DEPRECATED (but please do not archive!)
This is used to be the main home of the Wikidata development team, please now have a look at Wikidata Dev Team.
If you want an inbox for wikidata/wikibase related tech tasks, please use one or more of the following tags for each issue:
Wikidata - wmde-wikidata-tech
Wikibase Product Platform - Wikibase Product Platform Team WPP
Wikibase Suite - Wikibase Suite Team
Wikibase.Cloud - Wikibase Cloud
Definition of columns
This column contains new tasks that are created by demand.
Needs Product Work
This column contains tasks for which new insights suggest that there are too many missing parts or decisions that need input from Product.
Prioritized Product
This column contains tasks that are not blocked in their progress, except for them being picked up into the iteration, and have been prioritized from the product side.
Prioritized Tech
This column contains tasks that are not blocked in their progress, except for them being picked up into the iteration, and have been prioritized from the tech side.
Blocked / Waiting / External
This column contains tasks that are waiting on an external process or event.