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Entity Schema editor should be warning users about a blank edit summary
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


Mediawiki user can enable preference setting "Prompt me when entering a blank edit summary" (Editing/Editor section). Having this setting on, and leaving the summary field empty while doing e.g. edit in the wikitext editor results in the warning prompt.
Entity Schema editor should behave in similar manner when the setting is on.

Acceptance criteria

  • When the user has enabled "Prompt me when entering a blank edit summary" in their preferences and is saving the Entity Schema change (when there are changes) with the black edit summary, there should be a warning shown.


  • Ideally, we want to reuse the exact same behavior on other pages, if possible.

Event Timeline

alaa_wmde updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 534602 had a related patch set uploaded (by Noa wmde; owner: Noa wmde):
[mediawiki/extensions/EntitySchema@master] Add a reminder for blank user summary when saving an editted Schema text

The warning doesn't have much notice to it:

image.png (32×892 px, 6 KB)

Adding warningbox makes it more visible:
image.png (140×944 px, 14 KB)

Change 534602 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/EntitySchema@master] Add a reminder for blank user summary when saving an editted Schema text