Welcome to OncoVar

OncoVar is a platform to systematically prioritize the oncogenic ability of somatic mutations and cancer genes. OncoVar employed published bioinformatics algorithms and incorporated known driver events to identify driver mutations and driver genes. We identified 20,162 cancer driver mutations, 814 driver genes and 2,360 pathogenic pathways with high-confidence by reanalyzing 10,769 exomes from 33 cancer types in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and 1,942 genomes from 18 cancer types in International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC). OncoVar provides four points of view, ‘Mutation’, ‘Gene’, ‘Pathway’, and ‘Cancer’, to help researchers to visualize the relationships between cancers and driver variants.

Browser by cancer types

PanCancer AllCancers ACC BLCA BOCA BRCA

A general workflow of OncoVar


Motivation of OncoVar

Early somatic mutations can cause developmental disorders, whereas the progressive accumulation of mutations throughout life can lead to cancers. Large cancer sequencing projects, such as TCGA and ICGC, provide unprecedented opportunities to identify causative variations underlying human cancers. However, it is still a key challenge in cancer genomics to identify cancer driver genes and pathways among all somatic mutations detected in a cohort of tumors. The prevalence of neutral mutations in cancer cell population is a major challenge for distinguishing cancer-causing driver mutations from inconsequential passenger mutations.

OncoVar predicted driver mutations by our recently developed method AI-Driver and employed a new strategy to combine driver predictions as well as known driver genes. OncoVar is an integrated database to systematically prioritize the oncogenic ability of somatic mutations and mutated genes detected from large cancer sequencing projects. Herein, we have analyzed driver events from TCGA and ICGC sequencing projects in the current release while the collection of driver events from other cancer projects/literatures will be updated regularly in the future.

To our knowledge, OncoVar is the first integrated database which was designed to explore the driver events and interpret their putative mechanism of carcinogenesis across tumor types by incorporating cancer driver predictions and prior oncology knowledge. OncoVar aids the identification of drivers across tumor types and helps rank mutations or genes for better decision-making for the clinical and scientific community interested in cancer precision medicine.

Recent Updates

[Nov/12/2020] OncoVar has been published in NAR [ Citation ]

[Aug/19/2020] OncoVar is updated to version 1.2.

[May/19/2020] 2,328 and 2,035 driver pathways were identified from TCGA and ICGC dataset, respectively.

[May/10/2020] 806 and 696 driver genes were identified from TCGA and ICGC dataset, respectively.

[Apr/26/2020] 16,923 and 3,409 driver missense mutations were identified from TCGA and ICGC dataset, respectively.

[Apr/22/2020] Retrieved   ICGC maf file .

[Mar/26/2020] Algorithm of driver mutataion identification was finished (AI-Driver).

[Sep/15/2019] OncoVar scoring system is optimized and OncoVar is updated to version 1.1.

[Jun/13/2019] The upload file maximum allowed size expanded to 300M and gz compressed format is supported.

[May/08/2019] Construction of Stats page was finished. OncoVar version 1.0 is released.

[Apr/10/2019] Construction of Home, Search, Analysis, Links, Download and About pages were finished.

[Nov/08/2018] Website environment configuration, design and analysis method confirmation.