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Using Sentence Variety to Improve your Essay Writing

Using Sentence Variety to Improve your Essay Writing

Many inexperienced writers make the mistake of using longer and more complicated sentences because they think this represents their ‘intelligence.’ The strong writer knows, however, that for a point to be expressed effectively, it must be communicated concisely and immediately.

The purpose of this section is to show you how to improve the quality of your sentence variety, but we also want to ensure that you become aware of the fact that simplicity is the most important goal you should strive for in your writing. There will be times when you will have to use complex sentences to convey complex thoughts, but you should never complicate a simple idea for the sake of creating more intricate sentences.

In other words, does this mean that the best essay is one that contains only simple sentences? Quite simply, this point is being stressed only to emphasize that many people tend to start sentences with more complex structures than necessary, meaning we don’t see ideas systematically and directly in our minds. There will be a steady variation of sentence length in the well-written essays – but without forcing sentences into a more complex model.

In this article, you’ll get insights into using sentence variety to improve your essay writing.

What is a Sentence?

In other words, a sentence consists of a group of words in which a subject and a predicate are present. The subject of the sentence is what it is about. The predicate contains the verb, or perhaps more than one verb, and indicates what the sentence’s subject is like.

It is also important to note that every sentence also has a main clause. And what’s a clause? This is a group of words with a subject and a predicate. Clauses can be categorized into either dependent or independent clauses.

Besides expressing a complete thought, an independent clause in a sentence is fundamental for making it simple and easy to understand. But let us look at the following clauses, which do not express the full idea discussed here. On the other hand, dependent clauses are those whose meaning depends on what the independent clause means.

Length of Sentence

Writing short sentences is something you can do. Despite this, since too many short sentences might make your writing seem boring, or perhaps something you are writing for a beginner if you want your readers to keep reading your post, article, or letter, you will need to know how and when to use long sentences for variety. When writing longer sentences, you can convey a deeper meaning than when writing short ones. It is interesting to read long sentences piled on top of one another, but who wants to read such a thing?

In What Ways do Sentence Structures Differ from one another?

According to Grammarians, there are four acceptable sentence structures:

acceptable sentence structures

It is possible to have an acceptable level of complexity in these basic sentence structures since there is also something called the run-on sentence. As the name implies, two independent clauses are separated by a comma before or just after space, respectively. You don’t have to use a long sentence to create a run-on sentence; short ones will do as well. That’s the one I’m talking about. After “long,” I would recommend adding a semicolon to make the sentence more readable.

Occasionally, you might also encounter something that begins with a capital letter, ends with a period, or contains some other final punctuation but is not a complete sentence. This is a fragment of a sentence.

It can be said that a sentence fragment lacks one or both of the following: subject, predicate, or both. This can be compared to wearing a shirt, but no pants, a situation I have witnessed. Avoid using sentence fragments in formal writing. To use them effectively and judiciously, they should only be employed in informal writing. Make sure they’re not overused.

It’s easy to think that short sentences are simple sentences, but a simple sentence isn’t necessarily short. Add length to your sentences by including prepositional phrases, lists, adjectives, and adverbs.

Why you Need Different Sentence Structures

The problem with too many short sentences is that it makes the writing seem choppy and boring. Additionally, limiting your speech to short sentences is actually detrimental to expressing complex ideas clearly and concisely.

It should be noted that any article about sentence structure will encourage you to use some long sentences to make your paper more complex.

As well as helping you to avoid using the same word or phrase in too many sentences, elaborate sentences are also easier to read. If you reorder the clauses and phrases, your sentence will still mean the same thing.

However, I have seen another issue, for the most part, in unfamiliar understudies composing papers to get into graduate school.

It appears they need to show their dominance of intricate and compound-complex sentences. So they’ll present a 1,000-word exposition without a solitary simple sentence. What’s more, they haven’t really dominated these structures, by the same token. They plunge into a long sentence and get lost. The outcome? Maybe a sudden spike in demand for a sentence—or an extremely long sentence section.

Too many long sentences make perusing nonsensically troublesome. You don’t need either to exhaust or confound your readers, isn’t that right? Variety has a place in exposition as much as elsewhere. Utilize every one of the assortments of sentence structure.

Approaches to Vary Sentence Structure

Notwithstanding how readers may not purposely recognize it, they look for sentence arrangement when they jump into a book, report, or magazine article. Extraordinary compared with other writing tips a first-time essayist can get is acknowledging moved sentence structure—paying little heed to your making style.

Here are some composing tips to infuse sentence assortment into your work.

tips to infuse sentence assortment into your work

Embrace short sentences

If your first sentence is a compound sentence with different conditions, make your second sentence short and clear. Short sentences are astonishing when free from questionable words. Various unfathomable columnists, from Ernest Hemingway to Judy Blume, made their name in short sentences. There’s a spot in writing for tedious sentences, yet short, clear sentences help keep your readers engaged.

Follow dense sentences with straightforward sentences

A thick sentence may be a compound-complex sentence with at least two independent clauses and more than one dependent clause. Utilizing compound-complex sentences is incredible, yet two straight can be drawn out. If you think of one, follow it up with an alternate kind of sentence. For example, you could compose a compound-complex sentence, as: “Because of hunger, Marlene opened the fridge, for she knew there was extra soup inside.” That’s a decent long sentence, so it bodes well to trail it with a less complex sentence, similar to: “Her stomach rumbled.”

