Create your own domestic cat character with my Curious Cat Creator game! Exploring the wilderness or curiously looking out the window from the comfort of a home. Maybe with some more magical traits?
Please note: This game does not function well on mobile devices, sadly the source files for this game has been lost and I can’t convert it to Unity6…
Ad free desktop app (Windows and Mac) is available in my patreon shop:
It’s finally done, I know it has taken AGES! It’s also very different from my usual games. I didn’t know how much I’d be able to achieve with Unity. Once I realised I’d be able to keep up the same standard as before, I asked my patrons wether to still go ahead with this smaller game or not and it was voted to go ahead with this game anyway. Normal games will resume now that I know how to develop with Unity!
Some pages looks a bit empty. I changed the layout when all graphics for this was already done. Rather than going back to create items to fill each page, I opted for simply finishing this game so I can get it out and get back to the regular game making schedule.
Updates (if you don’t see these updates in game, clear your cache!):
2022-07-01: The download bug has been fixed! You can now download the PNG of the creation instead of getting a weird text file.
2021-08-26: Okay I’m 99% sure I’ve fixed the crashing issue completely now! Please do let me know if the game still crashes for you though (and what you were trying to do when it crashed, it’ll help me to know where in the code to look for the issue).
2021-08-25: Fixed the bugs in the menus for eyebrows, background extras and backgrounds!
I also went ahead and made the head, ears and tails gain the same base color as the body. I left it the way it was intentionally due to a code issue, but I found a decent workaround so now you won’t have to spend a bunch of time color matching these items!
If you have issues with this game or the website, please read the “News and known issues”-page before you send your bug report! It will help me greatly when I try to help you.