1. Acknowledgements
Many thanks are due to Dr. Annette Henry at the University of British Columbia for her ongoing support for this project, and for her longstanding commitment to issues in Jamaican language education.
This project also owes a great deal of gratitude to Dr. Joseph T. Farquharson of The University of the West Indies, author of the Jamaican structure dataset, which formed part of the initial inspiration for this project, and from which so many of the examples in this text have been derived; as well as to the Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures (APICS) Online for having the generosity and foresight to release the dataset and other works of Creole linguistics in the Atlas under a Creative Commons license — allowing them to be reused and repurposed in the way we have done here.
2. Introduction
2.1. The Open Grammar Project
This volume is part of a series of learner’s grammars by the Open Grammar Project. Like the other entries in the series, it is first and foremost an ongoing synthesis of available linguistic information, which has been compiled, organized, and annotated so as to be maximally useful to learners rather than (just) linguists. It is assumed that the reader is interested in making the journey from the source language to the target language, and provides succinct advice on a range of relevant topics to make that journey easier. It also takes for granted that the learner is seeking to speak and write (as well as read and understand) a living language of practical rather than just scholarly or historical interest.
In this task we are indebted to the source works listed in the bibliography section at the end of each volume. Many of the sources consulted are the work of linguistic experts, and those interested in learning more about the workings of a particular language are encouraged to seek out these source materials to read more deeply on the subject. The concept of a learner grammar as used here, however, differs in both purpose and form from traditional linguistic grammars: it has most significantly a didactic rather than simply descriptive goal, and is further organized broadly under headings and topics according to the source rather than target grammar to make it easier for the learner to find the information they are looking for using familiar terms and categories.
There are a number of other unique features of this book. The content and source code of the book is open licensed and has been designed specifically to allow for easy machine as well as human parsing of the information within. The project is also "open" in the sense that additions, changes, corrections, and other contributions are welcome from anyone interested in improving the quality of the material.
More detailed information about the Open Grammar Project and the Learner’s Grammar series can be found on the project home page:
It is intended that this series be a complement rather than an alternative to both linguistic grammars and classroom textbooks, and it is hoped that it may serve as a useful reference for both new learners and those wishing to improve or maintain their language skills.
2.2. Source
The source code for this book can be found in the project repository on GitHub.
The PDF version is available here.
This book also comes with a number of appendices:
2.3. Jamaican
2.3.1. Name
The Jamaican language goes by a variety of names in different contexts: Patwa (Patois), Jamaican Patwa, Creole, Jamaican Creole, Afro-Jamaican, JamC, JC, AfroJam, or simply Jamiekan (Jamaican), with the most common among Jamaican speakers themselves being Patwa.
Although Jamaican is the native and first language of almost the entire population of Jamaica, it takes a number of different forms that fall along a continuum stretching from the basilect (furthest distance from Standard Jamaican English) to the acrolect (closest distance from Standard Jamaican English). Forms all along the middle of this continuum are common in Jamaica, while the extremes (basilectal and acrolectal forms) are relatively rare.
Following the example of most published linguistic grammars, this text will tend towards an idealized basilectal form which for simplicity’s sake will be referred to as Jamaican.
3. Writing system
3.1. Alphabet
The Jamaican alphabet consists of 25 letters, including one letter — c — which is sometimes (as here) considered a digraph, since it only appears in the form ch
lowercase letters: a, b, ch, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
uppercase letters: A, B, Ch, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
3.1.1. Overview of Jamaican alphabet
Uppercase | Lowercase | Name | Pronunciation (IPA) | Notes |
A |
a |
ie |
/a/ |
B |
b |
bii |
/b/ |
Ch |
ch |
chii |
/tʃ/ |
D |
d |
dii |
/d/ |
E |
e |
hii |
/e/ |
F |
f |
hef |
/f/ |
G |
g |
jii |
/g/ |
H |
h |
iech |
/h/ |
the pronunciation (or absence) of h depends on dialect |
I |
i |
hai |
/i/ |
J |
j |
jie |
/dʒ/ |
K |
k |
kie |
/k/ |
L |
l |
hel |
/l/ |
M |
m |
hem |
/m/ |
N |
n |
hen |
/n/ |
O |
o |
uo |
/o/ |
P |
p |
pii |
/p/ |
R |
r |
haar |
/ɹ/ |
S |
s |
hes |
/s/ |
T |
t |
tii |
/t/ |
U |
u |
yuu |
/u/ |
V |
v |
vii |
/v/ |
W |
w |
doblyu |
/w/ |
X |
x |
ex |
/ks/ |
Y |
y |
wai |
/j/ |
Z |
z |
zed |
/z/ |
3.2. Special Characters
Jamaican in the orthography presented here (based on the Cassidy-JLU System) does not require any special characters or diacritics to write.
3.3. Punctuation
3.3.1. Basic punctuation
Punctuation in Jamaican generally follows the same conventions as Standard Jamaican English and UK English more generally
Some writers may use an apostrophe to separate two words that should be read together
no av → na’av (not have)
Sometimes an apostrophe may be used to indicate sound change when two words are merged
du it → dwi’it (do it)
It may also be used to avoid difficult to pronounce strings of letters in the merged word
gi iin → gi’iin (give in)
4. Pronunciation
4.1. Vowels
There are five short vowels, three long vowels, and four diphthongs in Jamaican
short vowels: a, e, i, o, u
long vowels: aa, ii, uu
diphthongs: ai, ie, uo, ou
4.1.1. Vowel length
Vowels in Jamaican can be either short or long
short vowels: a, e, i, o, u
long vowels: aa, ii, uu Short vowels
There are five short vowels in Jamaican
short vowels: a, e, i, o, u
The short vowel a is pronounced /a/, as the "a" in father
aliv /aliv/, olive
ban /ban/, band
wan /wan/, one
dala /dala/, dollar
bada /bada/, bother
The short vowel e is pronounced /e/, as the "e" in bed
ded /ded/, dead
bel /bel/, bell
breda /bɹeda/, brother / friend
The short vowel i is pronounced /ɪ/, as the "i" in thin
sik /sɪk/, sick
migl /mɪgl/, middle
bita /bɪta/, bitter
The short vowel o is pronounced /o/, as the "o" in @
kot /kot/, cut
ogli /oglɪ/, ugly
The short vowel u is pronounced /u/ (recognized as /ʊ/ by some authors), as the "u" in @
dukunu /dukunu/, (a kind of pudding)
kuk /kuk/, cook
butu /butu/ Long vowels
The long vowels are pronounced by doubling the length of the corresponding short vowels
long vowels: aa, ii, uu aa
The long vowel aa is pronounced /a:/, as the @ in @
aad /a:d/, hard
aaf /a:f/, half
aaks /a:ks/, ask
baal /ba:l/, ball
baat /ba:t/, bath
baaba /ba:ba/, barber
saaf /sa:f/, soft
Naat Amerika /na:t ameɹɪka/, North America
kwaat /kwa:t/, quart
yaad /ja:d/, yard
aad iez /a:d iez/, disobedient
plaan /pla:n/, plant
kaan /ka:n/, corn
taak /ta:k/, talk
waata /wa:ta/, water ii
The long vowel ii is pronounced /i:/, as the "@" in @
iit /i:t/, eat
tii /ti:/, tea
miin /mi:n/, mean
siin /si:n/, agreed, OK (affirmative particle)
tiich /ti:tʃ/, teach
biini /bi:ni/, tiny
paliis /pali:s/, police uu
The long vowel uu is pronounced /u:/, as the "@" in @
buut /bu:t/, booth / boot
shuut /ʃu:t/, shoot
byuuti /bju:tɪ/, beauty
skuul /sku:l/, school
dailuut /daɪlu:t/, dilute
uu /u:/, who
mangguus /maŋgu:s/, mongoose
Yuukrien /ju:kɹɪɛn/, Ukraine
Kyuuba /kju:ba/, Cuba
Yuurop /ju:ɹop/, Europe
yuut /ju:t/, youngster
myuuzik /mju:zɪk/, music
kuul /ku:l/, cool
pyuuriti /pju:ɹɪtɪ/, purity
fuud /fu:d/, food
fyuu /fju:/, few
ruut /ɹu:t/, root
hatityuud /hatɪtju:d/, attitude
nyuu /nju:/, new
chruu /tʃɹu:/, through
chuun /tʃu:n/, tune
chuut /tʃu:t/, truth
4.1.2. Diphthongs
There are four diphthongs in Jamaican
diphthongs: ai, ie, uo, ou ai
The diphthong ai is pronounced /aɪ/, as the "igh" in sigh or the "y" in try
baik /baɪk/, bike
chrai /tʃɹaɪ/, try
rait /ɹaɪt/, write
taim /taɪm/, time
fain /faɪn/, find
hAirish /haɪɹiʃ/ or /aɪɹiʃ/, Irish
dairek /daɪɹek/, direct
ail /aɪl/, oil
bwai /bwaɪ/, boy
bait /baɪt/, bite
bwail /bwaɪl/, boil
paint /paɪnt/, point
pwail /pwaɪl/, spoil
sait /saɪt/, sight / site
madifai /madifaɪ/, modify
yai /jaɪ/, eye ie
The diphthong ie is pronounced /ɪɛ/, as the "@" in @ or the "@" in @
kiek /kɪɛk/, cake
biek /bɪɛk/, bake
mien /mɪɛn/, main
aalzwie /a:lzwɪɛ/, always
aatiek /a:tɪɛk/, heartache
badarieshan /badaɹɪɛʃan/, hassle / inconvenience
bied /bɪɛd/, bathe / beard
biefies /bɪɛfɪɛs/, bare-faced / blatant
biev /bɪɛv/, to behave
chriet /tʃɹɪɛt/, straight
exkiep /ekskɪɛp/, to escape
fiet /fɪɛt/, fate / faith
iel /ɪɛl/, to greet
ier /ɪɛɹ/, year / hair / hear
iez /ɪɛz/, ear
sitieshan /sitɪɛʃan/, situation
hiet /hɪɛt/, eight
die /dɪɛ/, day
Mie /mɪɛ/, May
liedi /lɪɛdi/, lady
liet /lɪɛt/, late
rien /ɹɪɛn/, rain
ies /ɪɛs/, haste, hurry
tieta /tɪɛta/, theatre
Mantiga Bie /mantiga bɪɛ/, Montego Bay
Mobie /mɔbɪɛ/, Mobay
jiel /jɪɛl/, jail
biebi /bɪɛbi/, baby
jinarieshan /dʒinaɹɪɛʃan/, relatives
nieshan /nɪɛʃan/, nation
miebi /mɪɛbi/, maybe
fies /fɪɛs/, face
niel /nɪɛl/, nail
tiel /tɪɛl/, tail
pitieta /pitɪɛta/, potato
pliet /plɪɛt/, plate
pier /pɪɛɹ/, avocado
siem /sɪɛm/, same
shiem /ʃɪɛm/, shame
spies /spɪɛs/, space
chienj /tʃɪɛndʒ/, change
Mieri /mɪɛɹi/, Mary
tiebl /tɪɛbl/, table
wie /wɪɛ/, way
niem /nɪɛm/, name
sieka /sɪɛka/, because
ieti /ɪɛti/, eighty
This diphthong is sometimes written as ia with the corresponding pronunciation /iɐ/ | uo
The diphthong uo is pronounced /uɔ/, as the "@" in @ or the "@" in @
gruo /gɹuɔ/, grow
uol /uɔl/, hole / whole / old
kuoknat /kuɔknat/, coconut
suos /suɔs/, source
huoliip /huɔli:p/, many / a lot
luokal /luɔkal/, local
guol /guɔl/, goal / gold
guot /guɔt/, goat
nuoz /nuɔz/, nose
puos /puɔs/, post
shuo /ʃuɔ/, show
uona /uɔna/, owner
fuo /fuɔ/, four
kuol /kuɔl/, cold
uoba /uɔba/, over
kuos /kuɔs/, coast
ruod /ɹuɔd/, road
raktuon /ɹaktuɔn/, stone
puosi /puɔsi/, postman
shuolda /ʃuɔlda/, shoulder
tuo /tuɔ/, toe
ruos /ɹuɔs/, roasted
nuo /nuɔ/, know
puo /puɔ/, poor
buot /buɔt/, boat
tuori /tuɔɹi/, story
muo /muɔ/ or muor /muɔɹ/, more
nuot /nuɔt/, note
muos /muɔs/, most
uom /uɔm/, home
duo /duɔ/, door
suop /suɔp/, soap
puot /puɔt/, sports
suos /suɔs/, source
papishuo /papiʃuɔ/, foolishness (exclamation of surprise)
juok /dʒuɔk/, joke
stuon /stuɔn/, stone
This diphthong is sometimes written as ua with the corresponding pronunciation /ʊɐ/ |
When uo is at the beginning of a word, it may sometimes be pronounced (and written) with either an h or a w in front of it, depending on the speaker
uol (hole / whole / old) → huol → wuol
This applies to derivative terms as well
uoliip → huoliip → wuoliip (many / a lot / large group)
uol-taima → huol-taima → wuol-taima (old-timer)
di uol a dem → di huol a dem → di wuol a dem (all of them / everyone) ou
The diphthong ou is pronounced /ɔu/, as the "@" in @ or the "@" in @
kou /kɔu/, cow
toun /tɔun/, town
This diphthong is sometimes written as au with the corresponding pronunciation /ɔʊ/ |
4.1.3. Nasal Vowels
There are five nasal vowels in Jamaican, corresponding to the five short vowels listed above
Nasal vowels: ahn, ehn, ihn, ohn, uhn
Nasal vowel sounds: /ã/, /ɛ̃/, /ĩ/, /õ/, /ũ/
As seen above, the letters hn are added after a vowel to indicate that it is a nasal vowel:
ahn /ã/, and
Long vowels can also be nasalized with hn
kyaahn /kjã:/, can’t
iihn /ĩ:/, isn’t it?
