MediaWiki:Loginlanguagelinks should be processed as rendered Special:Login for blind people and those who have difficulties to distinguish items by slim pipe separator.
- The language items can be navigated by ⇥.
- Separators are more obvious with bad eyes. A bolder symbol than pipe shall be used.
- Languge names shall get nowrap (Bahasa Indonesia).
Known implementations as Templates are:
- en:Template:Flatlist
- de:Template:Auflistung with larger symbols.
* English|en * Français|fr
shall be rendered as
<ul class="mw-..."> <li><a title="Special:Login" class="mw-authentication-popup-link" lang="en" href="/w/index.php?title=Special:Login&uselang=en" hreflang="en">English</a> </li> <li><a title="Special:Login" class="mw-authentication-popup-link" lang="fr" href="/w/index.php?title=Special:Login&uselang=fr" hreflang="fr">Français</a></li> </ul>
See also: T254535: ULS should override $wgLoginLanguageSelector