Preparing for whichever Apocalypse...or WTSHTF

Self explanatory...survival type stuff, when living off the grid, whether by choice or by need. I'm not above humor in here, either.
388 Pins
30 Prepper Items to Look For at the Goodwill Store
Shopping at thrift stores like Goodwill is a great way to save money on prepper items. It's extremely satisfying to score a good deal.
50 Cheap Supplies You Should Stockpile While You Still Can
In today's uncertain times, it's more important than ever to be prepared for anything. That's why we've created this essential list of 50 cheap supplies you should stockpile while you can. From long-lasting food items to important hygiene products, our comprehensive guide will help ensure you have everything you need to face any challenges life may throw your way. Read on to discover the best bargains that could make all the difference in an emergency situation.
Supplies for winter storm survival that could save your life
"What’s missing from your winter prep? Build the ultimate winter emergency survival kit with these essentials. Don’t let the cold catch you off guard this year. Supplies For Winter Storm, Shtf Preparedness List, Moving To Cold Weather Tips, Winter Stockpile List, Emergency Prep List, Prepping For Winter, Food To Stock Up On For Winter, Cold Weather Car Kit, Storm Prep List, Survival Kit List Emergency Preparedness"
8 Kickass Booby Traps That Will Protect Your Home
Many people feel uncomfortable letting down their guard for just one minute. Especially when it comes to protecting their homes, which are supposed to provide a sense of safety and security. If you are one of those people, try out these new traps!
30 Homemade Weapons for Post-Collapse Survival
In a last resort survival situation, knowing how to create and utilize homemade weapons can be crucial. Here are 30 homemade weapons.
Shelf-Stable One Month Food for One Person for Less than $150