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Showing posts with label Passports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Passports. Show all posts

December 21, 2020

Check out my NEW revised site for Naturalization Records!

I am excited to announce that I have finally completed my newly revised and re-designed site

Naturalization is the process by which an alien from one country becomes a citizen of another country. The naturalization process did not have to happen in one court, or in one location. It was not mandatory and not all aliens became citizens, and not all completed the process once they started it. Naturalization Records are very important to your genealogical research but are often overlooked.

Declaration of Intent William Edmunds 1832

I created a simplified design and navigation system that will hopefully allow visitors to find their ancestors in these records much more quickly.  

I have links, original documents, and my transcribed indexes of names for Naturalization Records, Passports, Alien Registrations and much more. 

Here are a few links to get you started:

Naturalization & Citizenship Records & Examples

U.S.A. Naturalizations
Canada Naturalizations
American Passport Applications
American Alien Registrations
Canadian Passports
Canadian Oaths of Allegiance
Canadian Sessional Papers

I took me 6 months to redesign and move the site to it's new home, followed by a month of checking and double-checking for broken links. Fingers crossed, but I think I found and fixed them all. 

Please take a peek, and if you do find something wrong, I'd appreciate you dropping me a note at [email protected] so I can fix any problems I might have missed.

Enjoy your visit!

March 21, 2019

Naturalization Records D-I

An often overlooked resource for ancestor searching is Naturalization Records.

Naturalization records can help you find the date of immigration, ship's passenger list, port of arrival, and the place of birth for your ancestor. Some naturalization records include occupations, names and ages of minor children and more 

 Many years ago I set up a website devoted to Naturalization and Passports. If you haven't been there, you may want to check it out. contains links to as many online naturalization and passport records I could find for USA and Canada. It also contains some transcribed records for those topics.

Here's a few naturalization records for states D-I to start you off. This particular set for America is pay-to-view records.  also has links to free databases for America and Canada:

Delaware, Naturalization Records, 1796-1959

Florida, Naturalization Records, 1847-1995 

Georgia, Naturalization Records, 1893-1991

Savannah, Georgia, Naturalization Records, 1790-1910

Idaho, Naturalization Records, 1903-1982

Iowa, Federal Naturalization Records, 1856-1937

DeKalb County, Illinois Naturalizations, 1800-1999
Illinois, Federal Naturalization Records, 1856-1991

Illinois Northern District, Naturalization Index, 1926-1979

Indiana, Federal Naturalization Records, 1892-1992

January 21, 2019

Find Ancestors in Naturalization Records Online

December was a busy month for Olive Tree Genealogy but I spent some time updating my Naturalization site. l love immigration and naturalization records! There is so much genealogy information there for the taking, and it feels like my ancestors have come back to life when I read their stories.

On I have links to many online naturalization records databases. Some are free, others are pay to view. It's pretty
 comprehensive although if you know of a site I haven't linked to, please let me know!

Flowers Charles USA Naturalization 1871
If you are looking for naturalization or passport records in the USA, go to my USA section. I have some records online on my site, others are links. There are passport records, alien registrations, oaths of allegiance, almshouse records and more in the American section.


If you want Canadian records, go to the Canada section 

I suggest doing a quick read of what is available for Canada and then choosing what fits your search time period.


UK Naturalization Record 1865
  United Kingdom records start here. Be aware that the British spell it Naturalisation and sometimes call them Denization records.

February 17, 2017

Looking for Ancestor Naturalization Records?

Are you looking for Naturalization records for an ancestor? Those records can provide so many clues and so much information on an ancestor - such as place of birth, name of ship they arrived on, date of birth and more. That's where my website can help you!

Naturalization Certificate for Robert Taylor
I spent all of last week updating and adding links to online Naturalization records, Passport records and Oaths of Allegiance for USA and Canada. I also added a section for United Kingdom Naturalizations and Passports

If you do happen to find a bad link that I missed, please take a moment and let me know. All I need is the URL of the page where the bad link is found, and the name of the link. I'll do the rest!

