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Showing posts with label Good News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good News. Show all posts

February 16, 2016

DNA to the Rescue: Canadian Man Found After 30 Years

BBC News online has a compellling story of Edgar Latulip who was 21 years old when he disappeared 30 years ago. 

Edgar was living in a home for disabled individuals and had recently attempted suicide. When he disappeared his family thought he had either killed himself or been murdered.

Apparently Edgar suffered some kind of trauma to his head and lost his memory until recently.

Apparently DNA tests confirmed his identity. 

It's an odd story because I can't help but wonder how he survived for those 30 years if it is true, as the article states, he functions at the level of a 12 year old.

I did a little research on his mother (because that's what we genealogists do), who now goes by the name Sylvia Wilson and is said to live in Ottawa Ontario. Her father, and thus Edgar's grandfather's obituary is found in 1979 in the Ottawa Citizen under date of 1February   

Source: Ottawa Citizen - Feb 1, 1979

I hoped to find news stories of the disappearance in 1986 but had no luck.

Continue reading at Canada man missing for 30 years found after remembering identity

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