Don't go to war to preserve your current life situation. It is not your war. You only go to war when you know you're going to win, just like in any game that involves risk. neutrinum
So many great tracks on this album!
The proceeds go to a great cause.
Awesome to see the DNB community comming together to help others.
Current favorites:
Askel & Elere "Out Of Time"
Beeson "Could Be" djlarch
I sat on buying this one for a while. Striker is the track for me. I can't get enough of that that lead melody and how it progresses through the track. It comes in intense at the first drop and bobs and weaves. Then it echoes around and morphs throughout some of the secondary elements. This track will be a huge staple on road trips for me. Lovely work! Cakes
Techno and house with a slightly icy edge, the newest from Trance Wax is designed for getting lost on the dancefloor. Bandcamp New & Notable Oct 21, 2023
Created in Goa, India, without the benefit of a studio, “Serpentine” is an adrenaline shot to the heart—relentlessly joyous dance music. Bandcamp New & Notable Dec 12, 2022