Developing a Daily Prayer Life

I know that many of you are living very busy lives. For those of you who are currently taking some of our Online Bible Institute courses you have also probably realized that this journey is going to take quite a bit of time and effort to complete. It will be worth it, but I want to encourage you to also add something else into your schedule. If you are not currently practicing a disciplined daily prayer life you really need to get one established now. I know that many of you are studying in order to be better prepared for the ministry that you feel God is calling you to. I want to suggest to you that one of the best things that you can get established in your life is a daily prayer time. I must admit that I really struggled getting this discipline established in my own life. I tried many different techniques and plans looking for one that I could stick to but it always seemed to be a struggle. Then, some years ago I ran across a neat little piece of church history known as the Daily Office. This system of prayers and Bible readings had been practiced in the Anglican Church for hundreds of years and could trace its roots back well into the early church. I particularly enjoyed the historic feel of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. After some research I decided to update the language in that version, which was in the public domain, and I developed a Morning and Evening Office on the Jesus moment Website. If you have not yet developed a disciplined daily prayer life then I suggest you check out the Morning Office for yourself and see if it helps you get this most importance practice of prayer established in your own life.