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show description and Entity ID instead of target page title in tooltip on links to entities
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Currently, when Wikibase renderes EntityIdValues as HTML, we use the target entity's label as the link's surface text, and the target page's title as the tooltip which is shown on hover (using the HTML title attribute).

Showing the target page title is not very helpful. Instead, we should show the entity ID and the disambiguation description. This would allow users to easily see that a link to Q821229 refers to Berlin, ND, not Berlin, German.

This could be resolved easily be making EntityIdHtmlLinkFormatter put the description (and ID) into the link's title attribute.

Event Timeline

Change 370327 had a related patch set uploaded (by Daniel Kinzler; owner: Daniel Kinzler):
[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] Show description of target entity when hovering over link.

Note: the "Descriptions" gadget should be removed once it is fixed.

Does this only affect the links on the repo? Or does it also change anything about how we handle things on the client?

Change 370327 abandoned by Daniel Kinzler:
Show description of target entity when hovering over link.