How old is Mohamed Salah? When is Mohamed Salah's birthday? Where is Mohamed Salah born? Where did Mohamed Salah grow up from? What's Mohamed Salah's age?
Mohamed Salah Born: June 15, 1992 (age 32years), Nagrig, Egypt
Is Mohamed Salah married? When did Mohamed Salah get married? Who's Mohamed Salah's married to? (Who's Mohamed Salah's husband / wife)?
Mohamed Salah Spouse: Magi Salah (m. 2013)
How about Mohamed Salah's parents?
Mohamed Salah Parents: Salah Ghaly
How about Mohamed Salah's sibling?
Mohamed Salah Sibling: Nasr Salah
How about Mohamed Salah's team?
Mohamed Salah Team: Liverpool F.C. (#11 / Forward), Egypt national football team (#10 / Forward)
How tall is Mohamed Salah in meters or centimeters?
Mohamed Salah Height: 5 9
Does Mo Salah have a twin brother?
\u201cThese are a lot of old British men who, in general, according to public opinion data in the U.K., really aren't supportive of Muslims.\u201d When Liverpool fans were reminded that Salah is an observant Muslim, they were significantly more likely to then say that Islam was compatible with British values.
What religion is Mohamed Salah?
\u201cThese are a lot of old British men who, in general, according to public opinion data in the U.K., really aren't supportive of Muslims.\u201d When Liverpool fans were reminded that Salah is an observant Muslim, they were significantly more likely to then say that Islam was compatible with British values.
How many trophies has Salah won?
The Egyptian has been an unstoppable scorer following his transfer from AS Roma and has collected medals in the Premier League, Champions League, FIFA Club World Cup, Emirates FA Cup, UEFA Super Cup, Carabao Cup and FA Community Shield.