Utilize the active voice whenever the situation allows

Active voice portrays an individual accomplishing something. “He got the ball” is active. “The ball was gotten by him,” says a similar data utilizing passive voice, and it’s a less engaging sentence development. At times you need to compose a passive sentence to precisely depict a circumstance, which is incredible for sentence assortment; however, you’ll ordinarily need to utilize the active voice.

Utilize an assortment of transition words

A transition word can be coordinating conjunction (“and,” “yet,” “for,” and so on), subordinating conjunction (“in spite of the fact that,” “in light of the fact that,” and so forth) or a conjunctive adverb (“in any case,” “along these lines,” “moreover,” and so on). These words are extraordinary as long as you differ them and don’t count on pet expressions.

Eliminate conjunctions by utilizing semicolons

In a compound sentence, two independent clauses are consolidated—regularly with a coordinating conjunction. Yet, as you continued looking for fluctuating sentence types, you can replace the combination with a semicolon after the principal independent clause. The words will hold their importance, yet you’ve changed up your sentence designs.

In persuasive composition, start passages with a pointed thesis statement

A thesis statement is the kind of sentence that is immediate and decisive. Longer sentences can fill in as proposals; however, more limited will, in general, be better. Follow up these postulations with more elucidating sentences in the body of your sections.

Utilize rhetorical inquiries

Facetious inquiries are articulations stated as questions proposed to animate a reader’s psyche. For example: “Consider the possibility that there was nothing of the sort as war?” These kinds of sentences have a spot in both exploratory writing and content composing. The key is to utilize them sensibly.

Use connecting words

It would be best to have your composition stream and for each highlight to be sensibly associated with the following. In case you’re fruitful, your composing will take the reader on a reasonable excursion; they will comprehend your work and, accordingly, think that it’s simpler to grant marks.

The magic element for clear, streaming contentions is using connecting (or progress) words. It would be best to give the reader a verbal sign at whatever point you switch themes, thoughts, or viewpoints. Connecting words improve your sentence construction and progress your composition. Your paper would essentially peruse as a rundown of random thoughts and articulations without them, which is certainly not what you need!

Recite your composition so anyone can hear

This is a basic hint that could be so important, yet individuals infrequently do it!

Reciting so anyone can hear to yourself may make you sound a little senseless, yet it’s an incredible method to check your sentence structure. Peruse gradually and stop as indicated by the accentuation you’ve utilized. You’ll before long have the option to tell if a comma is required. On the off chance that you discover you need to get a breath while perusing a sentence, split it into two.

One thought, one sentence

Each sentence ought to contain one thought. Ensure you don’t attempt to fit two separate points into one long sentence. This implies you need to overlook diversions (changes in the center) from your composing, so each point is solid and stays on the subject. Likewise, exclude any deviations (random subtleties).

Each word in your paper ought to be there for an explanation: either to straightforwardly acquire your checks or to give extra data that backs your thoughts. Dispose of any superfluous details and you’ll: improve your sentence structure, cut words, and make your composing more grounded.

Don’t do away with the main idea

Complex sentences – those with different provisions – are important in scholastic composition. As you learned above, you can’t simply write such punchy sentences as you’ll always be unable to give the subtleties or construct the contentions important for excellent grades.

In any case, complex sentences can be difficult to follow. You may have gone through hours creating the ideal contention for your paper, yet this splendid thought may not stick out if your sentence structure covers it profound inside your sentences. Incorporate the main idea in a sentence to make your point clear

Step by Step Instructions to Improve Sentence Variety

Since you have a superior comprehension of why sentence assortment is significant in your composition, investigate these two techniques to improve sentence assortment in your own papers.

Vary sentence length

If the entirety of your sentences is short, the composing sounds shortsighted. On the off chance that the entirety of your sentences is excessively long, they become meandering aimlessly and regularly indistinct. Incorporating an assortment of sentence lengths for your exposition makes writing interesting.

Here are two models.

Model #1

Recently, Lenae had everything you can consume rice for $15.99. Since I’m a particularly colossal chicken fan, I needed to attempt it in any event once. It was nice. I was unable to believe the assortment of decisions and the astonishing sauces.

You can change the sentences long to add interest. Bear in mind the short sentence: “It was nice.” This sentence is purposefully short of adding accentuation to how the primary concern of the sentences is the flavor of the dinner.

If you need to accentuate the cost of the feast, you may modify to include the cost in a shorter sentence that looks like this:

Model #2

Recently, Pasta Land had everything you-can-eat spaghetti, and because I’m a particularly colossal pasta fan, I needed to attempt it in any event once. It was a delightful feast with an enormous assortment of choices and stunning sauces. The most awesome thing? It was just $12.99.

Vary sentence openings

If the entirety of your sentences starts something very similar, your composing gets dull and dreary. By fluctuating sentence openings, you add rhythm and accentuation to your composition.

Here are two guides to explain:

Model #1

I love lasagna. I could eat it consistently. I could never become tired of it.

In this model, all the sentences are short and start with “I.” To reconsider, basically consolidate the thoughts.


I love lasagna so much that I could eat it daily and never become worn out on it.

In this correction, the sentence actually starts with “I.” But the thoughts have been joined to make a compound sentence that is significantly more captivating than the short, uneven sentences.

Model #2

It is imperative to pick the correct sauce to supplement your picked pasta. It is vital to track down the ideal equilibrium of flavor and texture.

In this model, the sentences are longer, yet the two start with the “it is” and utilize a similar sentence structure. To make a more intriguing composition with emphasis, join thoughts, and vary openings.