A castle gate

A castle gate

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A castle gate

Title: A castle gate
Pixel Artist: Shikate  (Level 3 Hatchet Man :: 1008 points)
Posted: 3/3/2015 08:07
Statistics:  2 comments    0 faves    0 avatars

Hi! Here's one of my castle gates made in Tibia style. I hope that you will enjoy it! :) 


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Finlal (Level 11 Special Agent) @ 3/3/2015 23:21

First time saw this style. I've already got used to isometry so it blew my mind.
Also, on preview it looks like windows bug.

MasterSky (Level 6 Yonkyu) @ 3/3/2015 18:31

i personallly hate the Tibia style, looks way too skewed for me. but i love your pixelling!

Related & Tags

tibia, shikate, oblique, top, down, perspective, castle, gate, A castle gate avatars, A castle gate icons, A castle gate pixel art, A castle gate forum avatars, A castle gate AOL Buddy Icons

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