A few of the online databases that I have transcribed and published on for all genealogists to use freely are:

November 26, 2008

Why Passports are Good Genealogy Resources

What an American Passport Will Tell You

Passport applications are often a valuable source of genealogical information.

Some immigrants applied for passports to return home to visit family or friends. These records usually give a place of birth or at least the destination (which is often the home town)

Passports and passport applications can provide the following genealogy information:

* family, marital status
* birth place and date
* name of wife
* residence
* father's name and place of birth
* naturalization year
* name of ship, port and date of entry (after 1900)
* photograph of ancestor has many online indexes to passport applications which may help you find an elusive ancestor.

September 24, 2008

Finding Ancestors in Passport Records

Some immigrants applied for passports to return home to visit family or friends. These records usually give a place of birth or at least the destination (which is often the home town)

The first passport issued in USA was dated July 1796. However until 1914 American citizens did not require a passport to travel abroad. NARA has passport applications from October 1795-March 1925. The U. S. Department of State has passport applications from April 1925 to the present.

Passports may include the following information:

family/marital status
birth place and date
naturalization year
name of ship, port and date of entry (after 1900)

Online FREE Passport Records on site are:

* Register of Passports from 14 November 1834 to 1843 an Index for all states in USA
* Index to Special Passports 1829-1887 an Index for all states in USA
* Index to Special Passports 1887-1894 an Index for all states in USA
* Register of Passport Applications 1809-1817
* Index to Emergency & Special Passport Applications 1830-1831

Online pay-to-view Passport Records are:

Passports 1795-1905icon shows Citizenship, residence, family, date & place of birth, occupation

U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925 includes emergency passport applications 1877-1907, passport application registers for 1810-1817, 1830-1831, & 1834-1906

September 16, 2007

Naturalizaton Records and Passport Records

The following Passports & Naturalization Records have been added to

As always these records are FREE.

Thank you to all who submitted a record! Please consider submitting your ancestor Citizenship Records to You will help others searching
the same ancestor, and can make contact with them.

Submissions remain the property of the submitter, and are free for all to view.

It is easiest to go to the index pages to view these newest ancestor records.



Records added today are:

1939 American Passport for Ida Katharyn Waltz of Indiana

1920 Passport & American Red Cross American Expeditionary Force ID Card for Raymond J. Thomas, M.D of Chicago Illinois

1924 Passport for Ramona E. Wulff of Sacremento California

1948 Passport Leonardo & Michael Cazzorla of New York

1922 Passport for Gustav & Betty Stiefel, New York City New York

1917 Naturalization Hearing for Gustav Stiefel, New York City New York

1919 Naturalization Certificate for Gustav Stiefel, New York City New York

1897 Russian Passport for Barnet Kreit aka Berko Kraid of New York

1915 Naturalization Declaration of Intent for Barnet Kreit aka Berko Kraid , Brooklyn New York

1941 Naturalization Certificate Jessie Boyd, Chicago Illinois

1939 Naturalization Certificate Southern District of NewYork for Pavlina Sansky

Feel free to pass this message on to others who might be interested

August 15, 2007

Passport Applications - A Genealogy Hidden Treasure

Passport applications are a genealogy hidden treasure.

NARA has passport applications from October 1795-March 1925. The U. S. Department of State has passport applications from April 1925 to the present.

Some immigrants applied for passports to return home to visit family or friends. These records usually give a place of birth or at least the destination (which is often the home town)

The first passport issued in USA was dated July 1796. However until 1914 American citizens did not require a passport to travel abroad. You can read more about Passport applications at website has the following FREE Passport Records online:

* Register of Passport Applications 1809-1817
* Index to Emergency & Special Passport Applications 1830-1831
* Register of Passports from 14 November 1834 to 1843 an Index for all states in USA
* Index to Special Passports 1829-1887 an Index for all states in USA
* Index to Special Passports 1887-1894 an Index for all states in USA

