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Limit Explore feed Core Data fetch to <= 30 days
Closed, ResolvedPublic



To improve app launch times, we should limit our fetch of Explore feed cards to only those within 30 days, even if the database has many more.

Estimated time: 1 day


Please regression test the Explore feed. Fix is in TestFlight version 7.2.2. These steps should also directly touch on the new logic we put in:

  1. Change device time to one week ago.
  2. Load Explore Feed. Page back as far as it will let you (should be about 30 days).
  3. Move the device date up 1 day, relaunch the app and ensure a new day is loaded.
  4. Repeat step 3 until you load the current day.
  5. Relaunch. Scroll down in Explore feed. Confirm you only see 30 days of Explore feed cards, instead of 37 days.

Event Timeline

Fix is in TestFlight 7.2.2 (2178)

Mazevedo removed ABorbaWMF as the assignee of this task.
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