What is the problem?
In Q3 we will begin the process for translated CE Insights. The translated content that needs to be reviewed are survey questions, while the content that needs to be translated and reviewed are the messaging associated with the survey (e.g. survey invitations and reminders). This process would include professional translation, but also community review of these translations.
How can we help you?
I need help with:
- Recruiting & engaging with volunteer translators
- Help with designing & implementing a process for volunteer translators to review translations for survey questions and to translate survey messaging. Currently the languages include ar, es, de, en, fr, it, ja, nl, pt, ru, zh. We may also collaborate with Niklas Lakstrom to improve a tool used to transfer content from Mediawiki to Qualtrics and vice versa.
- Working on a glossary that could be sent to Qualtrics translators.
- Identify which Chinese language variant is most optimal based on who edits the projects.
In the past I have worked with Benoit, but I understand that he might be too busy during the time frame of the project. I have already discussed the current process with Benoit.
Additional details can be found at this google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZEB2d8BwBsqlHv557ECuPD2fazCouXHgB5jLzZZXQuY/edit
- What does success look like?
- A survey that is fully translated and vetted for quality to improve completion rates
- Survey messaging translated to help gain response rates for the survey.
What is your deadline?
This project would start around the end of January and run through the end of March.