The nasal vowel ahn is pronounced /ã/, as in the "anc" in French blanc
pahn /pã/ on, upon
frahn /fɹã/, from
ahn /ã/, and
kiahn /kjã/, can
wahn /wã/, want
kyaahn /kjã:/, cannot
The nasal vowel ehn is pronounced /ɛ̃/, as the "in" in French vin
wehn /wɛ̃/, (anterior marker)
dehn /dɛ̃/, they
The nasal vowel ihn is pronounced /ĩ/, as the "@" in @
ihn /ĩ/, he / she
The nasal vowel ohn is pronounced /õ/, as the "on" in French bon
this sound should be represented by /ɔ̃/, which is a precomposed character ɔ combined with a tilde [~]; for convenience, /õ/ is used here in its place) |
sohn /sõ/, some
duohn /duõ/, don’t
The nasal vowel uhn is pronounced /ũ/, as the "un" in French un
suhn /sũ/, soon
4.1.4. Table of vowels and diphthongs
Vowel | Pronunciation | Length | Example | Notes |
a |
/a/ |
short |
wan |
as the "a" in father |
e |
/e/ |
short |
bel |
as the "e" in bed |
i |
/ɪ/ |
short |
migl |
as the "i" in thin |
o |
/o/ |
short |
kot |
u |
/u/ |
short |
kuk |
as the "oo" in cool |
aa |
/a:/ |
long |
baal |
ii |
/i:/ |
long |
siin |
uu |
/u:/ |
long |
yuut |
ahn |
/ã/ |
short, nasal |
pahn |
as in the "anc" in French blanc |
ehn |
/ɛ̃/ |
short, nasal |
wehn |
as the "in" in French vin |
ihn |
/ĩ/ |
short, nasal |
ihn |
ohn |
/õ/ |
short, nasal |
sohn |
as the "on" in French bon |
uhn |
/ũ/ |
short, nasal |
suhn |
as the "un" in French un |
ai |
/aɪ/ |
diphthong |
baik |
as the "igh" in sigh or the "y" in try |
ie |
/ɪɛ/ |
diphthong |
kiek |
uo |
/uɔ/ |
diphthong |
ruod |
ou |
/ɔu/ |
diphthong |
kou |
4.1.5. Sounds to note ya (ia)
The sound ya /ja/ is equivalent to, and sometimes written as, ia:
nyam (niam) /ɲam/, eat
gyal (gial), girl yaa (iaa)
Likewise, the lengthened version yaa /ja:/ is equivalent to, and sometimes written as, iaa:
kyaahn (kiaahn) /kjã:/, cannot, can’t
gyaadn (giaadn) /gja:dn̩/, garden
kyaar (kiaar) /kja:r/, car
gyaad (giaad) /gja:d/, guard
kyaahn or kyaan (kiaahn or kiaan) /kjã:/ or /kja:n/, cannot, can’t
pyaahn-pyaahn (piaahn-piaahn) /pjã:pjã:/, weak
4.2. Consonants
There are 23 consonants in Jamaican
Consonants: b, d, ch, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, ng, p, r, s, sh, t, v, w, x, y, z, zh
The consonant b is pronounced /b/, as the "b" in book
bami /bamɪ/, bammy (a traditional cassava flatbread)
botn /botn/, button
biek /bɪɛk/, bake
bigop /bɪgop/, praise, commend
The consonant d is pronounced /d/, as the "d" in door
dopi /dopɪ/, ghost
daag /da:g/, dog
The consonant ch is pronounced /tʃ/, as the "ch" in chair
choch /tʃotʃ/, church
chruu /tʃɹu:/, through
chuun /tʃu:n/, tune
chuut /tʃu:t/, truth
chrikifai /tʃɹikifai/, cunning
The consonant f is pronounced /f/, as the "f" in four
feda /feda/, feather
fuud /fu:d/, food
fyuu /fju:/, few
falara /falaɹa/, follower
The consonant g is pronounced /f/, as the "f" in four
goli /golɪ/, gully
guot /guot/, goat
The consonant h can be silent, or depending on the speaker, dialect, and emphasis it may be pronounced /h/, as the "h" in happy
hit /hɪt/ or /ɪt/, to hit
hen /hen/ or /en/, hen
hAirish /haɪɹiʃ/ or /aɪɹiʃ/, Irish
The consonant j is pronounced /dʒ/, as the "j" in jump
mieja /mɪɛdʒa/, measure
joj /dʒodʒ/, judge
vijan /vɪdʒan/, vision
The consonant k is pronounced /k/, as the "c" in cut
kait /kaɪt/, kite
kalij /kalɪdʒ/, college
kisaada /kisa:da/, cassava
klaat /kla:t/, cloth
kolcha /koltʃa/, culture
konchri /kontʃɹi/, country
kom /kom/, come
kot /kot/, cut
The consonant l is pronounced /l/, as the "l" in left
laiyad /laɪjad/, liar
laiyan /laɪjan/, lion
liin /li:n/, lean
The consonant m is pronounced /m/, as the "m" in map
magij /magɪdʒ/, maggot
man /man/, man
The consonant n is pronounced /n/, as the "n" in new
nomba /nomba/, number
nais /naɪs/, nice
The consonant ng is pronounced /ŋ/, as the "ng" in wing
sang /saŋ/, song
sing /sɪŋ/, sing
grong /gɹoŋ/, ground
The consonant p is pronounced /p/, as the "p" in pear
picha /pitʃa/, picture
piil /pi:l/, peel
pudn /pudn/, pudding
pus /pus/, cat
The consonant r is pronounced /ɹ/, as the "r" in red
redi /ɹedɪ/, ready
ron /ɹon/, run
rait /ɹaɪt/, write
The consonant s is pronounced /s/, as the "s" in sin
sinieli /sɪnɪɛli/, snail
sik /sɪk/, sick
The consonant sh is pronounced /ʃ/, as the "sh" in shoe
shuo /ʃuo/, show
shap /ʃap/, shop
shout /ʃout/, shout
sheda /ʃeda/, shadow
shaat /ʃa:t/, short
shuga /ʃuga/, sugar
shuolda /ʃuolda/, shoulder
shaachij /ʃa:tʃɪdʒ/, shortage
disepshos /dɪsepʃos/, deceitful
sofarieshan /sofarɪɛʃan/, suffering
The consonant t is pronounced /t/, as the "t" in tin
tiks /tɪks/, a tick
tuu /tu:/, two; too
toti /totɪ/, thirty
The consonant v is pronounced /v/, as the "v" in very
van /van/, van
vuot /vuot/, vote
In the acrolect, v may be replaced with b, e.g.: lob → lov (love). |
The consonant w is pronounced /w/, as the "w" in well
wala /wala/, wallow
wail /waɪl/, wild
The consonant x is pronounced /ks/, as the "x" in exercise
aax /aːks/, ask
mongx /moŋks/, among; amongst
In some orthographies, x may be written as ks, e.g.: aaks, mongks, etc. |
The consonant y is pronounced /j/, as the "y" in you
yampi /jampi/, yampi (a small variety of yam)
yong /joŋ/, young
yai /jaɪ/, eye
yaad /ja:d/, yard
The consonant z is pronounced /z/, as the "z" in zoo
zela /zela/, (a wake for the dead)
zuu /zu:/, zoo
The consonant zh is only used in loanwords; it is pronounced /ʒ/, as the "s" in illusion
plezha /pleʒa/, pleasure
vorzhan /voɹʒan/, version
chrezha /chɹeʒa/, treasure
divizhan /diviʒan/, division
In the acrolect, zh may be replaced by j /dʒ/, for example: pleja, vorjan, chreja, divijan, etc. |
4.2.1. Overview of Consonant Sounds
Consonant | Pronunciation | Example | Notes |
b |
/b/ |
bami |
as the "b" in book |
d |
/d/ |
dopi |
as the "d" in door |
ch |
/tʃ/ |
choch |
as the "ch" in chair |
f |
/f/ |
feda |
as the "f" in four |
g |
/f/ |
goli |
as the "f" in four |
h |
/h/ |
hit |
as the "h" in happy; may be silent depending on the speaker and dialect |
j |
/dʒ/ |
joj |
as the "j" in jump |
k |
/k/ |
kalij |
as the "c" in cut |
l |
/l/ |
laiyad |
as the "l" in left |
m |
/m/ |
man |
as the "m" in map |
n |
/n/ |
nomba |
as the "n" in new |
ng |
/ŋ/ |
sang |
as the "ng" in wing |
p |
/p/ |
pudn |
as the "p" in pear |
r |
/ɹ/ |
redi |
as the "r" in red |
s |
/s/ |
sinieli |
as the "s" in sin |
sh |
/ʃ/ |
shuo |
as the "sh" in shoe |
t |
/t/ |
toti |
as the "t" in tin |
v |
/v/ |
vuot |
as the "v" in very |
w |
/w/ |
wail |
as the "w" in well |
y |
/j/ |
yaad |
as the "y" in you |
z |
/z/ |
zela |
as the "z" in zoo |
zh |
/ʒ/ |
plezha |
as the "s" in illusion; only used in loanwords |
4.2.2. Consonant Combinations
ny, gy, ky
In some loanwords from West African languages, ny is pronounced (/ɲ/) as in the "ñ" in Spanish enseñar
nyam /ɲam/, eat
The combination ky is pronounced /kj/, as in @ (this sound is written with the symbol /c/ in IPA, but for clarity we have written it phonemically as /kj/):
kyaahn /kjãː/, can’t; cannot
Similarly, gy is pronounced /gj/ (or more accurately /ɟ/) as in @:
gyaadn /ɟaːdn̩/, garden
Some people may write niam instead of nyam, and kiaan for kyaan, gial for gyal, et cetera |
chrabl /tʃɹabl̩/, travel
chrai /tʃɹaɪ/, try
chrang /tʃɹaŋ/, strong
chrent /tʃɹent/, strength
chriet /tʃɹɪɛt/, straight
