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Sexual Offenders and Predators Search
Sexual Offenders and Predators Search
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Charting a course for public safety
Charting a course for public safety
The information you are about to view has been reported directly to FDLE by the Florida Department of Corrections, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, law enforcement officials, and sexual offenders and predators themselves. FDLE compiles and provides this information for public access and does not independently confirm the accuracy of the information. It is FDLE's desire that the information contained herein be accurate and reliable. Any person who believes information provided is not accurate should contact the Enforcement and Investigative Support Bureau by phone at1-888-357-7332 or by e-mail at
Offender Search

Neighborhood Search

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Florida Offender Alert System
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Notice to Offenders:
Cyber Communication System
You are required to report all of your e-mail addresses, Internet Identifiers, phone numbers, employment addresses, vehicles owned, and in-state travel. You may do this online using the Cyber Communication System. Download the CCS User Guide.
Please Note:
Florida has a broad public records law under Florida Chapter 119. Emails sent to the Enforcement and Investigative Support Bureau may be a public record subject to disclosure. If you would like to report information anonymously, please call our toll-free hotline.1-888-357-7332.
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