Romanian Traditional Costumes From Maramureș
Since day one, the local people of Maramureș or moroșeni, as they are called, won us over with their hospitality. Our first interaction with the locals happened in the village of Săpânța. Before finding my feet, we were welcomed by loom weaver Anuța Ieudean, who explains textile weaving demonstration specific to the village of Săpânța, Maramureș. What we experienced was beyond our expectations! She introduced us to the beautiful Romanian traditional costumes of Maramureș.
The oldest object in her collection is a bridal blouse from the first quarter of the twentieth century, with minuscule embroidery stitches around the neckline, shoulders and cuffs, made of a thick organic handwoven cloth. The blouse has a square collar specific to Maramureș, with decorative gathers at the neck and shoulders, puffy sleeves and cuff frills. The embroidery design is based on an old geometric pattern in specific colors – blue, yellow, orange.
VIDEO – Anuța Ieudean introduces us to the beautifully embroidered Romanian traditional costumes specific to Maramureș
Women seem to prefer ample skirts with floral pattern at the expense of the original striped aprons. These skirts are a late addition, probably second half of the twentieth century. They are fastened with braided strings.
Romanian Traditional Dances in The Village of Budești
For a couple of hours we coexisted with the native people at a music festival in the village of Budești. There we could observe locals dressed in national costumes. They dress up in their best traditional costumes and celebrate with dance and music, adding to the festive atmosphere. They gather to listen and watch traditional music bands singing and dancing. Women wear kierchiefs, white shirts with two aprons featuring horizontal stripes and peasant sandals. Men wear traditional blouses, vivid waistcoats, very wide trousers, boots and traditional hats.
Each ethnographic region has a local specific when it comes to Romanian textiles, costumes and dances. This show was not some tourist trap or generic display of music and dance. Dancers and musicians with amazing talent perform dances and songs from their birthplace. As a foreigner, I felt like I got a lesson in the culture of Maramureș.
Read Also The Village Museum of Maramureș – Where Houses Tell Their Own Stories
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