Chinese old proverb: An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break.
that`s how the Universe started, a Ladybug was carrying the Life Thread from the Will of Gods to the Beingness of our very Souls, then Light sparkled, God blew the Breath of Life into it and Life began, and ever since we are all connected through that string, it`s called the Flower of Life...
I often see the Ladybugs in my dreams, they are teh Guardians of the Thread...
This thread brings us together, and also keeps us apart, but never disconnected from each other.
This thread flows between You and All people that you ever met, you wish you have met, you accidentally met, you slightly crossed their path, you prayed for, you thought of, you dreamed of, you loved, you hated, you just noticed... all people that were, are, and will ever be in any way of contact with you: physical, mental, emotional, ... natural!
Odd circumstances of life that make the thread shrink are not only here to bring us together, but to influence each other`s lives, to create and change each other`s thoughts, to help us go through situations, to step back or be pushed forward, and all that web is created with our words, and tears, and gestures, and feelings, and wishes, and pains, and thoughts, and joys, and despairs, and judgements...towards each other...
Other odd circumstances keep our threads long and loose and keep us far away from each other, but in thought, in our very nature, the connection is there, always with no doubt or any knots or mistakes...your every thought has the power to travel through the thread no matter the distance in time or space and ... connect...
Our WorldWideWeb is the very Internet of our species; is the space where we are completely free and empowered to cross through and make the changes that we need to, ALL in order to keep the SYNCHRONICITY of our web, the will of our Gods, the Flower of our Life...
No matter what you choose to do, at the end will be the right thing, because even if you go wrong, someone else will have the thread stretched and adjusted so the flower keeps it`s perfect synchronicity, keeps living in perfect harmony in the Natural circle of life!
Be brave and dare to live and take responsibility for your every action, as we are all connected into the Perfection of our Very Nature, through our Invisible Thread that starts in the Will of Gods right into the Soul of our World and from there spreads through our Invisible Connecting Threads keeping us All together into the Flower of Life!
How many times you even thought that the person you just saw for the first tine in your life, regardless the circumstances that brought you together, might have the same Flower of Life tattooed on their body... and you were ONLY meant to shake hands, nothing more! :) I would have never thought... but it happened to me....
Be Brave and Live!
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