Vegeta Z2 idle animation

Vegeta Z2 idle animation

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Pixel Art Details

Title: Vegeta Z2 idle animation
Pixel Artist: Balthazar  (Level 1 Rookie :: 66 points)
Posted: 3/22/2012 03:34
Palette: 34 colors
Statistics:  10 comments    7 faves    0 avatars

for the Mugen character Vegeta Z2


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rickyrico (Level 1 Rookie) @ 4/2/2012 19:13


Balthazar (Level 1 Rookie) @ 4/1/2012 05:28

Ah yeah I guess I could post a few of those too ;)

xaekin (Level 1 Seaman) @ 3/30/2012 17:48

Yup. Still looks as cool as when you posted it on MFG.

Were you planning on putting your goku sprites up here, too?

Balthazar (Level 1 Rookie) @ 3/26/2012 14:33

Alright thank you :)

Hapiel (Level 11 Bonsai) @ 3/26/2012 04:36

Thanks, this way it makes way more easy or the mods to decide that this is gallery worthy :)

Balthazar (Level 1 Rookie) @ 3/25/2012 15:49

The base was the stance sprite from the DBZ Arcade game.

The animation itself is custom though.


zozol32 (Level 1 Depressed) @ 3/25/2012 07:37


Hapiel (Level 11 Bonsai) @ 3/24/2012 15:50

Nice sprite, and some great work on the hands!

Could you maybe post a link to the base you used for this, for reference?

Balthazar (Level 1 Rookie) @ 3/22/2012 16:04

Hi and thanks :)!

For Goku and Vegeta I've mostly (like 95%) used bases from other games,
although in just a few occasions I used bases that were drawn for me by somebody.

But yes overall I browse for fitting bases, then draw over them, altering their proportions for Vegeta/Goku as I go along, then finishing the sprite. Some animations consist of multiple bases, so I don't use just 1 or 2 characters as bases, I must have used hundreds, sometimes just 1 sprite from a char to fill in a specific spot in an animation, and ofcourse a lot of frames are custom edits from frames that I finished, to add fluidity.

Thanks for the comment :)!

Christoballs (Level 7 Neanderthal) @ 3/22/2012 15:35

I've been looking at your work (deviantART, youtube, MUGEN forums) and I have to say I really like what you've done with Goku Z2 and now Vegeta. 
Do you do these completely from scratch? I noticed in your WIP animations that frames from various games would fill in the animation: are they placeholders or do you draw over them?

Either way, good job.

Related & Tags

vegeta dragon ball z mugen character idle animation angry, Vegeta Z2 idle animation avatars, Vegeta Z2 idle animation icons, Vegeta Z2 idle animation pixel art, Vegeta Z2 idle animation forum avatars, Vegeta Z2 idle animation AOL Buddy Icons

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