We arrived at Boomerville the 14th of January. Bill and Esther joined us to learn how we boondock.
They were with us for several weeks before going to California.
There were several events going on at Boomerville plus going to the big tent shopping and checking out the many venders. We didn't buy too much.
I replaced the sensors for our tire tracker system that I bought in 2005 for the fifthwheel camper.
The big event is the auction for Care every year. Boomers open their wallets and buy all they don't need and spend lots for good stuff like this cheesecake. Bidding went to $150 for CARE!!!!!.
They had a chili cook off and I made chili for it but the weather was so cold and windy I withdrew and had a rig full of friends to eat my chili and I got a first place vote here.
Esther wanted to learn how to geocache so Donna took her out and showed her many caches. Bill and I went shopping at the vendors while Donna and Esther took the truck and geocached.
We went out to eat several times and the pizza at Silly Al's is the best. They call this their Goliath and it is BIG.
Donna and I went to the Wins's ice cream social. We had the pleasure of listening to
Bag Pipe Bob and seeing many other friends
We left the Boomers and went to the Escapees Geocaching event at mile marker 99. We helped this year I ran the 50/50 drawing .
Donna and I took off on a geo run by ourselves. We came across this old stone cabin.
We found several caches and added to our numbers.
We stayed at MM99 for several days to take in the Parker 425 desert race and Millie's hanger party.
We missed getting to Parker for the street display of the high performance off road vehicles. So these are photos of last years display. Then it was off to Bouse, AZ to see the race.
A little dusty |
Next we went out to dinner at the Yacht club and saw Millie sing.
Hot Country band at the Yacht club. |
We went to Millie's hanger party in Salome, AZ. Bill and Esther and Phil and Judy went too.
A cool beer cozy. |