The Sony FX9 is a 4K acquisition, large format camera option with some great features that make it ideal for smaller crew and run-and-gun style productions.

The 6K sensor has dual-native ISO sensitivity (800 and 4,000 ISO), resulting in cleaner images when shooting in low light situations - while still retaining a workable ISO option for brighter lighting scenarios.

The electronic variable ND is an excellent addition for being able to maintain a desired aperture without being restricted to larger, discreet ND density increments. There's even an auto ND option so the operator doesn't need to manually adjust the ND density as lighting conditions change.

Another helpful feature is the hybrid autofocus with face tracking. This really comes into its own in interviews, for example, when you want to use a large aperture and the interview subject is moving unpredictably. Autofocus can keep their eyes in focus at all times - helping you avoid costly retakes.

Sony PXW-FX9 Kit

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Sensor Format

Full Frame 35mm
Super 35mm

Media Type


Lens Mount

Sony E

Recording Format


Recording Resolution

4K DCI - 4096x2160
4K UHD - 3840x2160
Full HD - 1920x1080

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