chrii /tʃɹi:/, tree, three
chriit /tʃɹi:t/, treat
chrik /tʃɹik/, trick
chrikifai /tʃɹikifai/, cunning
chrech /tʃɹetʃ/, stretch
chrecha /tʃɹetʃa/, stretcha
chrangga /tʃɹaŋga/, stronger
jraafut /dʒɹa:fut/, lame
jred /dʒɹed/, Rastafarian
jresbak /dʒɹesbak/, reverse
jresdong /dʒɹesdoŋ/, shift position
jriepop /dʒɹɪɛpop/, accost
jraadong /dʒɹa:doŋ/, reduced
jraaz /dʒɹa:z/, drawers
jraa /dʒɹa:/, draw
jrap /dʒɹap/, drop
jringk /dʒɹiŋk/, drink
jrai /dʒɹaɪ/, dry
jres /dʒɹes/, dress
jrom /dʒɹom/, drum
brejrin /bɹedʒɹin/, friend
onjrid /ondʒɹid/, hundred
exkiep /ekskɪɛp/, to escape
4.2.3. Sounds to note Syllabic n
Syllabic n is pronounced /n̩/, and can occur following b, d, s, t, or z
notn /notn̩/, nothing
sebn /sebn̩/, seven
kudn /kudn̩/, could not
ebn /ebn̩/, heaven
gyaadn /gja:dn̩/, garden
iibn /i:bn̩/, even
sitn /sitn̩/, something
wapn-bapn /wapn̩bapn̩/, poorly constructed, thrown together
touzn /touzn̩/, thousand
mountn /mountn̩/, mountain
kriebn /kɹɪɛbn̩/, gluttonous
pudn /pudn̩/, pudding
fraitn /fɹaɪtn̩/, frighten
paadn /pa:dn̩/, pardon
katn /katn̩/, cotton
Swiidn /swi:dn̩/, Sweden
riizn /ɹi:zn̩/, reason
lisn /lisn̩/, listen
paasn /pa:sn̩/, preacher
kozn /ko:zn̩/, cousin Syllabic l
haxesobl /haksesobl̩/, accessible
anmigl /anmigl̩/, palm
bringgl /bɹiŋgl̩/, agitated
iejobl /ɪɛdʒobl̩/, mature, as in person
manazebl /manazebl̩/, polite
onggl /oŋgl̩/, only
sensobl /sensobl̩/, sensible
sipl /sipl̩/, slippery
migl /migl̩/, middle
Mandivl /mandivl̩/, Mandeville
piipl /pi:pl̩/, people
chobl /tʃobl̩/, trouble
ombl /ombl̩/, humble
kianggl /kjaŋgl̩/, ̩candle
rigl /ɹigl̩/, riddle
chrabl /tʃɹabl̩/, travel
taikl /taɪkl̩/, title
haatikl /ha:tikl̩/, article
likl /likl̩/, little
torkl /toɹkl̩/, turtle Syllabic m
lebm /lebm̩/, eleven
apm /apm̩/, happen
sopm /sopm̩/, something
waapm /wa:pm̩/, what’s happening / what’s up (greeting)
uopm /uɔpm̩/, open
4.2.4. Silent Letters
The letters h and r are often added or omitted at the beginning and end of words, respectively, depending on the speaker
aatikl → haatikl (article)
fuo → fuor (four)
See Consonants for more details on the pronunciation of h and r
4.2.5. Elided Sounds
Certain consonant combinations tend to be avoided at the beginning of a word, for example /sk/, /sp/ and /st/
kuul /ku:l/, school (also skuul)
krichoul /kɹitʃoul/, owl
kraani /kɹa:ni/, skinny
chrang /tʃɹaŋ/, strong
chrent /tʃɹent/, strength
chriet /tʃɹɪɛt/, straight
tap /tap/, stop
plit /plit/, split
5. Morphology
5.1. Nouns
5.1.2. Plural of nouns
To form the plural of a given definite noun, use the article di and add the plural marker -dem to the end of the word
di pikni-dem, the children
di nieba-dem, the neighbours
di buk-dem, the books
di pus-dem, the cats
di daag-dem, the dogs
di pat-dem, the pots
di man-dem, the men
di uman-dem, the women
di bwai-dem, the boys
di piipl-dem, the people
di faama-dem, the farmers
di hat-dem, the hats
mi iez-dem, my ears
It is not necessary to add the plural marker -dem if it follows a cardinal number
di faiv buk, the five books
If the plural noun is indefinite it is also not necessary to use the -dem marker
Buk de pan di tiebl, Books are on the table
Mango swiit, Mangoes are sweet
Im a sel yam a maakit, He is selling yams in the market
Examples of using plural nouns:
Di pikni-dem laas di piepa, The children lost the paper
Di buk-dem de pan di tiebl, The books are on the table
Di pus-dem av nof pikni, The cats have many kittens
Ruoz tel im se a Klaris mash di pat-dem, Rose told her that it was Claris that broke the pots
Di man-dem dig di uol ahn di uman-dem plaant di kaan, The men dug the holes and the women planted the corn
Si yu buk-dem ya, Here are your books
Many linguists have noted that -dem is not strictly speaking a plural marker: plural nouns (for example, indefinite nouns and inanimate objects) can be expressed without it, and there are several restrictions on its use. Generally speaking, it is used more often for human beings than for animals, and more often for animals than for inanimate objects. (For more details, see Stewart, 2011.) | Plural Reduplication
In rare cases it is possible to create a plural noun by repeating it:
buk-buk (several) books
However this can only be used with mono-syllabic nouns and only when referring to groups of more than two |
In other cases, a reduplicated noun can indicate affection or intimacy:
gal-gal, daughter (affectionate appellation) Associative Plural
If the plural suffix -dem is attached to the end of a proper name, it means (person named) and the others
Jan-dem, John and the others
Ruoz-dem tel im se a Klaris mash di pat, Rose and the others told her that it was Claris that broke the pot
5.1.4. Case Genitive Case
Use the pattern x y to express a possessive relationship between two nouns, such as the x of y or the the x’s y
di nieba-dem ous, the neighbours' house
Mieri son, Mary’s son
Piita daata, Peter’s daughter
Maak buk, Mark’s book
Sanja bag, Sandra’s bag
Sanja buk ahn Piita bag de pan di grong, Sandra’s book and Peter’s bag are on the floor
5.1.5. Proper Nouns Personal Names
Given names (also known as Kristiyan niem, Christian names) follow the same rules of phonology as other words (including loan words) in Jamaican. So George becomes Jaaj (pronounced /dʒa:dʒ/), Mary becomes Mieri (pronounced /mɪɛɹi/), and so on.
It is important to note that in many social contexts, nicknames may be used in preference to given names (see Nicknames and Yard Names below). Female Names
Some examples of common female given names in Jamaica:
Darati /daɹati/, Dorothy
Ieda /ɪɛda/, Ada
Iemi /ɪɛmi/, Amy
Jien /dʒɪɛn/, Jane
Kiet /kɪɛt/, Kate
Klier /klɪɛɹ/, Claire
Kyari /kjaɹi/, Carrie
Luwiiz /luwi:z/, Louise
Mieri /mɪɛɹi/, Mary
Nansi /nansi/, Nancy
Puosha /puɔʃa/, Portia
Sanja /sandʒa/, Sandra
Siera /sɪɛra/, Sarah
Silvia /silvia/, Sylvia
Yuuna /yuːna/, Una Male Names
Some examples of common male given names in Jamaica:
Aizak /aɪzak/, Isaac
Aligzanda /aligzanda/, Alexander
Anju /andʒu/, Andrew
Bruus /bɹuːs/, Bruce
Chaali /tʃaːli/, Charlie
Danal /danal/, Donald
Derik /deɹik/, Derek
Dievid /dɪɛvid/, David
Edwad /edwad/, Edward
Eliat /eliat/, Eliot
Jaaj /dʒaːdʒ/, George
Jan /dʒan/, John
Jiemz /dʒɪɛmz/, James
Juo /dʒuɔ/, Joe
Kenet /kenet/, Kenneth
Klifod /klifod/, Clifford
Larans /laɹans/, Laurence
Luwi /luwi/, Louis
Maak /maːk/, Mark
Maakos /maːkos/, Marcus
Maikal /maɪkal/, Michael
Matyu /matju/, Matthew
Naaman /naːman/, Norman
Orbort /oɹbort/, Herbert
Owad /owad/, Howard
Paal /paːl/, Paul
Pachrik /patʃɹik/, Patrick
Piita /piːta/, Peter
Saiman /saɪman/, Simon
Salaman /salaman/, Solomon
Samyuel /samjuel/, Samuel
Stiibm /stiːbm̩/, Stephen
Tamas /tamas/, Thomas
Vik /vik/, Vic
Yuu /juː/, Hugh Nicknames
In practice, many people may be only rarely referred to by their given name. A rich system of nickaming exists in Jamaican and nicknames are frequently based on characteristics or appearance rather than the given name of the person in question.
These nicknames are also known as yaad niem (yard names), and are generally used by friends, family, and others for most purposes other than formal occasions (such as by teachers in school, or accessing government or other institutional services).
