonometric functions, along with equations, identities, and practical word probl...
Based on the OpenStax textbook, Precalculus, by Jay Abramson, this course covers topics including functions, linear, polynomial and rational, exponential, logarithmic, periodic, and trigonometric func...
Learn Java and be part of one of the largest programming communities. This is an interactive course in Java for first-time programmers. It offers a scaffolding approach to learning, starting with the...
Get an introduction to programming with one of the hottest languages, Python. This course provides an introduction to Python and elementary principles of computing, including iteration, recursion, an...
Introductory-level course teaches students the basic concepts of statistics and the logic of statistical reasoning. Designed for students with no prior knowledge in statistics, its only prerequisite i...
Understanding the intersection of engineering and public policy can help engineers be more effective. This course will introduce students to the interrelationship of engineering and public policy, how...
In Waymaker Public Speaking, students learn the theoretical and practical skills they need to deliver effective, well-researched oral presentations. The course covers essential communication skills in...
Helps students (primarily incoming college freshmen) develop the foundational computing and information literacy skills that they will need to succeed in other courses.
This Retail Management course was developed to align with the Western Association of Food Chains (WAFC) learning outcomes for their Retail Management Certificate. It is intended to be a capstone cours...
An introduction to causal and statistical reasoning, this course is meant for students interested in critical thinking skills for daily life, students who will take a few statistics courses in servic...
Based on the open textbook, Statistics Using Technology by Kathryn Kozak, this statistics course adapted by David Straayer includes pdf and Microsoft Word formatted textbook, videos, powerpoint slides...
Based on the open textbook, OpenIntro Statistics by Christopher Barr, David Diez, and Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, this statistics course adapted by Adam Gilbert includes e-text, videos, powerpoint slides, ...
This course blends Introductory Statistics from OpenStax with other OER to offer a first course in statistics intended for students majoring in fields other than mathematics and engineering. This cour...
This course offers practice using workplace communication and math skills that are encountered in the workforce, with activities designed to strengthen skills in preparation for entering a college pro...
This course provides a refresher of core skills related to STEM careers: Mathematics from arithmetic to beginning algebra, Workplace Communications and Professionalism. Students will be better prepare...
The Student Cognition Toolbox provides detailed information about study strategies that are informed by research on the science of learning. The use of the study strategies described in the Student C...
Technical Writing teaches the organization, development, and refinement of technical communications, with an emphasis on business context and practical application. Students learn about the importance...
Technical Writing teaches the organization, development, and refinement of technical communications, with an emphasis on business context and practical application. Students learn about the importance...
This course takes a unit circle approach to introducing trigonometry. Topics include unit circle trigonometry, right triangle trigonometry, periodic functions, trigonometric equations and identities, ...
Based on the open textbook Trigonometry by CK-12, this course takes a right triangle approach to introducing trigonometry. Topics include right triangle trigonometry, angles, trigonometric Identities ...
This Lumen Learning Waymaker U.S. History course aims to help students use historical thinking skills to describe, compare, contextualize, and construct historical arguments about major events in Amer...
This Lumen Learning Waymaker U.S. History course aims to help students use historical thinking skills to describe, compare, contextualize, and construct historical arguments about major events in Amer...
Students in this mini-course are introduced to the basics of visual communication design and typography, and learn to analyze and produce effective printed documents, such as technical reports, propos...
Designed to supplement college composition courses, the Writing Skills Lab focuses on the rhetorical content and strategies that are the baseline of effective college writing but also tend to give stu...