Links to all the above passport records are found at Passports

There are also links to individual passports:

* William Clinton Jessup of Connecticut 14 May 1920 Passport & Photo
* Josef Spolek Passport 1883
* Passport for Anna Epping (late Cole) and son William from Germany to United States 1923 - Cuyahoga Ohio
* Passport of Robert Spanton Benfell Washington USA
* Passports issued from Sep 1918-Jan 1919 in Philadelphia, PA
* Italian passport of Andrea DeJana, 1927 one of the group of Italian immigrants and workers who settled in Port Washington New York
* Italian Passport of Al Marino’s mother Maria, 1916 one of the group of Italian immigrants and workers who settled in Port Washington New York
* 1920 Italian passport of Angelina Giordano wife of Philip Lovetere of New Jersey including photo of Angelina born 1895 in Italy
* 1927 Italian passport of Leonardo Giordano father of Angelina Giordano including photo of Leonardo born 1864 in Italy
* Dutch Passport of Johanna Bosselaar issued 24-05-1955. Johanna Bosselaar Kloosterman born 1892 Holland immigrated to America
* Passport of Herbert B. Khaury aka Tiny Tim of New York
* Passport issued in Malta to Joseph Zarb, a British subject going to Portsmouth, December 1898
* Brazilian Passport of João Robertson AKA John Robertson, 1882 Captain John Robertson, naturalized Brazilian citizen, natural of London, English Empire, son of Guilherme Robertson, issued passport to go to England
* Passport holder made of fabric, owned by John Chekatauskas, circa 1930
* Passport of Isador Hirschberger, father of artist killed at Dora Concentration camp.
* Jerusalem Passport of Nadji Nissan
* Israeli Passport of Uzi Nissan

April 3, 2007

Finding Ancestors in American Passport Applications

Passport applications are often a valuable source of genealogical information. NARA has passport applications from October 1795 to March 1925. The U. S. Department of State has passport applications from April 1925 to the present. You can also consult passports online at Naturalization Records. There are some large projects as well as individual passport records on the site.

Passport Records on Naturalization Records Website

Register of Passports from 14 November 1834 to 1843 an Index for all states in USA

Index to Special Passports 1829-1887 an Index for all states in USA

Index to Special Passports 1887-1894 an Index for all states in USA

Register of Passport Applications 1809-1817

Index to Emergency & Special Passport Applications 1830-1831

American Ancestor Passports

(Includes passports on the Naturalization Records Website as well as other sites)

William Clinton Jessup of Connecticut 14 May 1920 Passport & Photo

Josef Spolek Passport 1883

Passport for Anna Epping (late Cole) and son William from Germany to United States 1923 - Cuyahoga Ohio

Passport of Robert Spanton Benfell Washington USA

Passports issued from Sep 1918-Jan 1919 in Philadelphia, PA

Italian passport of Andrea DeJana, 1927 one of the group of Italian immigrants and workers who settled in Port Washington New York

Italian Passport of Al Marino’s mother Maria, 1916 one of the group of Italian immigrants and workers who settled in Port Washington New York

1920 Italian passport of Angelina Giordano wife of Philip Lovetere of New Jersey including photo of Angelina born 1895 in Italy

1927 Italian passport of Leonardo Giordano father of Angelina Giordano including photo of Leonardo born 1864 in Italy

Dutch Passport of Johanna Bosselaar issued 24-05-1955. Johanna Bosselaar Kloosterman born 1892 Holland immigrated to America

Passport of Herbert B. Khaury aka Tiny Tim of New York

March 9, 2007

Russian Immigrants to Canada 1898-1922

The Likacheff-Ragosine-Mathers collection (LI-RA-MA) contains documents created between 1898 and 1922 by the consular offices of the Russian Empire in Canada.

The series on passports and identity papers contains about 11,400 files of Jewish, Ukrainian and Finnish immigrants who came to Canada from the Russian Empire.

The series includes passport applications and questionnaires containing general information and is searchable online.