@Danny-Drives I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Analytics engines all count things differently and are ever evolving in an attempt to accurately count actual meaningful engagement and discount bots. If you installed 6 different analytics engines you'd get 6 different numbers.
This post isn't by any means popular so your interpretation of count doesn't seem terribly useful, sure it has had 3 people commenting in it for a couple days but that's really not much.
If you're looking for larger posts these give a better set of info
These give you the most upvoted and most commented posts respectively.
Also yes google randomly drives traffic to one post or another when it tickles the algorithm just so. One post in particular got a good bit of traffic referred from google for almost 2 years, but I haven't seen it come up in the search console recently.
Most of the hotly referred posts are what you'd expect though, product announcements or other breaking news. On top of it the site gets referred to by outlets like the autopian on occasion which tends to reliably send a decent chunk of folks over here.
Again, I'm not sure what point you're trying to make but there's a brief assessment and analysis on traffic here.