Impromptu nicknames may also be given to strangers, for example, when calling out to someone on the street if their name is not known. Like yard names, these are generally based on easily recognizable physical characteristics and other descriptors such as occupation. Yard Names
The vast majority of yard names are descriptive or have some sort of story that explains their origin. However, occasionally, a yard name may be based on the actual given name of the person concerned. For example, "Nicholas" or "Nick" might be known as:
Neki ("Necky")
Niki ("Nicky")
Niko ("Nico")
Similarly, someone whose name begins with the letter V might be known as:
Vii ("Vee")
The two principles (descriptor and element based on given name) can also be combined:
Likl Dii ("Little D", e.g. a person of short stature whose given name begins with the letter "D")
Hevi Dii ("Heavy D", e.g. a large person whose given name begins with the letter "D")
Sometimes yard names are otherwise completely conventional names that nevertheless have nothing to do with the person’s given name:
Alisha ("Alicia", given name e.g. Kelly)
Anji ("Angie", given name e.g. Celia)
Chrisha ("Tricia", given name e.g. Louise)
Chrudi ("Trudy", given name e.g. Sandra)
Doreen ("Doreen", given name e.g. Mary)
Pachrik ("Patrick", given name e.g. Mark)
Tam ("Tom", given name e.g. James)
Tuoni ("Tony", given name e.g. Edward) Identifiers
The prefix Mis or Misiz is often added to some other name or characteristic to make a female yard name:
Miss Opie
Miss Vyel
Misiz Steps ("Mrs. Steps")
In combination with a surname, Mis and Misiz can also be used to form an honorific address (see further below). |
Names can be based on work:
Tiich ("Teach")
Tiicha ("Teacher")
Nars ("Nurse")
For merchants or employees of particular stores, apart from general occupational descriptions, yard names may be based on the specific product they sell:
Kriimi ("Creamy", someone who sells icecream)
Notsi ("Nutsy", someone who sells nuts)
Juusi ("Juicy", sells juice)
A male merchant may often be referred to as "product-man" depending on what they sell:
Manggo-man ("Mango-man", a man who sells mangoes)
Gliina-man ("Gleaner-man", a man who sells the The Gleaner newspaper)
Juus-man ("Juice-man", a man who sells juice)
On the other hand, the yard name may be based on the place where the product is sold:
Shaka ("Shakka", works at a juice shack)
From the above it can be seen that someone who sells juice might have any of the following yard names:
Juicy (male or female)
Juice-man (male only)
Shakka (male or female) Honorifics
There are several standard honorific titles which are used in Jamaican, either independently, or in combination with a surname:
Mista, Mr.
Mis, Miss
Misiz, Mrs.
Ma, Ma’am
Sa, Sir
Mas, Master
The following are some respectful forms of address for women:
The following are some respectful forms of address for men:
Formal introductions usually involve a greeting (e.g., Gud maaning, Gud aftanuun, Gud iivning) plus an honorific title (Mista, Mis, Misiz) and the person’s surname:
Gud maanin, Mista Jansn, Good morning, Mr. Johnson
Gud aftanuun, Mis Yuuz, Good afternoon, Miss Hughes
Gud iivning, Misiz Juonz, Good evening, Mrs. Jones
Children usually refer to adults who are not relatives or friends as Sa, Mista, or Mis.
Respected family member or elders may be referred to using the honorific title Maas (Master) followed by their given name:
Maas Aizak (Master Isaac) List of yard names
The following names have been reported by various people as being examples of yard names in use in Jamaican communities:
Apl ("Apple")
Apl Jie ("Apple J.")
Baba ("Babba")
Badis ("Baddis", Baddest)
Bala ("Balla")
Bambi ("Bambi")
Big Ed ("Big Head")
Biga ("Bigga")
Blaka ("Blacka")
Blaki ("Blackie")
Blaks ("Blacks")
Blosom ("Blossom")
Bob Stiil ("Bob Steel")
Bodi ("Birdie")
Boizi ("Boysie")
Breda ("Bredda")
Bruk Fut ("Bruk Foot")
Bublz ("Bubbles")
Bula ("Bulla")
Buubzi ("Boobsy")
Buudi ("Boody")
Cheri ("Cherry")
Ches-Man ("Chess Man")
Chiiz ("Cheese")
Chiki ("Chickie")
Chikin ("Chicken")
China ("Chinna")
Daimon ("Diamond")
Debi ("Debbie")
Devil ("Devil")
Dogart ("Dogheart")
Dogi ("Doggie")
Don Don ("Dun Dun")
Donkiman ("Donkeyman")
Doti Moni ("Dutty Money")
Duki ("Ducky")
Enjil ("Angel")
Faiyaman ("Fireman")
Faini ("Finey")
Fasi ("Fassy")
Fati ("Fatty")
Frigen ("Frigen")
Frogi ("Froggy")
Futa ("Foota")
Glamati ("Glamatty")
Goli Bangx ("Gully Banks")
Goli ("Gully")
Gon Keli ("Gun Kelly")
Haip-Op ("Hype-Up")
Hedz ("Headz")
Jan Jan ("Jon Jon")
Jan Tom ("John Tom")
Jani ("Jonny")
Juju ("Juju")
Junjo ("Junjo")
Junya ("Junior")
Kanak ("Canuck")
Keidi ("Kady")
Klarki ("Clarky")
Kori-Kat ("Curry-Cat")
Korli Loks ("Curly Locks")
Kuu-Kuu ("Coo-Coo")
Kuuli-Man ("Coolie man")
Kyuti ("Qutie")
Lengki ("Lenky")
Likl Man ("Little Man")
Likl Mis ("Little Miss")
Likl ("Likkle")
Maas Juo ("Maas Joe")
Mama ("Mama")
Man A Man ("Man a man")
Mankiman ("Monkeyman")
Menshan ("Mention")
Merleisha ("Merleisha")
Monchi ("Munchie")
Monsta Pii ("Monsta P")
Murda ("Murda")
Muudi ("Moodie")
Nachral ("Natural")
Nalij ("Knowledge")
Nando ("Nando")
Ogli Man ("Ugly Man")
Pem Pem ("Pem Pem")
Pensil Man ("Pencil Man")
Pet ("Pet")
Piichiz ("Peaches")
Pingki ("Pinky")
Plomi ("Plummie")
Ponchi ("Punchie")
Ponsi ("Puncie")
Posela ("Pussella")
Pou ("Pow")
Preshas ("Precious")
Prinses ("Princess")
Priti ("Pretty")
Puuchi ("Poochie")
Puuki ("Pookie")
Rambo ("Rambo")
Rati ("Ratty")
Rieni ("Rainy")
Rinegied ("Renegade")
Ruudi ("Rudie")
Shan Shan ("Shan Shan")
Sheli ("Shelly")
Shodee ("Shodee")
Shottis ("Shottis")
Shuga ("Suga", "Sugar")
Ska ("Ska")
Skata Shot ("Scatta Shot")
Skoli Ed ("Scully Head")
Skwidi ("Squidy")
Sliipi ("Sleepy")
Smaili ("Smiley")
Smuuchi ("Smuchie")
Son Son ("Sun Sun")
Sopent ("Serpent")
Splash ("Splash")
Splinta ("Splinter")
Staa ("Star")
Stiki ("Sticky")
Tii-Shot ("T-Shirt")
Twinie ("Twinie")
Wet Daag ("Wet Dog")
Wich Flieva ("Which Flavour")
Winji ("Winjy")
Witi ("Witty")
Yaga ("Yagga")
Yangki ("Yankee") Place Names
See the accompanying Gazetteer of Placenames in Jamaican for a list of common placenames and their pronunciation.
5.1.6. Diminuitives
(In progress)
5.1.7. Pronouns Personal Pronouns
There are six basic personal pronouns in Jamaican: mi, yu, im, wi, unu, dem
mi, I (first person singular)
yu, you (second person singular)
im / ihn, he / she (third person singular)
also: shi / ar, she
also: i / it, it
wi, we (first person plural)
unu, you (second person plural)
dem / dehn, they (third person plural)
In some cases, the subject pronouns im and dem can be pronounced ihn and dehn
Ihn tel lai pahn mi, He told a lie about me
Dehn a go iit aaf aal di raip plom ahn gwaava af di chrii, They are going to eat up all the ripe plums and guavas from the tree
No special conjugation is needed when using different personal pronouns in a sentence
Mi nuo di man, I know the man
Im nuo di man, He knows the man
Yu nuo di man, You know the man
Dem nuo di man, They know the man
There are no gender distinctions in personal pronouns in the Jamaican acrolect
Im gi im im, She gave it to him
However in the mesolect, there is a distinction between im (he) and shi (she)
Im a di liida, He is the leader
Shi a di liida, She is the leader
There is also frequently a distinction between im (he) and i (it)
I hebi kyaan-don, It is extremely heavy
The pronoun wi (we) can mean we as in including the speaker and the listener, or as the speaker and others (not including the listener)
Wi de go a Tong, We are going to town
Wi nuo di man, We know the man
Wi ahn Mieri kech liet, We and Mary arrived late Object pronouns
Object pronouns are the same as subject pronouns in Jamaican
Dem kaal mi fi kohn elp dem, They asked me to help them
Im a laaf afta wi, He is laughing at us Possessive pronouns
mi, my
yu, your
im, his
shi, her
wi, our
unu, your (pl.)
dem, their
fi mi, mine
fi yu, yours
fi im, his
fi shi, hers
fi wi, ours
fi dem, theirs
uufa whose
Mi pensl ahn yu buk ina dem ous, My pencil and your book are in their house
Mi fuud ina di pat, My food is in the pot
yu niem, your name
yu frak, your dress
yu buk-dem, your books
im sista Mieri, his sister Mary
im daata, his daughter
im niem, his name
im ous, his house
fi mi, mine
Di fuud ina di pat a fi mi, The food in the pot is mine
fi yu, yours
A wish wan a dem a fi yu?, Which one of them is yours?
