Dirt and Grass Tiles

Dirt and Grass Tiles

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Dirt and Grass Tiles

Title: Dirt and Grass Tiles
Pixel Artist: Roeven  (Level 1 Rookie :: 10 points)
Posted: 5/22/2013 03:01
Palette: 11 colors
Statistics:  3 comments    1 faves    0 avatars

Attempt at side-view of dirt and grass, with longer grass on top.
Uploaded at double resolution because that's the intended resolution (2x).

Critique welcome. 


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RyanTomas97 (Level 1 Rookie) @ 7/20/2015 04:41

It looks great! I was wondering if I could slightly edit it and use it in a game. Would you be okay with that?

Roeven (Level 1 Rookie) @ 5/26/2013 06:41

 Thanks for the reply!

I appreciate the feedback, will definitely  try it out.
I'm working on a larger scene right now, with more items and tiles etc.

Cammymoop (Level 6 Blue Crab) @ 5/25/2013 20:49

Pretty nice, one thing to change is the line between the top and the taller grass, it would look better if it was solid light green instead of dark, or even better if it had both greens in it.
Another thing is the dirt looks very flat, if it had larger/darker shadows spread throughout it would look more like dirt I believe. Also the transition from grass to dirt looks a bit flat.

I like the colors, and the shapes are also pretty good, you should make some more tiles for it so you have a bit more to show.

Related & Tags

grass, dirt, tiles, Dirt and Grass Tiles avatars, Dirt and Grass Tiles icons, Dirt and Grass Tiles pixel art, Dirt and Grass Tiles forum avatars, Dirt and Grass Tiles AOL Buddy Icons

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