Our Story

I started Pretty in Pink Supply in June of 2012 but let me back up just a little bit. I actually went to college to be an elementary school teacher and graduated with a teaching degree in 2008. I worked in a few different middle schools running after school programs for two years. I then transitioned to teaching a 3rd/4th grade mixed class in a local Christian school in Southern California. I really loved it. During that first year teaching in a class setting, I got pregnant with my oldest (Kate) and decided to stay home after she was born.
Fast forward to 2012 and I had just had my second baby (Emma). If life wasn't busy enough with two little ones, I talked with husband (Matt) about starting a boutique craft supply shop as I love all thing crafty. We started off small (like really really small) with just one product, satin mesh flowers. They are still my fave and we still sell them to this day, along with thousands of other great products on our site. Things were off to a slow start the first few months and a few people thought it was strange for us to start selling these little random flowers for headbands. Before we knew it however we were selling elastics, bows, shabby flowers, buttons and many other craft supplies.
Insert rabbit trail right here:
Right before I got pregnant with my first child we had purchased our first home. We had searched for a long time. It was right in the middle of the housing crash when house prices were super low but getting a house was also very competitive. We were finally able to get a house in 2010 after what seemed to be dozens of offers. It was a huge two story track home with 5 bedrooms. Way too big for us especially since we had no kids yet. But God knew what we needed and had a plan all along for all those extra bedrooms.
Back to us adding elastics and flowers:
Each room slowly filled up with shabby flowers and elastics (these were the on trend thing back then). Soon I was able to have my brother come work with us. He was my first employee (even if he was paid with just pizza and drinks some days). So funny but it worked. Then my mom came to work with us and then soon after Kellie. Kellie was our 1st manager of the shop and we were so blessed to have her here. We slowly brought more people on to help us, and before we knew it we had people coming into our house everyday to help upstairs in all our craft filled bedrooms. The Lord totally knew that we would fill up those rooms even though we had no idea. (see picture of our 1st home below)

After being in that house for four years we were running out of room. Floor to ceiling craft supplies filled all the bedrooms! By happen chance (I know it was God again) my husband found a house that just got listed that would be perfect for our growing family and business. We now had our third little girl (Bella). It had a huge finished attached RV garage and two bedroom apartment that measured right around 3,000 sq feet attached to the main home. It was so great for us and our business. We now had a home again (which was semi-separate from the shop) but still had the business right there which made it easy to work and still raise our now three little kids. It's so crazy to think back when we moved into that space how huge it seemed (and it was). We only had a few tables and bins of products and had so much room left over. This home was something that the Lord worked out for us and it was perfect our needs at that time. (see pictures our 2nd home below)

In October 2019 we finally made the transition from home to a warehouse as we once again ran out of room. It was definitely a change. We have more room to grow but I can't just run out anymore and check on things. It's been a good transition and we are so thankful where the Lord has brought the shop today. We have such great ladies that work with us and each of them have been such a blessing, both our former and current employees.

One of my main desires for this shop is to help other small businesses grow and thrive like we have over the years. By bringing you specialty craft supplies, by sharing your creations and even supporting your small business when I can through a purchase; I want more than anything for God to bless you and your family. I am always learning and always wanting to have growth in both my personal life and also in this business. We have learned so much from you all and we are always striving to do better and bring you the best. I'm thankful for the feedback you all give and I truly do take that into consideration and try to make changes accordingly where it is needed. There's so much more I could tell you but for now that's how we started and where we are today. Not a fancy story but it's our story and we are so happy to share it with you. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and please don't hesitate to reach out if you need help with anything.
Pip Supply