uufa, whose
A uufa picha dis?, Whose picture is this? Reflexive Pronouns
miself, myself
unuself or yuself, yourself
imself, himself
demself, themselves
-self in the above pronouns may sometimes be pronounced (and written) as -sef. | Demonstrative Pronouns
There are two kinds of demonstratives in Jamaican: simple and compound
simple demonstratives: dis, dat, ya, de
compound demonstratives: dis-ya, dat-de, dem-ya, dem-de
There are four simple demonstratives
dis, this
dat or daa, that
ya, here
de, there
The simple demonstratives come before the noun they refer to
dis uman, this woman
There are four compound demonstratives
dis-ya, this here
dat-de, that there
dem-ya, these here
dem-de, those there
There are also two additional demonstratives with the suffix -so for emphasis
yaso /jaso/, right here
deso /deso/, right there
When used together with a noun, the first part of the compound demonstrative comes before the noun and the second part comes after it
dis man ya, this man here
da man de, that man there
Examples of demonstrative pronouns:
Dis bwai a go mek mi sin miself, This boy is going to make me lose my cool
Dis-ya buk swiit no hel, This book is extremely enjoyable
Im laas dat-de wan, He lost that one
Dat-de buk laas, He lost that book
Im laas dat-de, He lost that one
Dis-ya pen naa rait gud, This pen is not writing properly
Dat-de pen naa rait gut, That pen is not writing properly
Di bwai mek mi staat kos badwod, The boy caused me to start swearing
Jan sidong de a laaf, John sat there laughing
Tiicha no kech ya yeti, Teacher hasn’t reached here yet
Mi nuo se im de ya, I know that he/she is here
Mi si im doun ya yeside, I saw him/her down here yesterday
To express the prepositional sense of here (as in French voilà), use si
Si yu buk-dem ya, Here are your books
Si mi hat ya, Here is my hat
Si mi ya, Here I am
Si im ya, Here he is
Si Jan ya, Here is John
Si wan neks wan ya, Here is another one Indefinite Pronouns
The words smadi (someone) and sitn (something) are used to represent indefinite things
Smadi uu sing kaal singa, Someone who sings is called a singer
Dem gi smadi di mechiz fi gi mi, They gave someone the message to give to me
Dem tek di ogli sitn gi di pikni, They took the ugly thing and gave it to the child
Evribadi iit wen dem fiil laik, dem no wiet pan nobadi, Everybody ate when they felt like it; they didn’t wait for anyone
No mek nobadi luk dong pan im ar chriit im laka se im a notn, Don’t let anyone look down on him or treat him like nothing
smadi or sumadi, somebody / someone
nobadi, nobody / no one
enibadi, anybody / anyone
ebribadi, everybody / everyone
sitn or sinting or sopm, something
sopm /sopm̩/, something
notn, nothing
ebriting, everything
somwe, somewhere
nowe, nowhere
ebriwe, everywhere
The ebri- in ebribadi, ebriting, and ebriwe may be pronounced as evri- in the mesolect. |
5.1.8. Articles Definite Article
The definite article di the is used in a similar way to English
di fuud, the food
di man, the man
di pikni, the child
di ous, the house
di moni, the money
di pikni-dem, the children
di tiebl, the table
di paati, the party
di mechiz, the message Indefinite Article
The indefinite article wahn a/an is pronounced with a nasalized vowel (similar to the French an)
wahn uman, a woman
wahn man, a man
wahn dopi, a man
Wahn uman gi Piita di loki lato nomba fi plie, A woman gave Peter the lucky lottery number to play
Wahn dopi lik wahn man, A ghost hit a man
Piita pik wan apl ahn Mieri pik tuu, Peter picked one apple and Mary picked two
the indefinite article wahn is distinct from the numeral wan one |
5.2. Adjectives
Adjectives in Jamaican are not marked for gender or number. In other words, they do not change depending on the gender of the noun they describe, or whether the noun is plural or singular.
5.2.1. Order of Adjectives and Nouns
Adjectives precede the nouns they describe, as in English
taal ier, long hair
5.2.2. Comparison of Adjectives Degree Words
tuu, too
bad, very
Most degree words come before the adjective they describe
tuu bad, too rude
However, when used as a degree word, bad always comes after the adjective it describes
hat bad, very hot
Di fuud hat bad, The food is very hot
It tuu kris, It’s too stiff
Im fala dem bot no tuu kluos, He followed them, but not too close Comparatives
The comparative form of adjectives is created by adding the suffix -a to the end of the word
big, big → biga, bigger
rich, rich → richa, richer
Adjectives can be compared using the word dan (dahn) together with the comparative form of the adjective
Mieri richa dan Piita, Mary is richer than Peter
Jan biga dan im sista Mieri, John is older than his sister Mary Superlatives
The superlative form of adjectives is created by adding the suffix -is to the end of the word
smaalis, smallest
bigis, biggest
waizis, wisest
Superlatives can also be formed using di muos + A
di muos, the most
Wich wan a di muos impuotant wan?, Which one is the most important?
It a di muos impuotant wan, It’s the most important one
muos a unu, most of you
5.2.3. Adjective Reduplication
Adjectives can be reduplicated to give a meaning similar to the suffix -ish in English
chaka-chaka, untidy / disorderly / in disarray
fool-fool, foolish
friedi-friedi, frightened / cowardly
ful-ful, very full
gud-gud, really good / quite good
juki-juki, prickly or needle-like
kluos-kluos, very close / intimate
laafi-laafi, inclined to laughter
likl-likl, quite small
maaga-maaga, very skinny
naasi-naasi, having nasty, filthy characteristics
ogli-ogli, very ugly
plenti-plenti, plentiful
sluo-sluo, very slow
swiit-swiit, very sweet
taaki-taaki, talkative
taal-taal, very tall / very high
yala-yala, yellowish, yellow-spotted
susu-susu, whispering
blenop-blenop, blended together
wan taal-taal mountn, a very high mountain
som likl-likl ous, some rather small houses
5.3. Verbs
5.3.1. Tense of Verbs Present Tense
Stative verbs can be used alone without change in the present tense
Mi honggri, I’m hungry
Im sik, He is sick
Jan fuul, John is foolish
Im ded, He is dead
Mi niem Jan, My name is John
Mi laik manggo, I like mangoes
Jan sik ahn im daata nuo, John is sick and his daughter knows
Wi fried a siniek, We are afraid of snakes
Hou yu du?, How are you doing? Present Progressive Tense
If an action is ongoing, use the progressive marker de or a before the verb to indicate the present progressive tense
Rien de faal, It is raining
Mi ed de hat mi, My head is hurting
Mi de kom, I am coming
Mi de nyam di fuud, I am eating the food
Mi de go a Tong, I am going to Town
Mi a go a maakit, I’m going to the market
Mi a go a mi yaad, I’m going home
Jan de kuk, Mieri de riid ahn Piita a chap ud, John is cooking, Mary is reading, and Peter is chopping wood
Di piipl-dem de kos di govament, The people are cursing the government
Im a plaan kaan, He is planting corn
Im a rait wan leta, He is writing a letter
Some "adjectives" are actually stative verbs and can also be used with de to indicate current state
Di bwai de bad, The boy is being bad
Im de taiyad, He is becoming tired Habitual Present Tense
The habitual marker a is used before the verb to indicate the habitual present tense
wan plies we dem a plie haki mach, a place where they play hockey matches Negative Plain Present Tense
The negative present-tense marker no
Mi no nuo we fi se, I don’t know what to say
Mi no nuo we fi du, I don’t know what to do
Mi no nuo we im de, I don’t where he is
Mi no nuo we im niem, I don’t know what his name is
Mi no nuo we im a go, I don’t where he is going
Mi no fraitn fi di huol jing bang a unu, I’m not scared of any of you lot
Im no nuo se yu de a yaad, He doesn’t know that you are at home Negative Present Progressive Tense
The negative present-progressive marker naa
Mi naa du notn, I am not doing anything
Di pikni-dem naa du dem lesn, The children are not doing their lessons
Jais naa fiks yu frak, Joyce is not going to fix your dress
Mi naa gi yu non, I won’t give you any Past Tense
Dynamic verbs can be used alone without any changes in the past perfective tense
Mieri kuk di fuud, Mary cooked the food
Di man nyam di manggo, The man ate the mango
Wahn dopi lik wahn man, A ghost hit a man
Dem tiif di faiv buk outa di shap, They stole the five books from the store
Mi gi di uman di flowaz, I gave the woman the flowers
Di daag bait mi, The dog bit me
Di uman gi di bwai di fuud, The woman gave the boy the food
Im kot di pitieta, He cut the potato
Mieri tek di naif kot di bred, Mary cut the bread with the knife
A wa Jan bai wid di moni?, What did John buy with the money?
Kom wid mi!, Come with me!
Piita kot di bred wid di naif, Peter cut the bread with the knife
Bab sing wid Piita, Bob sang with Peter
Mieri an Jan go a paati laas nait, Mary and John went to a party last night
Di kyaar lik di chrii, The car hit the tree
Di ship krash pan wan ailan, The ship crashed on an island
Jan kot di pitieta, John cut the potato
Mi no ier notn bout dat-de, I didn’t hear anything about that
Jan ahn Mieri kuk ahn nyam di bikl, John and Mary cooked and ate the food
Dem chrai fi kyari im iina di ous, They tried to carry him into the house
Im waan unu nof taim, bot unu naa lisn, He warned you many times, but you didn’t listen
Di man ahn di uman wash di kluoz ahn kliin di ous, The man and the woman washed the clothes and cleaned the house
Im si di kroud ahn aks dem a wa a gwaan, He saw the crowd and asked them what was going on Past Progressive Tense
The past-tense marker wehn indicates that an action in the past was ongoing
Dis-ya pikni wehn aalwiez ogli, This child was always ugly
Jan wehn de nyam di kiek, John was eating the cake
Jan wehn de bil di ous, John was building the house
Di pikni wehn de kil di flowaz, The child was killing the flowers
Di piipl-dem wehn de kos di govament, The people were cursing the government Past Perfect Tense
The anterior marker did can sometimes indicate that some action or condition occurred in the past (in the mesolect)
Im did wel rich, He was very rich
Shi pie muo dan wa shi did pie di fos taim, She paid more than she had paid the first time Negative Past
The negative past-tense marker nehn
Jan nehn de bil di ous, John was not building the house Future Tense
The future tense is formed using the markers a go, gwain, gwai, or de go
This man a go ton tiicha tu, This man is going to became a teacher as well
Dehn a go iit aaf aal di raip plom ahn gwaava af di chrii, They are going to eat up all the ripe plums and guavas from the tree
Im de go dwiit, He’s going to do it
Mi de go a Tong tumaro, I am / will be going to Town tomorrow
Uu de go merid yu?, Who is going to marry you?
Yu beli gwai bi yu dounfal!, Your stomach is going to be your downfall!
a go and de go are sometimes written with a hyphen as a-go and de-go respectively, to distinguish between the progressive present and the future tense
We im a go, Where is he going?
We im a-go iit?, Where is he going to eat?
5.3.2. Mood of Verbs Potential Mood
kyahn + V
Maas Jan se im kyahn kom tumaro, Mr. John said he is able to come tomorrow Passive
Di raip plaantn-dem don ruos yet?, Have the ripe plaintains been roasted yet?
