Ontario eSecondary is a Ministry inspected online high school. Our BSID # is 667186. Our online high school is designed around you, the student. We use easy-to-understand resources to help you achieve your ultimate potential. Our curriculum is specifically designed around your goals and future plans, reducing the cost of your education by allowing you to do everything online without needing books.
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1. How are your courses designed?
At Ontario eSecondary (OES) our online courses are designed with a range of resources that include but are not limited to: PowerPoint slides, PDF document, e-textbook, videos, interactive content, video chat and more.
All of our assessments and evaluations align with the Ministry of Education’s Growing Success document. This ensures you are provided with enough feedback from your teacher throughout the courses and known as tasks labelled with Assessment For Learning (AFL). Within our courses, we also encourage students to reflect on their process and we used a range of tools to help you do so, this is known as Assessment As Learning (AAL). Lastly, our courses include a range of evaluations, known as Assessment Of Learning (AOL), these include tests, labs, assignments, essays and more (course dependent). At OES we emphasize the process of learning so all of our courses ensure you have enough opportunity to learn, grow and succeed; OES is all about Better Courses, which mean Better Grades for you.
2. How do the assignments work?
Within each of the courses at Ontario eSecondary (OES) you will find your assignments clearly labelled. Depending on the course you take, your assignment may be a presentation online with your instructor or something you submit using our submission box. In the case of unit tests or exams you will need to arrange for a proctor, who will be sent a copy of the evaluation, which will then be printed out and physically completed by you; once completed they will email it back to the teacher.
For additional questions about course design please email [email protected]