On Ash Wednesday, 5 March, the traditional "stational" liturgy began at 4:30 p.m. in the Basilica of Sant'Anselmo. As Pope Francis recovered from bilateral pneumonia, Cardinal Angelo De Donatis presided over the celebration, leading the penitential procession to the Basilica of Santa Sabina. But why does the procession begin at Sant’Anselmo? In this essay, Fr. Stefan Geiger explains why. Includes video, photos and links.
Abbots from North and Central America gathered at St. Joseph Abbey for their annual workshop, discussing religious life, vocations, and the future of monastic communities. Details and photos here.
Archabbot Jakob is the 89th abbot and 7th archabbot of St Peter's, which was founded in 696 by Saint Rupert. Photos courtesy of Sant’Anselmo, where Archabbot Jakob studied with the Faculty of Theology during the academic year 2019-20 as part of his baccalaureate program at the University of Salzburg. Story and photos here.
Management training for today’s monastic leaders
Summer course : 29 June – 11 July 2025Earn 3 ECTS per week at Sant'Anselmo Atheneum
Summer program in Rome : 30 June - 18 July 2025
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Located at the center of international monasticism in Rome, Sant’Anselmo’s residential college is well-positioned to showcase the individual characters and charisms of monasteries world-wide. The editors of OSB DOT ORG invite you to visit the web pages of Collegio Sant’Anselmo for a glimpse of monastic life abroad, from the personal perspectives of their international residents. N.B.: Weekly posts may be interrupted due to scholastic vacations.