5.3.3. Verb Complements
op, aaf etc.
tan op, stand up
git op, get up
klaim op, climb up
wiek op, wake up
uopm op, open up
bon op, burn up
gyada op, gather up
tingk chriet, think straight
siniik roun, sneak around
twis roun, twist around
iit aaf, eat up
laaf afta, laugh at
5.3.4. Verb Chaining
There is no infinitive form of verbs in Jamaican as in the English to run or to eat
Bare verbs — that is, verbs without any prefixes or suffixes — can be used instead to string together a chain of actions in sequence
An den dem git op ahn staat daans, And then they got up and started to dance
If there is an object after one or both of the verbs, they can likewise be strung together without any other changes
Im tek di moni gi puo piipl, He took the money to give to poor people
Some verbs, like laik (like), lov (love) are followed by fi when used with other verbs
laik fi, like to
lov fi, love to
Shi laik fi sing, She likes to sing
Mi wuda laik fi ier wa yu tingk, I would like to hear what you think
Im lov fi big op imself, He likes to boast
Im lov fi elp ada piipl, He loves to help other people
Dem lov fi susu-susu, They love to whisper / They love to gossip
5.3.5. Verb Reduplication
Verbs can be reduplicated to repetition or continuous action
tiif-tiif, steal repeatedly
5.4. Adverbs
In Jamaican adjectives can be used as adverbs to describe verbs without further modification
Di daag a baak loud, The dog is barking loudly
Tan op chrang, Stand up strong
In some cases, such as with suun (soon) adverbs may come before the verbs they describe
Soma suun kom, Summer is coming soon
5.4.1. Reduplication
Just like adjectives, adverbs can be reduplicated to intensify their meaning
aad aad, extremely hard / as hard as possible
tingk aad aad, wrack one’s brains / think hard
bluo aad aad, blow as hard as one can
loud-loud, very loudly
Dem did a ala ahn baal loud loud, They hollered and cried loudly
5.4.2. also
The meaning of also, too, as well is expressed in Jamaican using the adverb tu
Mi a go de tu, I am going there too
Mi waan sliip tu, I want to sleep too
Jien se im waan sliip tu, Jane says she wants to sleep too
Mi wuda laik si im tu, I’d like to see him too
Fi mi bak a hat mi tu, My back hurts too
Di pikni-dem gaan a puos tu, The children have gone to the post office too
5.4.3. more
The equivalent word to more in Jamaican can be pronounced muo /muɔ/ or muor /muɔɹ/ depending on the speaker
Dem tingk se dem wuda get muo moni, They thought they would get more money
To make a comparison, use muo dan or muor dan
muo dan dat, more than that
muo dan eniting els, more than anything else
muo dan sebn big gruup a dem, more than seven big groups of them
no muo dan dat, no more than that
Im muo dan redi fi help, He’s more than ready to help
Mi av nof muo sitn fi se tu unu, I have many more things to tell you
Ef yu gi sumadi sopm, it mek yu muo api dan ef sumadi gi yu sopm, If you give somebody something, it makes you more happy than if somebody give you something
There are a number of other expressions using muo, which are listed below the more…, the more…
di muo …, a di muo …
Di muo im bluo, a di muo di man rap di jakit rong im, The more he blew, the more the man wrapped his cloak around him
Di muo dem nyam manggo, a di muo manggo dem waahn fi nyam, The more mangos they ate, the more mangos they wanted to eat more and more
muo ahn muo
Bot dem kudn kip kwaiyat, dem pred it muo ahn muo, But they couldn’t keep quiet, and they spread it more and more
Di gruup a piipl we kom a maakit did a gruo muo ahn muo, The group of people who came to the market grew more and more
Dat miin se unu fi dipen pan im muo ahn muo ahn du wa im tel unu fi du, That means that you have to depend on him more and more and do what he tells you to do anymore
no … no muor, not … anymore
Dem no kier bout we rait ar rang no muo, They don’t care anymore about what is right or wrong
Piipl a-go staat tingk se di edikieshan no wot notn no muor, People will start to think that education isn’t worth anything anymore
5.4.4. Adverbial phrases
aal uova, all over
aal uova di worl, all over the world
5.4.5. Intensifiers
There are several adverbial intensifiers or emphatic modifiers in Jamaican that can be used to express such things as indeed, surely, extremely, truly, very, very and so on
fi-chruu, indeed / surely / extremely
Mis Bek nyuu ous big fi-chruu, Miss Beck’s new house is big indeed
Dem-ya tamrin sowa, sa — dem sowa fi-chruu, These tamarinds are sour, sir — they are sour indeed
Laad, misis, yu koward fi-chruu, Lord, Miss, you are a coward indeed
Dat-de daag maaga fi-chruu — wa mek yu no fiid im?, That dog is so thin — why don’t you feed him?
Jan sista en beks fi-chruu, John’s sister was exceedingly angry
Dis-ya bwai fat fi-chruu, This boy is very, very fat
kyaan-don, exceptionally / exceedingly
Di arinj-dem aafa dis-ya chrii swiit kyaan-don, The oranges from this tree are very, very sweet
A suoso kuoknatiina di bag — i hebi kyaan-don, There are only coconuts in the bag — it is exceedingly heavy
Mi kluoz-dem wetop kyaan-don iina di rien, My clothes got very, very wet in the rain
Bra Jaaj en fraitn kyaan-don, Brother George was exceedingly frightened
Mis Bek biebi ogli kyaan-don, Miss Beck’s baby is very, very ugly
A wan dego bambie manggo im gi mi, bot i swiit kyaan-don, She only gave me one Bombay mango, but it was very, very sweet
Sami en grojful kyaan-don, Sammy was exceedingly grudgeful
nontaal, at all / even a little
Mi no grii wid dis nontaal, I don’t agree with this at all
5.4.6. Time and frequency
yeside yesterday
tide today
tumaro tomorrow
Yeside mi go a Darati yaad, Yesterday I went to Dorothy’s house
Wi spen kopl wiik wid dem, We spent a couple of weeks with them
maanin, morning
aftanuun, afternoon
iivning, evening
nait, night
fi tuu wiik, for two weeks
ebri wiik, every week
neks ier, next year
laas ier, last year every
(In progress) often
Frequency adverbs like aaftin (often) come after the subject and object of the sentence
Di pikni nyam manggo aaftin, The child eats mangoes often
muotaim, often / frequently
Lionaado muotaim diskraib az di aakitaip a di Renesans man, Leonardo is often described as the archetype of the Renaissance man
Singin muotaim du ina gruup a ada myuuzishan, Singing is often done in a group of other musicians
Okiejanali, suoshal muuvment eh-invalv ina dimokrataizin nieshan, bot muotaim dehn florish afta dimokratizieshan, Occasionally, social movements are involved in democratizing the nation, but frequently they flourish after democratization
Alminak azwel a fizikal rekaad, muotaim piepa, a soch sistim, An almanac is also a physical record, frequently on paper, of such a system
noftaim, often / frequently
Di torm chrajidi noftaim refa tu wahn spisifik chradishan a jraama, The term tragedy frequently refers to one specific tradition of drama
Demya divijan no myuuchali exkluusiv, ahn signifikant uovalap noftaim prezant, These divisions are not mutually exclusive, and significant overlap is frequently present
Ousomeba, di friez noftaim kanfyuuz wid madan filasafi, However, the phrase is often confused with modern philosophy
Yuuman aktiviti noftaim kansida laka difrahn kyatigori frahn adaels nachral finamina, Human activity is frequently considered to be in a different category from other kinds of natural phenomena
noftaim aalso refa tu az navl often also referred to as "novels" Duration
Mi naa rait im tel neks wiik, I won’t write her till next week Other Time Words Months
Jamaican | English |
Janiweri |
January |
Febiweri |
February |
Maach |
March |
Iepril |
April |
Mie |
May |
Juun |
June |
Julai |
July |
Aagas |
August |
Septemba |
September |
Aktuoba |
October |
Novemba |
November |
Disemba |
December |
5.4.7. Prepositions Location
Locative prepositions are used to describe the position or location of an object
pan or pahn, on
anda or aanda, under / below
uoba or uova, over
ina or iina or iin, in / into
pan tap a, on top of
baka, behind
infronta, in front of
saida, beside / next to
outsaid, outside
outsaida, outside of
nier, near
mongks, among / amongst
outsaida di siti, outside of the city
outsaida di kyamp, outside of the camp
outsaida yu duor, outside of your door
nier di giet, near the gate
Pupa gaan roun de, My father has gone round there
Sta Kiet roun de, Sister Kate is around there
Im klaim op de, He/she climbed up there
Sta Kiet op de a baal, Sister Kate is up there crying
Sta Kiet no uoba ya, Sister Kate is not over here
anda di tiebl, under the table
anda di fig chrii, under the fig tree
Pupa aanda de, My father is under there
Di buk aanda de, The book is under there
Di daag gaan aanda de, The dog has gone under there
"We di daag de?" "Di daag de aanda tiebl ya", "Where is the dog?" "The dog is here under the table"
Shi kom op baka im, She came up behind him
Shi go baka im, She went behind him
Mi ier wan vais baka mi, I heard a voice behind me
Wan bag a piipl fala baka im, A huge crowd of people followed behind him
ina / iin
ina di ous, in the house
ina di bos, in the bus
yu buk ina im ous, your book is in his house
Mi fuud ina di pat, My food is in the pot
"We di pikni-dem de?" "Di pikni-dem ina skuul ya", "Where are the children?" "The children are here in school"
Som a dem iin ya, Some of them are here
Di buk iin de, The book is in there
Di biebi iin de a sliip, The baby is in there sleeping
Mi breda iin a bush de, My brother is there in the bush
Di daag gaan iin de, The dog has gone in there
iina di ous, into the house
Shi a put di ail iina di pat, She put the oil into the pot
Dem komplien wen di goli klag op, bot dem naa tap dash dem robish iina i, They complain when the gully gets clogged up, but they don’t stop throwing their garbage in it
Mi pudong di baaskit pan di step, I put the basket down on the step
pan tap a
pan tap a di tiebl, on top of the table
pan tap a di leda, on top of the ladder
pan tap a kichin dresa, on top of the kitchen dresser
A klier pan tap a kichin dresa mi en put i, yunuo?, It’s way on top of the kitchen dresser I had put it, you know?
Maak a eks saida di niem, Mark an "x" beside the name
Dem kom tan op outsaid, They came and stood outside
Im go outsaid ahn im baal, He went outside and cried Direction from
fram Relative Directions
rait, right
lef, left
rait an said, right side / right hand side
lef an said, left side / left hand side
Unu lef an no nuo wa unu rait an a du, Your left hand doesn’t know what your right hand is doing
op, up
dong, down
faawod, forward
bakwod, backward
kom faawod, come forward
luk faawod tu or luk faawod fi, look forward to
Shi kom faawod ahn tel im di prablem shi av wid dem, She came forward and told him the problem she had with them
Im luk faawod fi di die wen im kyahn ritaiya, He’s looking forward to the day when he can retire
Wi a luk faawod fi di nyuuz, We look forward to the news Cardinal Directions
naat, north
iis, east
sout, south
wes, west Intercardinal Directions
naatiis, north east
naatwes, north west
soutiis, south east
soutwes, south west
5.5. Clauses
5.5.1. Relative Clauses
The question word we can also be used as a relative pronoun similar to what, which, that, or where
Relative clauses are formed using the connector-word we to link both parts of the sentence
Wi fain di moni we Jan laas, We found the money that John lost
Gi wi di fuud we wi niid, Give us the food that we need
Mi no nuo we fi se, I don’t know what to say
Mi no nuo we fi du, I don’t know what to do
Mi no nuo we im niem, I don’t know what his name is
Mi no nuo we im de, I don’t where he is
Mi no nuo we im a go, I don’t where he is going
Mi a-go tel unu sitn we nobadi no nuo bout, I’m going to tell you all something that nobody knows about
du we im du, do what he does
5.6. Existential verbs
a, there is / there are
yu gat, there is / there are
A tuu apruoch tu Ort sayans, There are two approaches to Earth science
A suoso kuoknatiina di bag, There are only coconuts in the bag
5.7. Conjunctions
5.7.1. like / as
sinting laka dat, something like that / a thing like that
laka se as if / like
Im ron laka se dem set daag afta im, He ran as if they had set dogs after im
It luk laka se im ago kil im wid lik, It appears that he is going to beat him to death
Yuuman aktiviti noftaim kansida laka difrahn kiatigori frahn adaels nachral finamina, Human activity is often considered to be in a different category from other natural phenomena
No mek nobadi luk dong pan im ar chriit im laka se im a notn, Don’t let anyone look down on him or treat him like nothing
5.7.2. Coordinating Conjunctions and
Two nouns, adjectives, verbs, or clauses can be connected with the word ahn (also written as an)
Jan ahn Mieri, John and Mary
Nouns: N + ahn + N
arinj ahn manggo, oranges and mangos
Verbs: S + V + (O) + ahn + V + (O)
baal ahn muon, cry and moan
Piipl a-go a baal ahn a grain dem tiit, People will cry and gnash their teeth
Smadi fain i ahn aid i agen, Somebody found it and hid it again
Shi a-go elp unu ahn tek kier a unu, She’ll help you and take care of you
Im sel evriting we im uon ahn go bai i, He sold everything he had and bought it with
Kom wid mi!, Come with me!
