When a user pushes the "publish" button to save their edit, the transmission of the data might not be immediate and thus the bridge would remain open until the data would be sent.
In order to avoid confusion for the user, who would expect an immediate closing of the modal and a visible change of information in the infobox, we should have a loading indicator so they know that their request is being processed until the modal is either closed on success or an error message appears.
[[ https://www.figma.com/file/KIkcQ7NjOl8OkQtGWe5duIbW/Client-editing-UI?node-id=1453%3A83 | specs can be found here ]]
**Acceptance criteria**
[] the loading indicator always has a minimum screentime of 0.5 seconds
[] The bar appears after 1 second
[] look and feel of OOUI Progress bar (indeterminate)
[] after clicking once the "publish" button I can't click anything until a response (positive or negative) arrives
- this includes the “close” button, and pressing Esc doesn’t do anything either
* might add a fade in and out later