Rice Milling
Before start of milling, the paddy is once again cleaned in the mill house to ensure total elimination of any left over impurities by the pre-cleaning plant. To avoid breakage and damage to the delicate basmati grains Buhler’s Special Rubber Roll Hullers are
employed in stages to separate brown rice from husk which is blown out by aspirators and any left over paddy grains in the brown rice are separated by Buhler table separators and brown rice is further screened by special width graders to remove unhealthy
shriveled and green grains. The brown rice is than subjected to polishing operation.

Before start of milling, the paddy is once again cleaned in the mill house to ensure total elimination of any left over impurities by the pre-cleaning plant. To avoid breakage and damage to the delicate basmati grains Buhler’s Special Rubber Roll Hullers are
employed in stages to separate brown rice from husk which is blown out by aspirators and any left over paddy grains in the brown rice are separated by Buhler table separators and brown rice is further screened by special width graders to remove unhealthy
shriveled and green grains. The brown rice is than subjected to polishing operation.
Pak Grain employs three different sets of most sophisticated polishing machines namely vertical abrasive polishers (DSRDs), silky (wet) polishers (BSPCs) & dry friction polishers (DSRLs) supplied by Buhler GmbH, Germany in stages to attain any degree of
polishing & silkiness as desired by our valued customers. Buhler’s latest DSRS whiteness controllers are installed in the polishing lines to indicate degree of polishing of rice being processed to enable our millers to exercise proper control over milling.
operation in line with our customer’s requirement.
Double polished/silky rice is than passed through our latest Buhler ‘s Plan Sifters and series of Length Graders (Indented Cylinders) to separate small, medium & large broken from the Head Rice which are collected in separate Bins through Auto Scales

Indicating the weight of each By-Product being produced.
Finally the double polished/Silky Head Rice is than led into three color sorting Machines, supplied by Sortex of U. K., to remove all damaged, yellow & discolored grains & the Export Quality Sorted Rice is first collected in totally enclosed Rice Bins & is packed
into bags through our automatic Gross Weigher for dispatches to our valued customers.
Pak Grain Plant has a fully Computerized Monitoring System (PLC) and Buhler’s latest MYAF Yield System, which indicates minute to minute information about degree of polishing & Yields of Head Rice, Brokens, By-Products, Bran, Husk & Impurities on
Monitor Screens enabling our engineers & Millers to have absolute control over the quality of rice being produced in our Mill.
This is a unique facility, which no other Rice Mill has at present in Pakistan and a proof of superiority of Pak Grain in milling technology.