Bab sing wid Piita, Bob sang with Peter
Piita kot di bred wid di naif, Peter cut the bread with the knife
Mi no grii wid dis nontaal, I don’t agree with this at all
A wa Jan bai wid di moni?, What did John buy with the money? but
Wi chat nof Patwa, bot wi no rait i, dat a wi prablem, We speak a lot of Patois, but we don’t write it, and that’s our problem
Mi likl, bot mi talawa, I may be small, but I am strong-and fearless
Mi no riili laik manggo bot dis-ya manggo swiit mi, I don’t really like mangoes but I find this one delicious/to be pleasing
Bot dat no pruuv se wa mi a du rait, But that doesn’t prove that what I am doing is right for
Shi aks im fi du sitn fi ar, She asked him to do something for her
The first fi in the above example is equivalent to English to, while the second corresponds to for. | so
(In progress) or
mi neva yuuz no big wod ar chrai fi soun waiz, I never used big words or tried to sound wise as well as
(In progress) in order to
Mi a go a shap fi bai milk, I am going to the shop to buy milk
Jien gaan a shap fi bai bred, Jane has gone to the shop to buy bread
Dem gi smadi di mechiz fi gi mi, They gave someone the message to give to me
Wahn uman gi Piita di loki lato nomba fi plie, A woman gave Peter the lucky lottery number to play
Mi sen im op a ruod fi miit di bos, I sent him up to the road to meet the bus
Kozn Kyari wash di pat fi bwail di yam, Cousin Carrie washed the pot to boil the yam
Mi son gaan a kalij fi ton dakta, My son has gone to college to become a doctor
Mi a go de fi miit di bos, I am going there to meet the bus
Di piipl dem sidong fi nyam ahn jringk, The people sat down to eat and drink provided that
(In progress)
5.7.3. Correlative Conjunctions either…or
(In progress) not only…but also
(In progress) neither…nor
(In progress) both…and
(In progress) whether…or
(In progress) the… the
(In progress) as…as
(In progress) no sooner… than
(In progress) rather… than
(In progress)
5.7.4. Subordinating Conjunctions after
afta, after
Afta dat mi a-go bak, After that I’ll go back
fram dat, afterwards / after that / from then on
Fram dat dem fried fi aks im no muo kwestiyan, After that they were afraid to ask him any more questions although
(In progress) as
hou / ou / siem wie hou
Siem wie hou mi tel yu, a so i go, It happened exactly as I told you as far as
Az faar az mi nuo, mi no du notn rang, As far as I know, I haven’t done anything wrong as if
(In progress) as long as
(In progress) as soon as
(In progress) as though
(In progress) because
There are a number of different ways of expressing because in Jamaican:
sieka before
(In progress) however
Ousomeba, di friez noftaim kanfyuuz wid madan filasafi, However, the phrase is often confused with modern philosophy if
ef in order that
(In progress) since
sens di advent a sayans, since the advent of science
fram mi a likl bwai, since I was a little boy so
(In progress) so that
(In progress) that
mek shuor se, make sure that
Mek shuor se yu no tel nobadi, Make sure that you don’t tell anyone
Mek shuor se nobadi no nuo bout dis, Make sure that nobody knows about this
Mek shuor se unu no get iina no chobl, Make sure that you don’t get in any trouble than
dan though
(In progress) unless
(In progress) until
(In progress) when
wen mi kech a di skuul, when I arrived at the school
siem taim, when / at the same time that whenever
(In progress) where
(In progress) whereas
(In progress) wherever
Eniwe im de, sniek duon lef far, Wherever he is, a snake is not far off
Eniwe yu de wi kaal yu!, Wherever you are, we’ll call you while
(In progress)
5.8. Particles
5.8.1. Interrogative particles
iihn /ĩː/, isn’t it? (interrogative particle)
siin /siːn/, agreed, OK (affirmative particle)
no? / na? /no/, /na/, isn’t that so? / don’t you agree? / right? / eh?
ya / yaa, eh?
5.8.2. Mood particles
ya / yaa (emphasis / imperative etc)
5.9. Numbers
5.9.1. Cardinal Numerals
Number | Jamaican | English |
1 |
wan |
one |
2 |
tuu |
two |
3 |
chrii |
three |
4 |
fuo or fuor |
four |
5 |
faib or faiv |
five |
6 |
siks |
six |
7 |
sebn or sevn |
seven |
8 |
iet or hiet |
eight |
9 |
nain |
nine |
10 |
ten |
ten |
11 |
lebm |
eleven |
12 |
twelb |
twelve |
13 |
tertiin |
thirteen |
14 |
fuotiin |
fourteen |
15 |
fiftiin |
fifteen |
16 |
sixtiin |
sixteen |
17 |
sebntiin |
seventeen |
18 |
ietiin or hietiin |
eighteen |
19 |
naintiin |
nineteen |
20 |
twenti |
twenty |
30 |
toti |
thirty |
40 |
faati |
forty |
50 |
fifti |
fifty |
60 |
siksti |
sixty |
70 |
sebnti or sevnti |
seventy |
80 |
ieti |
eighty |
90 |
nainti |
ninety |
100 |
onjrid |
hundred |
300 |
chrii onjrid |
three hundred |
500 |
faib onjrid |
five hundred |
1000 |
touzn |
thousand |
1000000 |
miliyan |
million |
sevnti-tuu, seventy-two (72)
ieti-fuo, eighty-four (84)
nainti-nain, ninety-nine (99)
Di bwai-dem tek wan manngo ahn tuu apl, The boys took one mango and two apples
5.9.2. Ordinal Numerals
Number | Jamaican | English |
1s |
fos |
first |
2n |
sekan |
second |
3d |
tod |
third |
4t |
fuot |
fourth |
5f |
fif |
fifth |
6s |
siks |
sixth |
7n |
sebn |
seventh |
8t |
iet |
eighth |
9t |
naint |
ninth |
10t |
tent |
tenth |
di 16t (sixtiint) senchri, the 16th century
di 20t (twentiet) senchri, the 20th century
di 21s (twenti-fos) senchri, the 21st century
Di fos manggo di bwai-dem tiif pwail, The first mango the boys stole spoiled
5.9.3. Reduplicated Numerals
Monosyllabic numerals can be reduplicated to mean (number) at a time) or (number) by (number)
wan-wan, one by one / one at a time
tuu-tuu, two by two / two at a time
chrii-chrii, three by three / three at a time
fuor-fuor, four by four / four at a time
Examples of reduplicated numerals:
Dem tek wan-wan buod bil i ous, They built the house one piece of board at a time
5.10. Sentences
5.10.1. Word Order
Basic Jamaican sentences are S-V-O, that is to say, they follow the order subject-verb-object
Mangguus nyam foul, Mongooses eat chickens
The subject, verb, and object may take the form of phrases rather than a single word, but the basic sentence order is the same
Di man chrech out im an, The man stretched out his hand
In the example above, di man is the subject of the sentence, chrech out is the verb (verb phrase) or action that the subject is performing, and im an is the object, or recipient of the action
5.10.2. Parts of a sentence
(In progress) Subject
(In progress) Predicate
(In progress) Object
(In progress) Copula
The copula a (is) is always used when equating two nouns or noun phrases
Jan a obya-man, John is a ritual specialist
Mi a sia-man, I am a seer
However, the copula is never used to connect nouns and adjectives
Di rich man miin, The rich man is stingy
In the above example, the noun phrase "rich man" and the adjective "miin" are connected without needing to use a
Use of the copula with prepositions is variable — some prepositions need it and others do not
Yu shuda ina di ous, You should have been in the house
Dem wehn ina di bos, They were in the bus
de → copula + locative
Di shot we yu waahn ina ous, The shirt which you want is inside the house
Di shot we yu waahn de ina ous, The shirt which you want is inside the house
Juoziv de (ina) Mie Pen, Joseph is in May Pen
5.10.3. Questions Question words
There are several main question words, or interrogative pronouns that are used to ask questions in Jamaican
wa, what
uu or huu, who
wa-taim, when
wich-wie, how
we or wich-paat or wichapaat or wepaat, where
wa mek or a wa mek, mek, why
uufa, whose
wich or wish, which
umoch, how much / how many
These question words usually come at the beginning of a sentence what
Wa yu niem?, What is your name?
Wa di tiicha niem?, What is the teacher’s name?
Wa di biebi niem?, What is the baby’s name?
Wa yu a du?, What are you doing?
Wa Jan a du?, What is John doing?
Wa unu a du?, What are you (pl.) doing?
Wa tiicha a du?, What is the teacher doing?
Wa yu se?, What did you say?
Wa dakta se?, What did the doctor say?
Wa dem se?, What did they say? who
uu / huu
A uu yu?, Who are you?
Uu tel yu se yu no gat no sens?, Who told you that you have no sense? where
we / wich-paat / wichapaat / wepaat
We yu a go?, Where are you going?
We yu de?, Where are you?
We im de?, Where is he?
We dem de?, Where are they?
Wich-paat yu kom fram?, Where are you from?
Wepaat yu faada de?, Where is your father?
We Jan-dem a go?, Where are John and his friends going?
Wich-paat yu waak gu dong de?, Where do you walk to get down there? why
wa mek
Wa mek yu neba kom?, Why didn’t you come?
Wa mek yu tel im we mi se?, Why did you tell him what I said?
Wa mek dem ron-we go a bush?, Why did they run away to the bushes?
Wa mek Mis Bek a baal so?, Why is Miss Beck crying so much?
Wa mek dem a baal ahn gwaan so?, Why are they crying and carrying on this way?
Wa mek yu tan so lang?, Why did you stay so long?
Wa mek yu neba go?, Why didn’t you go?
Wa mek yu a gwaan so?, Why are you behaving like that?
Wa mek unu a baal so?, Why are you all crying this way?
Wa mek dem gwaan aal dem wie de?, Why do they behave in that manner?
A wa mek som smadi fain-faal so?, Why are some people so hard to please?
Wa mek unu kip dis-ya ruum so chaka-chaka?, Why do you keep this room so untidy? how much / how many
The word umoch can be used to express both how much and how many in questions
Umoch bred unu av?, How much bread do you have?
