ABC News Anchors

Photos with links back to the bios and author pages of ABC News correspondents.
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Author Profile
Ron Claiborne is the news anchor for ABC News' weekend edition of "Good Morning America." Claiborne joined ABC News in 1986. In addition to his news anchor duties, he is a general assignment correspondent based in New York, reporting for "World News with Diane Sawyer" and "Good Morning America."
Author Profile
Dan Harris was named co-anchor of ABC News' weekend edition of "Good Morning America" in October 2010. He is also anchor of "World News Sunday," a position he has held since 2006.
Bill Weir was named co-anchor of "Nightline" in July 2010 after serving as co-anchor of the weekend edition of "Good Morning America" from its launch in 2004. His reporting is also featured on "World News with Diane Sawyer," "Good Morning America" and "20/20."
Author Profile
For the past 17 years, Cynthia McFadden has travelled the world reporting for ABC News. Her distinguished work has won many of broadcasting's most coveted awards including the Emmy, the Peabody, the Dupont and the Foreign Press Award. For the past six years she has been the co-anchor of the celebrated news broadcast, Nightline.
Author Profile
John Quiñones is the Emmy Award-winning co-anchor of ABC newsmagazine "Primetime" and has been with the network nearly 25 years. He is the sole anchor of the "Primetime" series "What Would You Do?," one of the highest-rated newsmagazine franchises of recent years. During his tenure he has reported extensively for ABC News, predominantly serving as a correspondent for "Primetime" and "20/20."
Author Profile
Bob Woodruff is an ABC News correspondent reporting for all platforms at ABC. International, veterans, adventures and the best stories on the planet. For Bob's articles, click through!
Ginger Zee's Biography
Ginger Zee is the weather anchor for ABC News' weekend edition of "Good Morning America," reporting on the latest national weather forecasts from the morning program's studios in the heart of midtown Manhattan.
Author Profile
Terry Moran was named co-anchor of ABC News "Nightline" in October 2005 and is based in Washington, D.C. At "Nightline," Moran has led the program's distinguished coverage of several of the major news stories in the last several years. Click through for articles, bio and more.
Author Profile
Lara Spencer was named lifestyle anchor for ABC's "Good Morning America" in March, 2011. This is Spencer's second return to "GMA." She was previously the show's National Correspondent for 5 years, from 1999 to 2004.
Author Profile
Elizabeth Vargas is co-anchor of ABC News' "20/20." As an award-winning anchor and correspondent, Vargas has traveled the world covering breaking news stories, reporting in-depth investigations and conducting newsmaker interviews. Click through for articles, bio and more!
Josh Elliott was named news reader for ABC's "Good Morning America" in March 2011. He had been the host of ESPN's SportsCenter each weekday morning since August 2008.
Author Profile
Bianna Golodryga is the co-anchor of "Good Morning America's" weekend edition, as well as ABC News' business correspondent. She contributes to all ABC News' broadcasts and platforms in her role as business correspondent, including "Good Morning America," "World News with Diane Sawyer," and "Nightline."