==== Background
Currently, a temporary user is created if the first action performed by an anonymous user is `edit` (more specifically, if the action is performed via EditPage).
However, any other action performed first could cause an anonymous user to be created, stored in the `actor` table using the IP address as their name. If the action is a logged action, their IP address will still appear in the UI.
An example from core is uploading; an example from an extension is posting to a Flow board.
==== What should we do
We should specify the other actions in the configuration `AutoCreateTempUser['actions']`.
However, we also need to implement creating a temp user where these actions are performed. There is a `TempUserCreator` service which is called from `EditPage`, but `EditPage` also does a lot of other work, such as creating unsaved and placeholder temp users for permissions checks etc, for workflow prior to save (e.g. preview).
* What other actions should we create a temp user from? (Loggable actions should be flagged by searching for `ManualLogEntry`.)
* Do the other actions need to do much more than calling `TempUserCreator::create`? Anything that we should factor out to somewhere common?
* Do we need to re-implement temp user creation for each action, or is there somewhere common we should do this from?
* Can we provide an API for creating temporary users, for JS-only features that need to create a new user?