The prompt was
"Do you have a blacksheep ancestor in your family tree? Maybe one of your ancestors was a rogue, a scoundrel, a cad or just someone who done Grandma wrong...
Did great-grandma spend time in prison? Was Grandpa a bigamist? Did Great-Uncle Harry try to set fire to his neighbour's house? Most of us have one or two rebellious ancestors who didn't quite fit the mold. Even if you haven't got a blacksheep Canadian ancestor, tell us about any blacksheep Canadian.
The carnival has ended and we have some very intriguing posts about some very interesting Black Sheep in the family!
Kathryn Lake presents The Lone Axe Murderess posted at LOOKING4ANCESTORS. Kathryn tells a gripping tale of Phoebe and her lover Thomas. Don't miss this Blacksheep story!
Evelyn Yvonne Theriault presents Black Sheep and Moonshine posted at A Canadian Family. Black Sheep and Moonshine - not all Evelyn's ancestors were farmers!
Janet Iles presents Janet the researcher: Black Sheep Canadian Ancestors posted at Janet the researcher. Is someone who took part in a riot before coming to Canada, a "black sheep"? If yes, then Janet's 4th great grandfather could be called one. This is a very interesting post with lots of historical data about Berczy Settlers.
Linda Hurtrubise presents Reprobate Ancestor posted at Linda Blake Hurtubise. Linda tells us she doesn'tt have much information about this ancestor but his Ontario death record listed much more information than usual. The cause of death: "partly old age; but also the effects of bad conduct in early life" There is much more on this unusual death record. We'd all love to have an ancestor record that is so colourful. He must have made a deep impression on the registrar to rate such a detailed death record!
Earline Bradt presents Blacksheep Canadian Ancestor: The Quaker Loyalist Turncoats posted at Ancestral Notes. An intriguiging story of Loyalities and choosing sides during the 1837 Rebellion. A tragic story, occuring in a black period of our history.
Derek Green presents My Canadian Black Sheep - Daniel Norman Williams posted at The Big Ol' Green Tree. Derek's Great-Grand Uncle, Daniel Norman Williams, born in Sombra, Ontario, was hanged for murder in Oregon in 1905. The case went to the Oregon Supreme Court and established some legal precedents that are still cited in cases today.
Brian presents William Massey Paid A Heavy Price posted at Ancestors At Rest. Brian gives us very brief glimpses of his MANY Blacksheep Ancestors! But the main topic is his ancestor William Massey who stole from American Express in 1863 when it was just emerging from the Wells Fargo Company. Fascinating!
Lorine McGinnis Schulze presents Baa baa blacksheep, have you any cows? posted at Olive Tree Genealogy Blog. Lorine's great-grandmother's brothers spent time in jail for stealing a cow! Imagine going to jail in 1901 for a year and a half just for stealing a cow.
Well done to all the submitters! Thanks for participating in this month's Canadian Genealogy Carnival