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Account recovery help needed for User:Arybot
Closed, ResolvedPublic


User:Ary reported that they forgot the password for their bot account, User:Arybot, and were unable to recover it, as there was probably no email address associated with the account. The bot approval request was created by the user, and the bot account called itself an alias.

The user now wishes to continue their bot operation, and the Hungarian Wikipedia bureaucrats would prefer to restore Arybot (with already bot right) rather than use a new account (Ary2bot).

Please let us know if it would be possible to recover the account on this basis. If needed, the user can provide a new e-mail address via VRT.

Event Timeline

Hi @Bencemac. Could you please send an email (to ca at wikimedia dot org) from your registered email address of your wiki account, in order to confirm? Please also include the URL of this ticket in your email. Thanks!

Thank you Aklapper! Sent it a few minutes ago.

Nahid claimed this task.
Nahid subscribed.

Restored. T&S ZD#82024.