Our DIY Results
This web site shares with you what we've learned in fixing our 1861 historic house. In undertaking our various projects, we researched the best way of tackling a project and assimilated the often conflicting opinions about how to do something.
The materials needed to fix problems for an historic home are different than those needed for newer homes. We also wanted to find the latest products so that our maintenance in the future would be minimized. Time will tell if what we did will hold up, but from all we have researched, it should.
All of our recommendations are from what we found on the web and in talking to others fixing old houses. The products we highlight are solely based on our judgment. Please contact us with any suggestions.
Finishing Floors with Waterlox
Installing an Oyster Shell Patio and Garden Path
Using Aluminum Flashing on Garden Arbors
Baths — Smoothing Silicone Caulk Plus Other Caulking Tips
Wood Ash — Quickly Clean Your Wood Stove and Oven Doors
Mildew Removal & Window Cleaning