Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Joy of Harvest 25/8/2016

 My sambung nyawa batik finally is ready for harvest. I had tried stir fry of purple sambung nyawa before but yet to try the batik one. 
To my surprise, sambung nyawa batik leaves is rougher and less slimy compared to the purple sambung nyawa do.  I thought they both will have similar texture.  I still prefer the purple one.

Sambung nyawa batik has a very unique pattern on the leave surfaces. While the purple sambung nyawa has a very lovely glossy purple color at the back of the leaves.   

I have 2 type of Malabar/basella spinach here, the Green one is Basella alba, which features green-stems and green leaves. While the purple one is Basella rubra, with green leaves with pink veins and purplish-stems. 

They started to creep here and there. So I harvested some of it.  Their glossy, broad, green, thick, and mucilaginous leaves look so gorgeous and lively.

 When u combined all the harvest together, u get a bunch of fresh vegetables that enough for simple stir fry. They are nutritious greens with succulent and tender stems.


Multilayer blue pea flowers and red cypress flowers share the same rusty fence; 
make it more colorful & cheerful.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Agar-agar Mooncake with Natural Coloring

So soon, it is going to be mooncake festival again! You can see supermarket all started selling mooncakes. My Mom loves agar-agar moocake! So i make this for her & she loves them!

I only made 4 pieces, because i have only a piece of mould. No artificial color here. So Proud :-)

I used soya milk to make this agar-agar. The 1st green layer was made from pandan leaves, followed by blue pea flowers for the beatiful blue color & the 3rd layer was made from pitaya skin.
Gorgeous right! The brilliant red color was extracted from skin of pitaya/dragon fruit. & The blue color was no doubt from bunga telang.
Tadaaa......The white layer was soley soy milk, and i added some goji berries.
And i made this tilapia look like Koi fish jelly >_< haha...this one with artificial color

Hope you all love them!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Fennel@Jintan Manis & Holy Basil@Tulsi plants

Fennel plant @ Pokok Jintan Manis @ Pokok Adas (RM10)
- very popular herb/spice that widely used in cooking
- Whole plant is edible: roots, stalks and leaves, with the spice coming from the dried seeds called jintan manis. 

- The indonesian lady taught me to eat the leaves as salad in sandwiches & i tossed some in salad too. The leaves are very aromatic & smell good.

Holy Basil/Tulsi (RM10)

- is an aromatic and potent herb that has amazing healing power   
- has been used in India for thousands of years to in numerous ailments, including fever , colds, coughs, sore throat & etc. 

Interested with the plants? 
Please email me at [email protected]

Monday, June 20, 2016

Olive's Nasi Ulam

Finally, I had made myself nasi ulam last week. Nasi ulam is a mixture of rice with aromatic herbs, roasted coconut, salted fish, dried shrimp & etc. It is quite simple to make. 
Firstly, we need to get ready with the herbs...  I am proudly to say that all of these 20 herbs were harvested from my little garden except the bunga kantan.

I think any herbs will do but the aromatic one will be better. I just put in whatever i can get from the garden. 

You need to clean & finely slice all the herbs. Simply combined the cooked rice with toasted coconut, toasted dried shrimp, salted fish, herbs, chopped onion, toasted peanut, chili padi, sugar, salt, white pepper etc. 
Toasted coconut version of nasi ulam   
Enjoy! Eat it just like that or with fry chicken or fry fish will be great!

Make myself a refreshing herbs drink as well from the leftover herbs. Just simply boil them for 15 min and sweeten with a small rock sugar.