Umoch buk unu av?, How many books do you have?
umoch taim, how many times?
Laif no jos bout umoch sitn wi uon, Life isn’t just about how many things we own
Yu fi sidong fos ahn chek out umoch it a-go kaas yu, You should sit down first and figure out how much it’s going to cost you
Dem kount op umoch di buk dem wot, They counted up how much the books were worth
wat, how much (specifically for prices)
Wat a kwaat da milk?, How much a quart is the milk? how long / how far etc
The word ou can be combined with adjectives to create questions about extent / degree / length of time, etc.
ou lang, how long
Ou lang yu a-go wiet?, How long are you going to wait?
Ou lang yu plan fi kip tingz fram wi?, How long are you planning to keep things from us?
ou faar, how far
ou big, how big
Im shuo dem ou big ahn powaful im bi, He showed them how big and powerful he was
ou aad, how hard
Shi nuo ou aad unu a wok, She knows how hard you work
Mi shuor se unu memba ou aad wi did afi wok, I’m sure you remember how hard we had to work
ou diip, how deep
Chek ou diip di waata bi, Check how deep the water is Question words in non-interrogative sentences
Question words can also be used in sentences that are not strictly questions, for example, in conjunction with wanda
A wanda wa mek Bucha Juonz so maaga ahn kraani, I wonder why Butcher Jones is so thin and skinny
A wanda we yu a go, I wonder where you are going
A wanda wa di biebi niem?, I wonder what the baby’s name is
A wanda huu tel yu se yu no gat no sens?, I wonder who told you that you have no sense
A wanda wa-taim yu kum uom yeside?, I wonder when you came home yesterday
A wanda wich-wie yu waahn mi fi dwiit?, I wonder how you want me to do it Inversion
Statements can be made into questions by adding a rising intonation (or in writing, a question mark) at the end of the sentence, without the need for inversion
Im av kyaar?, Does he have a car? Question Particles
In some cases, the initial question particle a may come at the beginning of the sentence to indicate that it is a question
A wa Jan bai wid di moni?, What did John buy with the money?
A yu kyar di baaskit go gi im? Are you the one who carried the basket to him?
A uu yu a luk fa?, Who are you looking for? Confirmation
Emphatic agreement or confirmation is expressed with iihn, isn’t it?
Da blebi de kyan gwaan fenke-fenke, iihn?, That baby is ratber finicky, isn’t it?
Jan kyan wok haad, iihn?, John can work hard though, can’t he?
Mis Jien gat moni, iihn?, Miss Jane is rich, isn’t she?
Ruut a baal, iihn?, Ruth is crying, isn’t she?
Di kansrt gwaan gud, iihn?, The concert went well, didn’t it?
Dem gyal spaitful, duo, iihn?, Those girls are vindictive, though, aren’t they?
Dem kwik fi kos wi aaf, iihn?, They are ready to curse us, aren’t they?
Yu wuda en mos hafi tel Juo, iihn?, You would have had to tell Joe, wouldn’t you?
Mis Mati ton smadi nou, iihn?, Miss Matty is somebody to be reckoned with now, isn’t she?
5.10.4. Commands Imperative
Kom ya!, Come here!
Kom wid mi!, Come with me!
Muuv yu han!, Move your hand!
Go a yu yaad, Go home!
Chrech out yu an!, Stretch out your hand! Negative commands
To tell someone not to do something, use the negator no followed by the imperative form
No kaal mi niem ina no miksop, Don’t mention my name in any scandals
No tel mi fi tap i naiz!, Don’t tell me to hush up!
No du wa im tel unu fi du, Don’t do what he tells you to do!
The word duohn (don’t) can also be used
Duohn figat!, Don’t forget! Table of command forms
Imperative form |
Example |
bare verb |
kom ya |
no + bare verb |
no tel mi |
duohn + bare verb |
duohn figat |
5.10.5. Quoted speech Direct quotation
The quoted speech should be placed between quotation marks, and can be introduced with se
Im ax im se, "Yu waahn get beta?", He asked him, "Do you want to get better?" Indirect quotation
One way to quote someone’s thoughts or opinions indirectly is to use a verb (e.g., tingk, think, or ax, ask) along with se, followed by the full original quote without modification
Im tingk se it bes fi wi no put no muo presha pan unu, He thinks that it would be best to not put any more pressure on you
6. Contextual Language
6.1. Register
6.1.2. Low Register Markers
(In progress) Idioms
dem lov fi big op demself, they like to boast
dat a chuu, indeed / yes / truly
6.2. Non-verbal cues
6.2.1. Onomatopoeia
susu, whisper
susu-susu, whispering
tip tip, drip drip / drip drop
Mi ier di paip a liik tip tip uol nait, I heard the pipe leaking "drip drip" all night
6.2.2. Interjections
Interjections can be used to express such things as surprise, hesitancy, pain, frustration, approval, or disapproval
The interjections kistiit or kis-tiit (kiss teeth) and sok-tiit (suck teeth) are used to indicate annoyance or scorn
The interjection cho is used to indicate scorn, impatience, annoyance, disagreement, or expostulation
Cho, yu tu nyami-nyami, yu beli gwai bi yu dounfal, Hmph, you’re too greedy and you’re stomach is going to be your downfall!
The interjection ku! (look!) can be used in a variety of situations to call attention to something nearby
Ku de!, Look there!
Ku ya!, Look here!
Ku Kozn Ruut a baal!, Look! There’s Cousin Ruth crying!
Ku Mis Bek breda!, Look! There’s Miss Becky’s brother!
Ku hou im doti ahn ragidi!, Look how dirty and ragged he is!
6.2.3. Gestures List of common gestures
(In progress)
6.3. Gambits
6.3.1. List of commonly-used gambits
(In progress)
6.4. Proverbs
Di griet fuul iz praud az daag wid tuu tiel, The great fool is as proud as a dog with two tails
De waizis man iz somtaim fuul, The wisest man is sometimes a fool
Praia in di mout ongli iz nuo praia, A prayer that is in the mouth only is no prayer
No fi waant a tong mek kau no taak, It is not for want of a tongue that a cow does not talk
Bifuor fies ahn bihain bak no a wan (Before one’s face and behind one’s back is not the same thing), Two-faced, duplicitous
No kos aligeta langmout til yu kraas riba, Don’t curse the long mouth of the alligator until you have crossed the river
Chikin a bush kyaahn bwail suup ("A chicken in the bush cannot be used to make soup"), A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
Pus gaan, rat a tek ous ("When the cat is gone, the rats take over the house"), When the cat’s away, the mice will play
Bokit a go a wel aal die, wan die di batam wi drap out (A bucket that goes down the well all day long, one day the bottom will drop out), It is a long lane that has no turning
7. Bibliography
7.1. Linguistic grammars
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Bailey, B. L. (1966). Jamaican Creole syntax: A transformational approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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7.2. Phonology
Akers, G. A. (1981). Phonological variation in the Jamaican continuum. Ann Arbor: Karoma.
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7.3. Sociolinguistics and education
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7.4. Literature
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Reid, V. S. (1949). New day. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Bible Society of the West Indies (2012). Di Jamiekan Nyuu Testiment (JNT). Kingston: Bible Society of the West Indies.
7.5. Dictionaries
Cassidy, F. G., & Le Page, R. B. (1967). Dictionary of Jamaican English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cassidy, F. G., & Le Page, R. B. (2009). Dictionary of Jamaican English (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chen, R. (1994). The Jamaica dictionary: A is fi aringe. Markham, Canada: Periwinkle.
Parker, P. (2008). Websters Jamaican-English thesaurus dictionary. San Diego: ICON Group International, Inc.
Reynolds, R. (2006). Jabari: Authentic Jamaican dictionary of the Jamic language. Waterbury, CT: Around the Way Books.
Watson, G. L. (1991). Jamaican sayings: With notes on folklore, aesthetics and social control. Tallahassee, FL: Florida A&M University Press.
Welcome, C. (2003). Jay-may-khan Pa-twah: A detailed dictionary of the languages(s), speech pattern(s) and cultures of the Jamaican and Caribbean peoples history and heritage. Brooklyn, NY: C.N. Welcome.
7.6. Phrasebooks and popular language guides
Bonn, C. (2013). Slanguage dictionary: Caribbean and Latin American slang words and phrases. New York: Christopher Bonn.
Burnett, V. (2001). Mi granny seh fi tell yuh seh: The A to Z of Jamaicanisms. Kingston, Jamaica: Jamrite Publications.
D’Costa, J. (1970). Core phrase list and vocabulary items in Jamaican usage: For use by Peace Corps volunteers. Kingston, Jamaica: Peace Corps Jamaica.
Duffus, L. R. (1983). Jamaicanisms: The Jamaican language from A to Z, a visitors' guide to native talk. Kingston, Jamaica: LRD Enterprises.
Foster, G. (2011). Mout mek fi chat! A collection of Jamaican proverbs, idiomatic expressions, words and their meanings. Kingston, Jamaica: Seaside Press.
Huie, B. (1993). Tell mi fi true: A collection of Jamaican proverbs with translations. Scarborough, Ont: Bargergol Corporation.
Jesse, J. (2008). Rasta talk [the itionary]: A fun guide to Rastafarian dialect. Kingston: LMH Pub. Ltd.
Marley, M., & Sapaty, G. (2000). An international Jamaican patois book and the teachings of Rastafarians: Guide to better learning of Jamaican patois. Ghana: Samuel Afeku Amenyo Maka Marley Fan Club.
Maxwell, K., & McLaren, L. (1981). How to speak Jamaican. Kingston, Jamaica: Jamrite Publications.
Reece-Daly, C. (1997). Membea de culcha: Remember the culture, an E-Z reading guide to understnding Jamaican phases, proverbs, riddles and folkways. Detriot National Books, International.
Samuels, J. (2009). Jamaican Patwa no problem: A tourist’s guide to Jamaican language and culture. Jonesboro, AR: Justuwait & See Productions and Grant House.
Thomas, J. J. (1987). Chat Jamaican: The authentic Jamaican phrase book. Clarks Town, Jamaica: J.J. Thomas.
The Jamaican Language Unit. (2009). Writing Jamaican the Jamaican way: Ou fi rait Jamiekan. Kingston, Jamaica: Arawak Publications.
White, F. (2006). Jamaican talk: A modern way to talk Jamaican patois. Kingston, Jamaica: In the Streetz Records.
7.7. Online resources
Jamaican structure dataset by Joseph T. Farquharson - Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures (APICS) Online (CC BY)
Jamaican Language Audio Dictionary at Patwa.org (CC BY-SA)
Phonological Inventory of Jamaican - PHOIBLE Online (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
Jumieka Langwij - Introduction to Jamaican Language by Larry Chang
Speak Jamaican - Jamaicans.com
The Jamaican Language Unit (JLU) University of the West Indies, Mona
Jamaican National Dictionary (in progress)
Jamaican Creole Texts by Peter L. Patrick
Jamaican and Caribbean Weekly News Summary by Jamaicans.com - Podomatic
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