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UPDATE: Completely hypothetical for no reason at all Oppoll
I cancelled with the dealer and didn't order an M240 yesterday. I am going to wait for more details on the Ranger Raptor to come out before making any kind of a decision.**We saw a Dodge Durango SRT (not the Hellcat, the 475hp version) yesterday afternoon Mrs. Blacktruck liked it. I have always thought they were neat maybe that will be added to the mix.
Which is cooler?
Upcoming Ford Ranger Raptor little (relatively speaking) jumpy boy or BMW M240i speedy boy.
The jumpy boy will have around 400HP and obviously can do all the off roady stuff, most of which I won't use aside from never slowing down for a speed bump ever again. Most of the reason I want one is it's a fast midsize truck, which is definitely a thing I am interested in, hypothetically of course. No release date yet but should be this year and hypothetically I may be on the wait list at 2 dealers that are selling at MSRP. Both dealers have been selling Broncos at MSRP, seems pretty likely they won't change that with the Ranger.
Speedy boy M240i not the speediest or manualiest of speedy boys but it is AWD, I am sure that hypothetically snow tires and the AWD would handle daily duties in the Midwest winters with no problem. Also, if feet of snow are a possibility I or someone else, hypothetically, could always rent something with ground clearance and real 4wd. Hypothetically.
The current wait list for an M240i is 5-7 months, allegedly, hypothetically. The closest BMW dealer to me is charging MSRP + taxes and & $199 doc fee. Hypothetically.
If everyone could have their votes in before next Saturday it would be great as I, or someone, may or may not allegedly have an appointment at the BMW dealership to hypothetically order an M240i, In purple with black or white interior or blue with the red interior, like Superman, allegedly.EDIT: Hypothetically, if needed Mrs. Blacktruck's C300 sedan can handle visiting family duties and any bigger car needs, hypothetically.
@blacktruck18 Jumpyboi because you live in an area with snow and itll probably depreciate a little better
@blacktruck18 Jumpy boi for the reasons that @sony1492 mentioned and because Im just not all that into modern BMWs.
@blacktruck18 Jumpy boy because if I wanted a speedy boy I'd pick something else.
RIP: speedyboy trucks.
@blacktruck18 I voted Ranger. However, if you already have something specced out the way you want it, know the prices and trims you want, know the wait list time... I think you already know what you really want.
@blacktruck18 said in Completely hypothetical for no reason at all Oppoll:
Hypothetically, if needed Mrs. Blacktruck's C300 sedan can handle visiting family duties
The truck is better at carrying all of them inside and all their luggage in the cargo bed. Or vice versa, depending on how much you like them. The BMW theoretically offers as much seating but is maybe not so generous to the back seaters.
The four-door pickup has become the family car of leafy suburbs because it is the closest thing to a superset of the different aspects of utility (and, in an appropriately high trim, isn't as much of a penalty box to be in or drive as it used to be... though the jumpy-boi option package might require some sacrifices in return for ability to do things you might not even want to do).
Does towing apply to you? Bringing large and/or smelly things home from the lumberyard? Or would you rather have a trunk (carry moonbeams home in a jar, etc.).
After all this talk of usefulness, does it come down to which one you consider more fun?
@blacktruck18 I'm on team jumpy boy. If you're going to go with a BMW, go RWD or don't bother.
@blacktruck18 I'd say jumpy boy for the same reasons @sony1492 @Snuze and @Jarrett mentioned with one caveat:
Which one does your heart really want? This isn't like you're cross shopping an Accord and a clapped out Ram. If your heart really wants one more than the other, go that route.
@Jarrett That is a good reason, but, it is a good all around speedy boy, no concerns with weather, has a backseat in a pinch.
@Demon-Xanth as someone that has owned many single cab trucks and would definitely buy a Syclone if I win the lottery, they really aren't that practical.
@CB the only reason I don't have that info for the Ranger is because it's not really available yet. That being said I have built more than one on the Ford Australia website.
Sedona Orange with all of the fancy boy options.
@Demon-Xanth To be fair, you can get some impressive performance out of modern trucks. They just don't get the sticker packages and body kits of yore. Probably because offroading is in vogue right now.
The FRanger Faptor is, by your own admission, more vehicle than you need so all that coin (way too much coin) is wasted on capabilities you won't use. I'd go for the Beemer. -
Since I don't know anything about the M240i I went looking for a review and oof the guy from the drive makes it sound like they somehow managed to make a small fast Bimmer that's no fun to drive. Had to vote jumpy boi cos Ford make so much money off Raptors it's hard to imagine them screwing it up.
I don't tow and have no really foreseeable need for that in the future.
I do currently have a four door truck and it is super practical But, it's a full size and doesn't really fit in my garage, hence why I am thinking about a new vehicle.
The fun thing really is the main issue I am having, on a day to day basis the BMW would be more fun. But not having a truck when I need it might annoy me more than the fun would make up for. Granted, I definitely don't use the bed on my truck on a regular basis but, I do use it regularly enough that I would be renting a truck from Lowe's or somewhere similar on probably a monthly basis. Which might be enough to really annoy me. -
"Mrs. Blacktruck, Shop-Teacher said I need a truck and a last gen BMW M2 Competition, he's a teacher he's definitely not a bad influence and makes good decisions." -
@siennaman My heart wants both.
@sony1492 I had thought about that too. I think the depreciation on the Ranger would be much less substantial.
@KITT222 I would say it's because lowering a truck just makes it look like a minivan now.
@SilentbutnotreallyDeadly based on what has been leaked so far they are going to be $55,000ish starting, without many options available, the price difference between it and the BMW built exactly how I would want it could be less than $5,000. Which isn't nothing but it's also completely manageable (luckily enough for me).
@blacktruck18 As the owner of a quick-ish (at time of introduction at least - by today's standards it's pretty ordinary) small truck, Raptor. You will enjoy.
@blacktruck18 said in Completely hypothetical for no reason at all Oppoll:
@siennaman My heart wants both.
That had occurred to me, but felt it was worth saying anyway..
@zipfuel I have read reviews like that, but I have also read and watched reviews that have reviewed it very favorably. I seen reviews that have said it's better than the Supra, reviewers are all over the place.
@blacktruck18 said in Completely hypothetical for no reason at all Oppoll:
Speedy Boy
Well this is stuck in my head now; how can I not recommend it?