
Our Story

St. Margaret Mary Parish

St. Margaret Mary is a Catholic Community blessed by God, inspired to be alive in the Risen Christ, reflecting His heart and love to the world by living the Word through dynamic Worship and life-changing Service to advance the kingdom.

As a community guided by the Holy Spirit we value: loving, respecting, and dignifying all people, providing life-long education and faith formation; sharing the Good News through our words and deeds; committing to being People of God through service to others; welcoming all in people in our peaceful and spiritual parish environment; and fulfilling our tradition of stewardship.

Within St. Margaret Mary Parish there are ministries, organizations, and activities for all ages. The Religious Education program serves children in Kindergarten - 8th grade and leads them in faith formation as well as Sacramental Preparation. Through the many Parish Care Outreach and Mission groups, parishioners seek to reflect Jesus' heart and love to the world through life-changing service. Rooted in the Sacred Heart, we offer care and compassion to those within our parish and beyond as the heart, hands, and feet of Christ.  

There are multiple options each week for worship and sacraments within the Church. A flourishing parish life reflects the many studies, prayer groups, opportunities for fellowship, monthly Donut Sundays, and is supported by a planning team to help guide and the growth of the parish. 

St. Margaret Mary School

St. Margaret Mary Elementary School has been educating children in the metropolitan community of Omaha, Nebraska, for over 100 years.   The school, established in 1921 by the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, serves over 500 students from more than 30 zip codes. In 2021, St. Margaret Mary School celebrated its 100th birthday with gratitude to all priests, nuns, teachers, administrators, school parents, and parish families whose contributions throughout the past century built the dynamic faith community that we enjoy today. 

Teachers strive to care for each child and challenge them academically while helping them to grow in their faith. 

Rooted in Christ, Steeped in Tradition, Preparing for Tomorrow

St. Margaret Mary School is a Cognia Accredited Catholic elementary school in midtown Omaha. Days begin with prayer followed by our Spartan SPARK (Show respect, Positive attitude, Accept responsibility, Reflect Christ and Kind words and actions). These positive reminders help the students to grow in faith and academics.

Teachers foster students' curiosity through academics, faith instruction and prayer, project-based learning, hands-on science curriculum, service projects, and specials classes for all grades. After school, students may participate in Quiz Bowl, Chess Club, Robotics Teams, Math Team, Book Bowl, Band, Student Council, and Scouting organizations. Through St. Margaret Mary Parish, students gather with peers to participate in one of many SMM Athletic teams and the Youth Group.

St. Margaret Mary Parish and School are committed to serving our community today and remain rooted in Christ as we prepare for tomorrow

Help celebrate SMM's Joy of Giving in these ways:

  1. Donate online through this page or bring a donation to the parish office.
  2. Share this page with your friends and family. 
  3. Stop by and see us at the Drive-Thru on Wednesday,  April 26!

Contact Wilma Ernesti in the parish office with any questions at wernesti@smmomaha.org or 402-558-2255 x 104.

Your contribution ensures that St. Margaret Mary Parish and School continues to flourish for future generations.

Thank you for your support!