Abuse victim & survivor support blog

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Pinned post to keep track of the oldest unanswered ask so no one has to wonder if I haven’t answered their ask or if Tumblr ate it.

Oldest unanswered ask is from: January 26th

(You can turn on post notifications if you want to make sure not to miss my reply!)

Pinned Post Pinned post I'm no longer replying to older asks first Also the dates on this post may be a day off for some people due to timezones so just bear that in mind

Things that are not justifications for someone abusing you:

  • Saying, “no” to them
  • Withholding personal information from them
  • Refusing to hug, kiss, or otherwise touch them/be touched by them
  • Disagreeing with them
  • Avoiding them
  • Having emotions
  • Needing help
  • Saying the "wrong” thing
  • Defending yourself
  • Asking questions
  • Stimming
  • Crying
  • Refusing to go somewhere
  • Asking for an apology
  • Being mentally ill
trauma Abuse

your parents don't get to decide for you what does and does not count as private information about you that they are allowed access to.


when you're mad at your parents you should be allowed to leave the situation, and you should be allowed to be mad at them. Your parents don't get to control how you feel about them.


it's not normal to feel like you have to hide very basic information about yourself from your parents. it's not normal to feel terrified of expressing that your parents did something wrong, or that you dislike how they treat you.


It’s not normal to set a basic boundary over and over again only to have it breached over and over again. It’s not normal to have parents decide for you that your boundaries are conditional, and allowed to be violated under specific circumstances that you don’t agree to.


& it's not normal for any other adult to have this kind of power over you either. That includes every teacher, every therapist, every coach, every aunt and uncle, every grandparent, every person.

Abuse tw Abusive parents Reminder

Anonymous asked:

I am truly sorry you are currently struggling. I hope you will be doing well very soon. You are a very kind person and you deserve love, happiness and all good in the world.

I wish you happy new year.

Thank you, nonnie, I appreciate that, and I’m luckily already feeling better ❤️ wishing you a happy new year too, hope it’s full of many good things!!

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