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Pixel Art Details


Title: Mothership
Pixel Artist: Opacus  (Level 7 Ichikyu :: 12059 points)
Posted: 2/20/2009 10:00
Palette: 15 colors
Statistics:  11 comments    17 faves    0 avatars

This took quite a few hours.
Done for Fatal Parsec by EgoAnt productions.


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marat (Level 4 Team Leader) @ 7/17/2012 05:22

 very cool

PoisonousJoy (Level 4 Mercenary) @ 1/18/2011 21:29

This is pretty damn neat!

adscomics (Level 4 Murderer) @ 8/5/2010 07:52

that is made of WIN

Oasis (Level 1 Depressed) @ 7/9/2010 09:38

I would have to agree with everyone else. The circles are to dark and too plain to match with the rest of the ship. They look like Micky Mouse ears sticking out there. Also, the light blue line going around the ship looks kind of strange, as there is absolutely no detail in it or shading. I love everything else though. Stellar work!

serialkid (Level 1 Rookie) @ 2/21/2009 05:01


I can imagine this in my GBA, surrounded by little bullets, hehe

alkaline (Level 6 Yonkyu) @ 2/20/2009 15:53
Looks great! but sorry, i don't like the circles as they are either. Also you could maybe change the shading or color of the middle sphere to add a more interesting focal point. real slick pixeling though.

Ky3bMu4 (Level 8 Guerrilla) @ 2/20/2009 12:54
Monstrous =/

Antiboton (Level 8 Odds and Ends) @ 2/20/2009 11:09
I like the concept of this art maybe because it reminds me classic shooter games like Star Force.

Adarias (Level 11 Bonsai) @ 2/20/2009 10:41
I don't agree.  The flatness of them is important to break up the form and relieve the eye from the sharpness overload you've got going.  In fact, i wish more of the ship was flat shaded or otherwise broken into larger, less detailed parts.

Blueberry_pie (Level 7 General Manager) @ 2/20/2009 10:36
I agree. The different shape and lack of detail kind of makes them stand out in a bad way. But other than that it's wonderful :) Props for not making the whole thing symmetrical.

Squirrelsquid (Level 4 Rubbish) @ 2/20/2009 10:11
looking good dude :) only thing I dislike are the round shapes at the sides - I think they break the nice and edgy feeling

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