How about Peng Zhao's employ?
Peng Zhao Employ: Citadel Securities
How old is Peng Zhao? When is Peng Zhao's birthday? Where is Peng Zhao born? Where did Peng Zhao grow up from? What's Peng Zhao's age?
Peng Zhao Born: 1983 (age 41years), Beijing, China
How about Peng Zhao's education?
Peng Zhao Education: Beijing No. 8 High School, University of California, Berkeley, Peking University
How about Peng Zhao's board_member_of?
Peng Zhao Board_member_of: The Asian American Foundation; National Committee on United StatesChina Relations
Did Citadel Securities CEO Peng Zhao left for college at age 14?
Zhao took the exam, passed and eventually entered an educational fast-track that turned him into a 14-year-old college student and carried him to the heart of the US financial system. Among the CEOs of Wall Street's key firms, Zhao has kept an unusually low profile.
What is the difference between Citadel and Citadel Securities?
Citadel Securities is a separate entity from the hedge fund Citadel LLC, although both were founded and are majority owned by American hedge fund manager Kenneth C. Griffin. Citadel Securities moved its headquarters from Chicago to Miami with plans to build a new headquarters on Brickell Bay Drive.
Who is the CEO of Citadel Securities?
Peng Zhao (Chinese: \u8d75\u9e4f; pinyin: Zho Png) is a Chinese-American businessman who is the CEO of Citadel Securities.
Why Citadel Securities?
Our work is powered by the deepest integration of financial, mathematical and engineering expertise. Combining deep trading acumen with cutting-edge analytics and technology, we deliver critical liquidity to the world's most important financial institutions\u2014while helping shape the global markets of tomorrow.