Add a small version of Twemoji12 1f98a.svg (below)
as an icon to phabricator, so that a fox badge can later be created.
TheresNoTime | |
May 4 2024, 5:06 PM |
F50182244: image.png | |
May 4 2024, 5:06 PM |
Add a small version of Twemoji12 1f98a.svg (below)
as an icon to phabricator, so that a fox badge can later be created.
Oh, tagged with Wikimedia-Hackathon-2024 as I have a High Quality(tm) fox sticker for anyone who can help >:3c
gosh, someone could even do T337986: Enhance tokens by adding rainbow-related ones at the same time.... :3c
taavi opened
Add some more tokens
Arguably we should be doing this upstream, but given that we already have a set of customizations to the tokens I don't see a problem with doing these here. Approved, can deploy soon(ish).
brennen merged
Add some more tokens
In my understanding, Badge icons are based on the icon set which is basically Font Awesome , they are unrelated to tokens
Has anyone tried upstreaming this yet? so its one less downstream mod that needs to be maintained.