Monday, January 08, 2024

Well Hello! It's 2024

 A Happy New Year to you all! Been a while since I blogged so thought a little update was in order. I'm still a planemaker, spending my days in the workshop making plane after plane. I started this on a professional basis back in 2007 and somehow I'm still bashing away. My thanks to you all for keeping me busy, you have my gratitude!

So let's share some planes from 2023 that were slightly out of the ordinary. Starting with a Panel Raising Plane. But hold's left handed! Can't beat a plane with a skewed mortise, offset to one side with a profiled sole to make the brain ache. Then make it lefthanded - yes, I really had to triple check every single move while making this one but it was worth it and the customer was very pleased.

The second picture shows it next to a vintage right hander for comparison.

More planes coming shortly,



Thursday, January 14, 2021

New Year Update


So 2020. What a year! Out of the blue life got turned upside down for the whole world. I don't think anyone was expecting that! Hopefully if you're reading this you have managed to stay safe and have held on to your sanity?

Normally at this time of the year I'd be trying to get myself motivated in the workshop by trying new projects or having a bit of a cleanup and to be honest that's exactly what I have been doing. I've had a major rehaul in the workshop, moving benches around and getting rid of unnecessary items that I've held onto (read "hoarded") for years. The 'shop feels much bigger and I'm inspired to get working. I have a few new projects in the pipeline and these will be unveiled as the year progresses. 

You may have noticed I've been pretty quiet on social media. Normally I quite enjoy social media as I'm a single craftsman who works on his own, so a lot of the time I don't get much in the way of company and I enjoy seeing what everyone else is doing (as well as sharing my work also). But I have to say as the last year ground on I found social media to be a pretty corrosive place and have kept a distance for my sanity. I must say I do miss Instagram, the simplest format really appealed to me but as it's become Facebook MKII it does seem to be kind of pointless now. But hey, rant over. I've got a lot of photo's of planes and work from the last six months so I'll get uploading stuff.

But onwards and upwards. What does 2021 hold from Philly planes? I've got a couple of new models in progress at the moment which I'll be sharing shortly. And I will be teaching two classes on making wooden planes at the Marc Adams School of Woodworking in July. Here's a link to these classes...

Hopefully there's light at the end of a tunnel with the vaccines and come summer we should see life returning to normal. Fingers crossed!


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Bench Talk 101

Hi Folks
I've been asked by the Folks at Bench Talk 101 to do a small presentation on making planes - this will be live on Zoom on Thursday 30th July. Be great if you could join us?
The video will be available later on Youtube for your enjoyment :)

Thursday, October 03, 2019

New Product -“David Charlesworth” Marking Knife

Hi Folks

Nearly a decade ago, I was approached by David Charlesworth, who asked me to collaborate with him to make a Marking Knife. David had strong ideas  regarding the geometry of the cutting edge, and he wanted the knife to be thin enough to fit into the narrowest of dovetails. There is no separate handle to allow the Knife to be honed in a sharpening jig.

I have been making this Marking Knife to David's specification for many years, and am now delighted to offer these for sale to all discerning woodworkers. Available on the website or you can email me at [email protected].

Thursday, January 18, 2018

DVD Surprise

Hi Folks
I was pleasantly surprised while watching David Charlesworth's latest DVD on making knuckle and rule joints to find him making use of a pair of Philly Planes Hollow and Rounds! Yes, he used them to cut one of the joints and it was great to see the planes being used by his expert hands.

As with all of David's instructional videos, he goes into great depth to show you how you can achieve excellent results - highly recommended viewing, not just for my planes :)

Available from David Charlesworth directly, as well as Classic Hand Tools and Lie Nielsen.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

10 Year Anniversary!

Yes, you read that right - Philly Planes is ten years old this month!! Ten years ago I completed my first pair of planes as a professional maker, starting myself on an exciting and, at times, "interesting" journey. And it has certainly been a lot of fun!

So I would like to thank all my customers and friends who have supported me and encouraged me over the years - thank you, for I could never have done this without you!

To celebrate this anniversary all planes made over the next year will feature a secret mark stamped on the stock :)

So my thanks again - if you need me I will be in the workshop. Amen!


Monday, November 07, 2016


Hi Folks

A few updates from the workshop...... I've been busy building planes, lots of lovely planes heading out to new owners around the world. Here are a few pics of what I've been up to....

Money....with the British Pound currently weak this is good news for buyers in the USA and around the world. My planes are now even more affordable and if you've been thinking of ordering a plane then now is a great time as it means you are getting almost a 20% discount at the moment. Take advantage while you can :)

I gave a talk at the TATHS (Tools And Trades History Society)  winter meet this Sunday on making traditional wooden planes - its was well received and it was great to meet up with like minded souls! Please check out their website for more details at - their museum at Amberley is well worth a visit!

Back to the bench.....

